Chapter 20

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This chapter contains violence and mention of blood. Don't not read this if your uncomfortable with the following topics.

I don't support any act of violence here.

Zack looses his grip on Jungkook's hair,the moment he held go of Jungkook's hair his head drops low.

Zack then looked at you with a sinister smile plastered on his face. The smile,it was a creepy,dark smile,which made your heart drop low and beat faster that it was doing already.

He took small steps towards you. You couldn't look at him,so you looked at Jungkook who was now already looking at you.
His eyes held something which you have never seen. He was worried. He was looking at you with worried eyes.

You felt bad. He didn't care about himself but you.

For a fact you knew That Jungkook never showed his emotions,and that made you feel scared of this person called Zack,he could do many more things to you and Jungkook.You didn't even notice that your eyes were holding back tears. It felt like your throat was hanging something heavy inside. You ever in verge of crying.

"Are you scared?" You didn't answer him.

"LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING,I'M SURE YOU CAN TALK" he raised his voice which made you flinch. Tears were now pouring out of your eyes.

"Leave her alone you bastard" Jungkook yelled back while trying to escape from his chains. He tugged on to his chains but soon the guard punched him on his face.

Zack bend down to your level,he gripped your chin and made you look in to his eyes. The hold was so tight that it made your lips to pout forcefully.

"Don't worry I'll make it less painful for you" he smirked.

And he came near to your ear and whispered "but I can't promise you that" he said.

"You should rot in hell" I managed to yell at him.

But before you knew it he had slapped you with his gun,You felt your cheeks burning,you wanted to touch your face but couldn't due to the cuffs.

"Y/n!" Jungkook's voice was heard across the room.

"I said fucking leave her out of this,Taehyung would kill you if he finds you out.Fucking coward"

"Shut him up" Zack ordered

With that order,Jungkook was punched by the men. They started kicking him out.It was a a horrible to see them punching him out like that.

"Stop it please your gonna kill him" you shouted at Zack.

"Isn't that what I want?" He said while looking at Jungkook who was badly beaten up by his Men.

"Please stop it" you begged.

"Just be patient your chance will come soon" he said.

"Stop,give him a break,I want him to suffer... slowly" Zack said and his men stopped beating up Jungkook.

Jungkook's mouth was drooling with blood. His condition was even worse than before,blood was all over him.

"It's your turn now" Zack said with a creepy smile on his face.

You felt like you were almost gonna die out of fear.

"Let see how Taehyung's lovely wife would handle this" he cracked his knuckles and came in front of you.

You didn't want to say anything. It felt as if your mouth was sealed. No words left out of your mouth.

Jungkook raised his voice and spit blood out of his mouth.

"Didn't you had enough? Look at you,the infamous Jeon Jungkook all beaten up,and chained, I wish I could capture this and put this on newspaper" he laughed wickedly.

Jungkook scoffed.

"Your nothing but a coward" Jungkook said.

Zack punched him on the stomach hard enough to earn a groan from Jungkook.

"Fucking idiot,you want your death to happen soon?" Zack asked.

He walked towards you and your body trembled.

Each step he was taking made your more and more scared.

What was he gonna do to you?

"Are you ready princess?" Zack asked you in a sarcastic voice.

Omg I'm so sorry about this chapter. Aish our Jungkook.

Please don't be angry for writing violence in my story. If you don't like it you can skip these few chapters. And I'm really sorry short chapter. Be sure to point out the mistakes :)

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