Chapter 18

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If it was you all alone in this wood you would have been fainted already,but knowing there's Taehyung,Jungkook and also Suga,calmed your blood supply to the heart.

You guys walked through the narrow road.Suga told there was small motel in the middle of the wood.

The road was pitch black. Taehyung and Jungkook was beside me all the time. Taehyung's hands were on my waist which made me feel a little bit ok. Even thought you were scared of him at most of the times it was really an unknown feeling you had with him at this time now. You felt secured.

"There you go" suga pointed at a old motel.

You guys walked towards the motel.

The motel was really creepy and old.

"Give us a room for three" Suga said tiredly to the old lady who was in the counter.

"We don't have a room for three,we only got one" the old lady said while throwing a key in the counter.

A sigh was heard from Taehyung. Who was just beside me while his hands were tightly wrapped along his chest. He was clearly annoyed with this condition of now.

"Do you have a phone that we can take call?" Taehyung asked from the old lady.

"We do have,but it's  worth to try,there's no signal at this point,the weather is too bad"

"Do you have a vehicle which we could burrow for couple for a hours?" Another question was asked by Taehyung.

"Yes" with that the old lady threw another key.

"Good" Taehyung took the keys and walk towards the entrance.

"Suga you drive back to our mansion,and You old women" Taehyung turn towards old lady. "I'll pay for this don't worry" with that he started walk out,me and Jungkook followed him.

But the old lady's voiced stop from us going exiting.

"Sorry Mr,but only two could go in that rusted vehical of mine" she said which made our hopes break into tiny little pieces.

Taehyung had already lost it all.

"Maybe two out of us wait in the motel while a  the other two go back to mansion and bring the cars so we can go back to our work" Jungkook said.

"Yes that's the only way now" Suga agreed with Jungkook.

"Alright then,me and Suga will go back to the mansion,and Jungkook,you stay with Y/n" Taehyung said.

All this time I was watching them getting annoyed and more annoyed guess this is my turn. To be honest you hated Jungkook so much. You still remembered how he slapped you across your face at the first time. And after wards too,he was never a better.

But you didn't have any choice.

"Jungkook,you know how to handle her right? If she does something stupid do whatever you want, I am keeping my count on you" Taehyung said.

Jungkook didn't say anything.

You saw Taehyung leaving the motel.

"You gonna wait here until the he comes or what? I tired already let's go to the room" he said.

You both walked towards the room. The rain hadn't stopped still.

"Take the bed,I'll just go sleep on the couch"he said and walked towards the couch. You went to the bed.

"Um Jungkook,what is the time?" You asked him awkwardly.

"4:56" he said.

Oh another few more hours to sun to shine fully.

With that you slept.

Aloud bang made you awake.

"Jeon Jungkook we know your there,come out," a man shouted from the other side of the door.

You looked at the couch where Jungkook was sleeping. He had already woken up and was also confusely looking up at the door.

It didn't take a long time to hear another lound band from the other side of the door.

You quickly walked towards Jungkook. You were so scared. These people were no friends in search for Jungkook which was obvious.

Jungkook took out his gun from his blue denim.

His white shirt was messy due to sleeping on the couch.

"J-jungkook who are they?" You asked him.

"I don't know how they found us" was all he said.

He kept his gaze at door. While aiming his gun ready to shoot whatever the thing that will that barged in to the room.

"Y/n stay behind me all the time" he said but he never answered your question.

The door finally gave up and dropped on the floor making a Lound noise.

Men with fully black outfits barged in to the room.

It's didn't take long time to remember these people.

It was the people that attack you and Taehyung when you went to shopping mall with Jimin. Their face was covered with black helmets. Even though you didn't see their face you had already it was them who attacked Taehyung that day. Their out fits made you clear it was surely them.

A tall man came in to the room. Jungkook gripped his gun more tighter than before. His gaze darkened and never felt the guy who just came infront of us.

"Jeon Jungkook, it's been awhile since I saw you" he smirked. He had tattoos running up his fair skin. Black hair was decorated with a bandana. Silver chaines decorated his neck and his wrist. Silver earrings was plastered on his ear.

"You don't what me to remind you how bad you were beaten up by me that day,now do you Zack?." Jungkook spitted his words with anger. Veins were popping out his neck and hand,how tight he was holding his gun.

A chuckle was heard from opposing side. Which was the tall guy who's name was know know bu you.Zack.

"You can't win everytime,there's always a day for me too,look at you,it's you and my whole men,oh by the way,who is this girl?" He said while walking towards you both.

You held on to Jungkook's shirt from behind. This tall guy scared you to death.

"Oh don't tell me it's Taehyung's wife" he said while looking at you. Zack's cold eyes examined you carefully. You were uncomfortable with his were never a fan of attention.

"Wow it is really her,even though I was not invited for your wedding,my men had brought me your information." Zack said while looking at his nails and then again looked at you.

"I always wondered who was Taehyung's wife would be like,I only saw you in pictures,so now that I've finally met you I feel really excited"he said.

Why would he feel excited? You thought.

"Oh you must be thinking why I am excited for meeting you,and yes I can't read people's mind but I can read you like an open book,it's really easy to see what your thinking about right now girl," he said.

You looked at your feet feeling scared.

"This is gonna be two birds from one stone situation." Zack smirked whiling saying that.

He adjust his coat.

"Oh how bad of me to not introduce myself," he said.

"I'm Zack,Taehyung's biggest rival" he smirked.

Thank you for all 4K. 사랑해 🤟🏻

I'll make this book more interesting :)

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