Chapter 5- School

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Today was the day Y/N and Miguel were dreading, the first day of school. The two rode to school together on their bikes, seeing as neither of them had a car.

When they got to school they realized, to their dismay, that they only had one class together as well as lunch which was better than nothing. The two bid goodbye to each other before heading to their classes.

Y/N walked to her first class, which was math, and looked around. She, of course, didn't know anyone so it wasn't like she could sit next to someone she knew. She looked over to see a girl with brown curly hair and kind blue eyes smiling at her. Deciding that she looked nice, Y/N walked over and took the seat next to her.

"Hey, are you new?" The girl asked. Y/N nodded. "I just moved here from H/T." She replied.

"Oh well I'm Samantha LaRusso but you can call me Sam."

"I'm Y/N L/N but you can call me whatever you want."

Sam laughed. "You seem nice." She said honestly. "So do you," Y/N replied with a smile. "So tell me about yourself, Y/N." The whole class, the two girls talked and realized they had quite a few things in common. They easily chatted and Sam even invited Y/N to dinner at her house on Friday.

"We do this thing called Friday family dinner and basically my dad cooks us any meal. I'm bringing a guy over as well but I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind meeting you." Samantha explained. "Ok well text me the address and time and I'll be there," Y/N replied with a smile.

Classes seemed to fly by and before Y/N knew it, lunch had rolled around. She met up with Miguel in the cafeteria and the two chatted as they grabbed their food. Once they were both finished, they turned around to face the biggest challenge of them all. Where to sit in the cafeteria?

The two looked around at the various tables, some seating the cheesy high school cliques you see in teen movies. The jocks, preppy girls, nerds, and everything in between.

Y/N looked over to see a table with two boys, both of whom had their heads held low. Y/N nudged Miguel and nodded towards the table. He nodded and the two walked over.

"Is it cool if we sit here?" Miguel asked meekly. "Sorry, tables blowing up right now. I can put you guys on the waitlist, but it's probably next semester at the earliest." One of the boys said sarcastically.

Miguel hung his head and went to walk away when Y/N grabbed his sleeve and pulled him back. "He's kidding Miguel." She said with a smile. He was absolutely adorable.

"Yeah, I was kidding. Sit." The boy said, gesturing to the chairs. Y/N and Miguel took their seats and introduced themselves.

"I'm Demetri. This is Eli." The boy introduced, nodding to his friend. Eli shyly smiled at the two before keeping his head hung low. "He's a man of few words," Demetri stated with a shrug.

As the group started eating their food, Sam and a pretty blonde girl walked by, catching Miguel's attention. Demetri followed Miguel's gaze and scoffed. "Dude, don't torture yourself. Those are the rich girls."

Y/N eyes widened. She didn't realize Sam was a rich girl. Now she was going to dinner at her house? She would be so out of place.

Y/N was half-listening to Demetri and Miguel's conversation as she watched the girls. "You realize what table you're sitting at right? You've pretty much signed away all hopes of losing your virginity before college." Demetri stated, causing Y/N to roll her eyes.

"Oh shit, Yasmine's looking at us," Eli muttered, peering over his folded arms. "Probably just making fun of me."

"I don't think she's making fun of you. I mean just because they're hot doesn't mean they're mean." Miguel stated, trying to reassure Eli. "It's true. The brunette, Sam, she's in my math class and we talked. She's actually really sweet. She invited me to her house." Y/N said. Demetri looked at her shocked.

"Wait you talked to her? Why are you with us then?" He asked incredulously. Y/N snorted. "Just because I talked to ONE of them doesn't mean I fit in with their little clique of rich brats."

Demetri nodded. "You've got a point." He looked back over at the table and stared at the blonde girl dreamily. "I don't care if Yasmine is the meanest girl at school. I'd kill all three of you just to get her to spit in my face." He stated firmly causing Y/N to laugh. "Thanks, Demetri."

"If you don't make a move, you'll never have a shot with her." Miguel pointed out. "True, but I'll also never suffer a humiliating rejection. I'm at peace with my depression. The last thing I need to be is suicidal." Demetri said, waving off Miguel's point.

Miguel looked at the table before pushing himself out of his chair. "What are you doing?" Demetri asked. "Striking first," Miguel mumbled, walking away from the table. Y/N felt a weird feeling churn inside of her as she watched Miguel get closer to the table.

As Miguel slowly got closer to the table, Sam looked over and smiled at him. As he got to the table, two boys sat down at the table, two boys Y/N recognized immediately.

They were two of the boys who jumped her and Miguel at the strip mall. The tall one, the one she had punched, sat down next to Sam and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Y/N's jaw dropped. Was he the boy Sam invited? This wasn't going to end well.
A/N: Who's excited for season 3 of Cobra Kai tomorrow?!

Strike Hard: Miguel Diaz x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now