Chapter 88- A Toast

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"Yamazaki, 50-year-old. I promise that'll be the best whiskey you ever had." Terry stated. Chozen left his face emotionless as he took a sip. After the day in the dojo, Joe, whose real name is Chozen Toguchi, rushed back to the LaRusso residence to inform Daniel of what had happened. Daniel, excited that Chozen had fooled Terry Silver, decided to give him a pep talk.

"This is better than we could have hoped for. You connected with him. Now we can dig deeper, figure out what his plan is and if he gives us anything, we can pounce on it." Daniel had exclaimed, as he smoothed out the lapels on Chozen's suit jacket. Chozen stared at Daniel with wide eyes. "Too small." He breathed.

"Yeah. You know what? I think I have a gray one in my other closet that's a size up. Just let me, uh-" Daniel stammered as he looked around wildly. "You are nervous, Daniel-San." Chozen pointed out. Daniel heaved a sigh. "Yeah. Yeah, I guess I am." He admitted. "Remember, everything Silver does has a purpose. He is a man without honor."

Chozen nodded. "My uncle tried to teach me about honor. But I was not ready to learn. I thought shortcuts, cheating, would get me through faster. Make my life easier. My cowardice was exposed for all to see. We will find his weakness. We'll push him to his limit. He will reveal his true colors. For all to see." Chozen reassured.

"You'll have to play his game. But don't let your guard down. If he sees a weakness, you may not even know until it's too late. He'll do things to make you feel special. He got me on his side once. He'll try to do the same thing with you. His plan has an expiration date. Silver's too smart. Eventually, he'll figure us out. And when he does, be ready to fight." Daniel stated. Chozen nodded, ready for battle.

Now here he was, sitting across from Terry, sipping expensive whiskey. Chozen studied the room, noticing the expensive decorations that adorned the room. Paintings, statues, and glasses, were all Chozen could see. He and Terry sat at a long brown wooden table with Terry at the head and Chozen at the other end.

"You are correct." Chozen replied, affirming Terry's statement about the whiskey. A chef walked in and set down a plate in front of Chozen before placing another down in front of Terry. Noticing this, Chozen raised his eyebrows in question. "Your daughter will not be joining us?" He asked curiously.

Terry waved his hand dismissively. "No, she's out doing something. Not really sure what but she won't be joining us." Terry shrugged. Chozen tried to not let concern show on his face. He cleared his throat and took another sip of whiskey as Terry announced the dish. "A taste of home. Filleted hamo."

Chozen stared down at it with uncertainty. Surely Terry wouldn't poison him, would he? Maybe. Or maybe he's being paranoid?  "So how long have you been in the Valley?" Terry asked, shaking Chozen from his rather morbid thoughts. "One year. I was planning to retire when I saw your advertisement." He replied. "So why do you want the job?" Terry asked. "You assume I want the job. I am not yet sure." Chozen countered. Terry smirked at this.

"The other applicants would kill to work for me," Terry stated. "But you said there were issues with your former partner," Chozen replied. Terry looked down, pursing his lips. "We've had our bumps in the road, sure. Dealt with some disloyalty. But we're back on track now." Terry insisted.

"Your success does not surprise me. Your students are well-trained. Espeially your champion and your daughter."

"Well, our students are our legacy."

"And who's legacy do you carry?"

"My master was Kim Sun-Yung. Among others. And you? Your father?"

"I was raised by my uncle. My father died when I was young."

"Hmm. What killed him?"

"Cowardice. I struggled with my own cowardice. I lost a fight. A fight I should have won. Rivalries die slow deaths, especially in Japan."

Terry shifted in his seat, leaning forward. "I can relate." He started, taking a swig of whiskey before continuing. "I have a rival in this dojo business, in fact. This guy LaRusso. But it's never too late to get the last laugh, right?" 

Terry offered Chozen a grin as he raised his glass, with Chozen shifting uncomfortably in his seat. "Grab your drink. I wanna show you something." Terry instructed, clutching his glass of whiskey. The two rose out of the chairs and walked out of the dining room.

Terry led Chozen to a room, hidden off to the side of the house. If Terry hadn't shown Chozen the door, he probably wouldn't even know the room existed. The room was painted white and grey with a brown carpet floor. The room itself was home to all types of weapons as well as statues dressed in armor.

"Check this out. Some of the finest swords in the world.I figured you'd appreciate them." Terry stated, stopping in front of the wall of swords. "Very much." Chozen replied. His eyes wandered away from the wall of weapons over to a sword sitting on a stand. Terry grinned. "This one?"

Terry set down his drink before picking up the sword. He unsheathed it, causing a clean swish! sound to hit the air. "This was wielded by Uesugi Kenshin himself at the fourth Battle of Kawanakajima. It's called Meiyo aru kyodai." Terry explained. "Honored brother." Chozen translated, staring at Terry intently.

"At least that's what the auction house told me. Might all be bullshit, right?" Terry laughed with a shrug. "But hey there are few things more valuable than a great story. Don't you think?" Terry asked as he resheathed the sword. "A story is only words. Belief in story much more valuable." Chozen responded. Terry turned to look at him.

"You're still not sold on Cobra Kai then?" He asked. "I am not here because you want me to teach karate. You aspire to something far greater. What is your true ambition?" Chozen questioned. Terry pursed his lips. He took a deep breath and glanced at the floor before looking at Chozen.

"Y/N is my only child and she was taken from me at a young age. So for the longest time, my only legacy was Cobra Kai. It still is. We're already the number one dojo in the Valley, but I'm thinking a lot bigger than just the Valley. The lessons we teach are the tools that kids all over the world need to become stronger, better. I have a plan that will make Cobra Kai and karate as synonymous as... Starbucks and coffee." Terry explained as he started pacing the floor. 

Chozen swallowed. "And what is this plan?" He pressed. Terry stopped in front of him, his blue eyes darkening. " That's something I might feel comfortable confiding in my right-hand man." He responded, taking a step forward. "If you're willing to take the job."

Chozen pretended to think about it when in reality he already knew his answer. "Yosh." He replied, giving a curt nod. Terry grinned and clapped his hands excitedly. "A toast then. To...righting the wrongs of the past and coming back on top." Terry stated, rasing his glass. "Karii."  Chozen toasted, raising his glance.

Terry froze for a second before raising his own glass. "Karii." He repeated. The two clinked their glasses together, toasting out loud to a new found friendship. Internally, however both men were toasting to themselves. Chozen was toasting to successfully tricking Terry, getting Terry to trust him. Little did he know, Terry was toasting to something else. Something that Chozen wouldn't be prepared for.

A/N I would like to apologize for not updating in such a long time. I'e been very very busy with school and work and I've also had major writer's block. After reading some other fanfics (not Cobra kai or karate kid related just fics in general) and seeing everyones support for this book and for me motivated me to write again. Also sorry this chapter is kinda boring and has no Y/N/Miguel or any Johnny/Y/N or really just no Y/N content but I need to show all the POV in the story so it'll all come together in the end. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed and I hope to update tomorrow before heading into work. And yes I will update when season 6 comes out don't worry ;)

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