Chapter 77- Swimming Pool

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A/N Title based on the above song
Y/N and Miguel jostled their way through the crowd, waving to people they recognized. After prom ended, Bert informed them that Stingray was having an after-party at his sister's house. The two were going to say no and just go back to their apartment but they decided it might be fun. Plus they both missed Stingray more than they would admit.

"Hey I'm gonna grab something to drink, do you want anything?" Y/N asked. "Can you grab me a beer?" Miguel asked. Y/N nodded. "You got it, babe." She planted a kiss on his cheek before walking out the back door. As she was doing so, she bumped into someone. "I'm sorry-" She started. The person turned around to reveal Tory.

"It's fine." She replied. "Right, yeah," Y/N said awkwardly. "Where are you headed?" Tory asked. "Just to grab Miguel a beer. Would you like one?"

"I'll come with you."


The two walked out of the glass door, an awkward silence over them. "Listen, Y/N I know things are going bad right now with the dojos and everything but I'm sorry for the things I've done to you in the past. You were one of the only people who cared about me and I guess I took that for granted." Tory said, catching Y/N by surprise.

Y/N stared at the blonde, not sure how to respond. "Wow, I don't know what to say," Y/N admitted. Tory smiled. "It's ok. I just realized that there's no reason for us to have a problem with each other, even though we're in different dojos." Tory replied.

"Well, in that case, I want to apologize as well."

"For what? You didn't do anything."

"Well I feel guilty about the shit Sam is putting you through especially with what you have going on."

"You don't have to apologize because of her. If I were her, I'd react the same way after everything I've done."

"Yeah, but she took it too far a few times."

"I agree."

"So, you and my brother?"

Tory's face flushed at this. "You're not mad?" She questioned. "Of course not. Between you and me, you guys are a hot couple." Y/N teased, causing Tory to laugh. The two walked over to the keg to see Sam standing there, filling up a cup.

Sam let go of the keg stand and turned around, coming face to face with Tory. "Seems like you're always behind me in line. First Miguel, now Robby. I have a half-eaten cupcake in there if you want some." Sam sneered. Y/N felt angry at this. Why was she dragging Miguel into this and talking about him like he was an object?

"Stop it, Sam," Y/N demanded. Sam glanced at her. "Why are you taking her side? She took Miguel from you." Sam said. Y/N scoffed. "Ok, first of all, stop referring to Miguel as an object, and second of all, she didn't take him from me because he wasn't my boyfriend. And if you think about it, I could say you took him from me too." Y/N snapped. "And I would appreciate it if you didn't use MY boyfriend as a pawn in your little game."

"See, LaRusso, I would kick your ass for all that shit you just said, but I promised your mommy I wouldn't." Tory mocked with a condescending smile. "You stay the hell away from my family." Sam spat. "Sorry. I don't take orders from tiny, little bitches." Tory remarked.

Sam glared at her before turning around and setting her cup down. Sam quickly spun around before kicking Tory in the stomach, causing her to double over. Sam advanced forward, throwing punches, but Tory blocked them. Sam ended up hitting her in the side making Tory gasp in pain. Sam then wrapped her arms around Tory's waist and threw her to the ground. Sam pinned Tory to the ground and raised her fist up, ready to hit her.

Y/N ran over and grabbed Sam's arm, yanking her away from Tory. "Sam, what the hell are you doing?" She asked angrily. "I'm doing what Johnny said. I'm not taking her shit anymore!" She yelled. Y/N looked over Sam's shoulder to see Tory running right at them. Y/N jumped in front of Sam and intercepted Tory's fist. "Tory stop!" Y/N demanded.

Y/N grabbed Tory's waist and tried to drag her away. "Get off of me!" She yelled, thrashing in Y/N's arms. "Get off of her!" A voice yelled. The next thing Y/N knew, she was being yanked to her feet. She stumbled on the deck until she saw who had grabbed her. It was Robby.

Robby went to throw a punch but Sam grabbed his arm and yanked it behind his back, making him pant in pain. "You think I broke your heart? You broke mine too!" Sam said, her voice shaking. Tory slowly crawled over to the pair before sweeping her leg under Sam's, making her hit the ground.

Robby ran over and helped Tory to her feet while Sam slowly rose to hers. The two girls glared at each other before running forward and started attacking each other. Robby glared at Y/N before running forward with his fist raised. Y/N dodged it, backing away from him. "I'm not going to fight you, Robby." She said, raising her hands in surrender. "I always knew you were a coward." He spat.

Y/N blocked his kick before throwing a punch. Robby grabbed her arm and pulled her forward before using his other hand to grab her throat, Y/N gasped as Robby forced her to her knees, his hand digging into her throat. "You think my dad cares about you? He's just trying to make himself feel better for screwing up with me!" He snapped. "Let her go!"

Y/N felt Robby's hand leave her throat, making her gasp as she took in lungfuls of air. She looked up to see Miguel and Robby were now fighting. Miguel brought his knee up into Robby's stomach, making him double over. Robby went to kick Miguel but he dodged it. Y/N ran over to them just as Robby grabbed a hold of Miguel's shoulder.

Y/N kicked Robby in the back, making him spin around to look at her. A look of hurt reached his eyes, making her feel regret instantly. Robby ran and grabbed her arm, shoving backward. The next thing she knew, she was in the pool.

Y/N swam to the surface, taking in a big gulp of air as she felt the cold water seep through her dress. She heard a loud splash to see Tory, Miguel, and Sam falling in as well. As soon as Miguel's head broke the surface, Y/N swam over and grabbed his arm. "Are you ok?" She asked, pushing some of his wet hair off of his forehead. He nodded. "Yeah. Are you?"Y/N nodded as well. "Take me home, please." She pleaded. Miguel nodded. "Sure thing."

A/N it's getting good y'all

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