Chapter 65- Come Together

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Kreese leaned against the balcony, his eyes watching the sun set over the horizon. "Nice view from up here. I guess you get what you pay for." He said sarcastically, turning to look at his friend. "Is that what you want, John? A check?" He asked. Kreese turned to look at his friend. "I wanna finish what we started."

The man laughed. "Finish what we started? Just like we were supposed to do 35 years ago? Before you vanished?" He asked. "I was in a bad place. There's no question about that. But I'm back now, and you can be too." Kreese replied.

"Look around. I'm doing just fine."

"Are you? Because the Terry Silver that I knew would have roundhouse old four-eyes back there for calling Cobra Kai "adorable.""

Terry pursed his lips as Kreese continued. "Do you remember when we got back from 'Nam? we went through hell watching our friend die, only to be welcomed home by a bunch of hippies calling us killers. People needed to learn some respect, some discipline. That's why we started Cobra Kai. Together, we made a difference."

"Yeah, we did." Terry replied shortly. "We can do it again. There's a whole new generation out there that can use what we know. The only thing standing in our way is Daniel LaRusso." Kreese stated. Terry raised an eyebrow. "Danny boy?" Terry questioned.

"He's even teamed up with...Johnny Lawrence."

"Wait, wait. Your champ and LaRusso working together?"

"That's why I'm here. I need a partner. And the only other person who know how to teach Cobra Kai is you. What do you say?"


Terry turned to walk back inside when Kreese spoke again. "You know she's training with them, right?" Terry stopped in his tracks. "Yes, well maybe she's better off with them." Terry replied. "I suppose so. I mean after all, she is Johnny's daughter." Kreese stated. Terry turned around.

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't mention? Johnny adopted her."

"No you didn't mention that."

"Must've slipped my mind."

"It's better than her being stuck with those dreadful parents of hers. They didn't care about her."

"And you did?"

"I still do."

"Then come back to Cobra Kai with me. Help me show her the right path."

"Look, back in the '80s, I thought I could conquer the world. And I came pretty damn close. I was so hopped up on cocaine...revenge...I spent months terrorizing a teenager over a high school karate tournament."

Terry chuckled at the words that left his mouth. "It sounds insane just talking about it. After that tournament, I hit rock bottom. But I built myself back up. Got my ass into therapy, found clarity. Turns out you disappearing was the best thing that ever happen to me."

Kreese looked down at the ground before looking back up at his friend. "You know, people expect men of our age to pack it in and go off into the sunset." Kreese said, gesturing to the horizon. He gave a soft a chuckle. "That might work for you. But I still have some fight left in me."

Terry stared at the man wordlessly. "Please thank Cheyeene for the tofu." Kreese stated before turning around and leaving, Terry watching his retreating form. Kreese's words dug under his skin, making his shake his head. No, he won't go back. Not for anybody. Not for Kreese. Not for her. He had to leave the past where it belonged, in the past.
Y/N walked through the gate of the Miyagi-Do dojo, her eyes taking in everything. She always loved practicing here. It was also so peaceful and serene. She hoped they kept practicing her for the tournament.

Her eyes wandered over to Daniel's yellow car to see Sam sitting in the back, a solemn look on her face. Y/N walked over and leaned over the side. "Good day, my lady. My name's Y/N and I'll be your chauffeur this morning." She said in a British accent. She opened the front door and slid into the seat. "As long as you can help me hot wire this thing?"

Y/N turned and looked at Sam, only to see she was still frowning. "Wow not even a courtesy laugh?" She asked in faux hurt. Sam cracked a small smile. "My dad was gone by the time I woke up. Do you know if he had a chance to connect with your dad?" She asked. Y/N shook her head. "No, when I woke up he was gone." She replied. Sam looked down. "That's not all that's bothering you, is it?" Y/N asked. Sam looked up at her.

"I-I went and saw Robby."

Y/N felt her heart stop at the mention of her brother. "What happened? Is he alright?" Y/N asked. Sam nodded. "Yeah, I'm just worried about him. He's going down the wrong path." Sam replied. Y/N didn't respond. What was she supposed to say? Her relationship with Robby was beyond complicated.

"Hello, ladies." Miguel greeted, walking over to them. "Hello, handsome," Y/N replied, pecking him on the lips. "What are you guys talking about?" He asked, leaning his arms over the door. Before either of the girls could answer, Hawk, walked by with a sledgehammer slung over his shoulder. "What's up Hawk?" Miguel greeted.

Hawk just ignored him and kept walking, a determined look on his face. "Hawk!" Miguel yelled. "Was that a sledgehammer?" Sam asked. The three all exchanged a look before jumping out of the car and running in the direction he went.

When they reached the back, they found all the kids with tools in their hands while Demetri peered at an iPad in his hand. "What's going on back here?" Sam asked. looking around. "Eli came up with a brilliant idea to expand our training area." Demetri replied, showing the three the schematics. The three peered at the plans. "Yeah, I was thinking since we're going to be training together, why not have somewhere to do it?" Hawk said with a shrug. Miguel and Y/N looked at each other with a smile. "Where do we start?"

All the kids were doing their part to help, whether it be clearing away underbrush or gather tools to help build. "Stand back guys it's coming down." Hawk yelled, rearing the sledhammer back. He hit it against the fence causing it to fall down. "What the hell are you doing?!" Daniel asked angrily as he and Johnny ran over to the group of kids.

Hawk turned and looked at them. "You were both right. Talk is cheap. So I'm building a bridge." He replied. "Uh, more specifically, an Okinawan sparring deck. Eli's a design whiz. I looked it over and the physics check out." Demetri explained, showing Johnny and Daniel the design plans. "Mr. Miyagi just used this area for extra storage, but a new deck would mean a lot more room for training." Sam stated. "We're all gonna help build it." Y/N added. "Assuming our senseis approve?" Miguel questioned.

Daniel and Johnny looked at each other, something passing between them. "Sounds good to me." Daniel responded. Johnny nodded his head. "Yeah. Sounds awesome." He answered. Miguel, Sam, and Y/N all smiled as the two walked over to them. Johnny gave Miguel a high five before wrapping an arm around Y/N while Daniel did the same to Sam.

Y/N tossed Johnny a tool to help rip up the weeds. "Here do something useful." She said, as she raked up dead grass. Johnny rolled his eyes but didn't hide the smile that was inching its way onto his face. Things were good. For now.
A/N Hope you guys enjoyed!! :)

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