Chapter 6- Meeting the LaRusso's

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"You can't strike first if you don't know how to strike. The cobra strike is composed of two parts: the lunge, which requires the use of the whole body, and the bite which is everything that happens after you make contact." Johnny explained. After school, Y/N and Miguel headed towards Cobra Kai for their daily lesson, and today they were learning punches.

"You don't stop here where knuckles hits the bone. You punch through the bone like the guy you really wanna hit is standing behind this asshole." Johnny reared his hand back and punched the dummy, demonstrating what he meant. "You strike here, you bloody his nose." he pointed to the dummy's nose, "Strike here, you break his teeth." He pointed towards the dummy's mouth. "Strike here, you severely damage his trachea." He pointed to the dummy's throat.

"Obviously that's only for extreme situations," Johnny said with a shrug, making Y/N chuckle. "All right line up I want you guys to practice," he instructed. His phone started to ring as Miguel stood in front of the dummy. "Keep practicing. Punch through the dummy."

Miguel formed a fist, his thumbs sticking up as he lightly punched the dummy. "Miguel, can I show you?" Y/N asked. Miguel nodded and stiff aside. Y/N clenched her hands into fists and got in a fighting stance, staring at the dummy. She reared her arm back and punched the dummy, copying perfectly what Johnny showed them.

"See, you have to make a fist like this." She instructed, showing Miguel her clenched fist. "And then you just have to really put power into it." Y/N reared her fist back and punched the dummy, causing it to rock a little bit.

"Nice job, kid. Miguel, you try." Johnny said, walking back over to the two kids. Y/N looked up at him to see he had a bit of an annoyed expression on his face. "Are you ok?" She asked quietly so only he could hear her. Johnny nodded making Y/N not really believe him. Miguel stood stiff as a board, trying to punch the dummy just like Y/N showed him. Johhny and Y/N winced as Miguel kept hitting it.

"No, no, no. You're doing it all wrong. What do you want those kids at school to keep dumping shit on your head? You want all the girls to think you're a wangless dork? 'Cause, you can stop your training now, walk outside and let the whole world know you're a loser." Johhny said harshly. A bit of an odd approach to teaching in Y/N's opinion but it seemed to motivate Miguel.

"Or you could plant your feet, look your enemy in the eyes and punch him in the face," Johhny shouted. Miguel fixed his form, planting his feet correctly as he stared straight into the dummy's eyes. " Picture your enemy," Johnny instructed. Miguel swallowed before looking at the dummy, his eyes getting harder and angrier.

"You have a picture in your mind?"

Miguel nodded.

"What are you gonna do?"

Miguel reared his fist back and punched the dummy hard.


Another hit.

"Are you a loser?"

"No, sensei!"

Another hit.

The hits started escalating quicker and harder as did Miguel's yelling. Y/N looked on, kind of scared. Whom was he imagining?
Y/N looked at herself in the mirror, smoothing out any wrinkles she could find in her dress. To say she was nervous was an understatement. Sam was nice and Y/N was sure her family was the same way but she was worried about how they would perceive her. I mean she was from Reseda and Sam was from Encino (where she learned from Demetri was one of the richest parts of town). She was also nervous about Kyler being there. What would happen when he recognized her?

Miguel's mom offered to drive her which she was grateful for. Biking 4.2 miles wasn't all the appealing to her in a dress and flats. She walked out of her apartment and turned to see Johnny getting out of his car. "Where you heading off to dressed all nice?" He asked, walking up to her. "Just a friend's house for dinner. She lives in Encino." She replied. He nodded. "Well do you need a ride?" He offered. She shook her head no. "Thank you but Miguel's mom offered to drive me."

"Well have fun." He stated before walking off to his apartment. "Don't get drunk while I'm gone!" She shouted after him, causing him to flip her off. "ASSHOLE!" She laughed.

She walked over to Miguel's apartment and knocked. The door opened to reveal Miguel standing there. When his eyes fell on her, his jaw dropped. "Miguel, close your mouth, you'll catch flies." She said with a giggle. "I-I'm sorry you just look so pretty, not that you aren't always pretty I mean-" His rambling was cut off by his mom coming over. "Ready to go Y/N?" She asked with a smile. "Yes, Mrs. Diaz." She replied with a smile. The two bid Miguel goodbye and hopped in the car, leaving Miguel standing there, thinking about Y/N.

The ride was short and the conversation was casual. Once they pulled up, Y/N said goodbye to Miguel's mom and walked up the driveway. Y/N checked the time on her phone to see that she was quite early. Sam had said to be there by 8 and it was currently 7:45. Probably not that big of a deal Y/N thought with a shrug.

She walked up to the door and knocked. It opened to reveal a beautiful woman with hair similar to Sam's wearing a nice dress. "Hi. You must be Y/N. I'm Sam's mom, Amanda." She introduced. "Hi yes I'm Y/N and I'm sorry for being here so early." She apologized. Amanda shook her head. "Nonsense, it's better to be early than late. Come on it. Sam is still getting ready but you can wait in the kitchen."

Y/N smiled and walked in, taking in the beautiful inside of the house. She followed Amanda into the kitchen to find a middle-aged man with dark hair and wearing a button-up and nice pants, preparing things in the kitchen. "Daniel, this is Y/N. Y/N this is Sam's dad, Daniel." Amanda introduced. Daniel shook her hand, noticing some bruising on her knuckles.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N. What happened to your hand, if you don't mind my asking?" He asked, having a feeling he knew the answer. Y/N winced. "Uh well, me and my friend, Miguel, were walking to a convenience store to get something for his grandma and a group of boys jumped us. I don't like fighting but it was the only way I could protect us." She answered, worried the two adults would throw her out right there.

The two adults looked at her shocked. Who would jump a girl and her friend just shopping for no reason? "So do you know how to fight?" Daniel asked curiously. "I mean not really. I know a bit of karate, but only enough to defend myself which is all I use it for." She answered with a shrug.

Daniel perked up at the word karate. Amanda, noticing this, laughed. "Oh no, you've said his trigger word." Y/N chuckled. "You did karate?" She asked, curiously. "Yep. Won the 1984 All Valley Tournament." Daniel said proudly. "I knew your name sounded familiar! Back when I did some karate, I studied different teachers and methods and Miyagi's teachings were my favorites. You were mentioned a bit." Y/N stated happily. Daniel's face lit up. The two started chatting a bit until the sound of knocking was heard on the front door.

Amanda rushed off to the door and opened it. "Oh, you must be Kyler! Come on in!" Amanda's voice rang. Y/N visibly tensed, making Daniel notice. "Are you ok, Y/N?" He asked placing a hand on her shoulder. "Oh yeah, yeah I'm fine." She lied, making Daniel look at the girl concerned. Before he could reply Amanda and Kyler walked into the room. And the first thing Daniel noticed was the fading bruise on his face.
A/N Few things:

1. I was tempted to make this chapter longer by adding in the dinner scene but I didn't want it to become boring so would you guys like that scene and Kyler's reaction to Y/N in the next chapter?
2. I was thinking about writing a young!Johnny Lawerence x Reader book so would anyone be interested in that
3. How do you guys feel about Y/N now having both Johnny and Daniel as father figures?
4. Finally, I watched the first episode of season 3 and it was so good and my only problem with it is I don't now how I am going to write it when I get that far lol

Thanks for the reads!!!

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