Chapter 16- The Cafeteria Fight

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School hasn't been going well for Sam. Ever since the night at the movie theater, Kyler was spreading rumors about, her claiming she went down on him and other things to that extent. Everyone was isolating her, except for Y/N. Even Aisha was being mean to her.

Sam grabbed her food from the lunch line and looked around the cafeteria for somewhere to sit. Her eyes landed on the table full of her friends, or ex-friends, but they just smiled at her with their fake smiles and ignored her. She walked over to Aisha's table and set her tray down.

"Oh don't even think about it," Aisha said, with an annoyed look. "Come on. I need a place to sit." Sam pleaded. "You can go sit with Kyler. I hear he doesn't mind that you suck." Aisah retorted. Cobra Kai definitely boosted her confidence. Sam glared angrily before storming over to him and pushing his shoulder.

"Think it's funny to spread lies about me?" Sam snapped, crossing her arms over her chest. "What are you talking about? We saw a movie, and that's it. Well, maybe I saw a little bit more than you." Kyler smirked, making his friends burst out laughing. "Yeah, we heard you got pretty 'choked up.'" Brucks mocked, making the group laugh even harder. Noticing Kyler's lunch tray on the table, she angrily swiped it to the ground, making the whole cafeteria fall silent.

Y/N, Miguel, Demetri, and Eli walked into the cafeteria walked in as Kyler started taunting Sam. "Hey, guys. You know that billboard with a big-ass dick on it? I guess Sam takes after her dad." People starting laughing while Sam kept an emotionless face. Y/N and Miguel shared a look and nodded before tossing their trays on a nearby table.

"Hey, Kyler!" Miguel yelled, marching over to the group. "Why don't you shut the hell up and stop being such an asshole?" Y/N snapped coming to Miguel's side. "Want another beatdown 'Rhea?" Kyler asked shoving Miguel back. Y/N grabbed his sleeve to help him keep his balance while Kyler's group of idiots stood up.

"I'm ready for your lame ass karate this time." Kyler mocked shoving Miguel back even harder. "It's not lame-ass karate." Y/N defended. Kyler threw a punch and Miguel caught it, bending Kyler's arm back. "It's Cobra Kai," Miguel growled, punching Kyler in the face.

Blood poured out of Kyler's nose as anger took over his face. He ran at Miguel and grabbed him by the waist, throwing him onto a table. The two boys struggled, as Kyler kept a tight hold on Miguel's neck. Miguel threw his elbow into Kyler's stomach and pulled his arm forward, throwing a punch to his face before he spun him around and kicked him in the back.

"No mercy!" Aisha yelled. Y/N looked to see Brucks going to throw at Miguel's back and caught his fist. "Only pussies go after someone with their back turned." She spat, before bending his arm up. She swept his leg, causing him to fall to the ground while another one of Kyler's friends ran at Miguel. Miguel punched the boy in the stomach and kicked him in the face while Y/N roundhouse kicked the other. The two looked around to see the boys slowly starting to get up.

Y/N grabbed Miguel's hand and, as a team, they flipped over a lunch table with Y/N grabbing an empty tray. Miguel kicked a chair at one boy while Y/N hit Brucks in the face with the tray, making him fall again. Y/N tossed the tray to Miguel who caught it and slammed it against another boy's face. Miguel jumped up onto a table and kicked another boy. Kyler set his sights on Y/N and began to charge.

Y/N, noticing this, ran to the table and springboarded off of Brucks, landing next to Miguel. She sent a kick to Kyler's face before Miguel slammed the tray down, knocking Kyler to the ground. Everyone began to cheer, making Y/N and Miguel come out of the haze, remembering they were at school. Miguel's eyes scanned over the crowd until they locked with Sam's, the latter looking at him admiringly. Y/N noticed the two staring at each other and felt her heart clench in jealousy.

"Hey! Get down from there right now." A guidance counselor demanded, grabbing Y/N who grabbed Miguel. They were pulled out of the cafeteria with the sound of cheering and applause following them.

"All four of them?" Johhny asked, looking between the two kids. After school, which surprisingly they weren't suspended from, Y/N and Miguel practically sprinted to the dojo to tell Johnny what happened. "Yeah!" Miguel replied proudly. "Even that big dumb one?" Johnny asked. "Well Y/N took care of him more than I did. But yeah it all happened so fast. everything just came together. I was blocking. I anticipated. I slithered."

Johhny nodded his head proudly. "Well you're mom is gonna kill all three of us," Johnny stated. "Well, she would if she knew. When my school called, my Yaya answered. Never seen her so proud. She won't talk." Miguel stated quickly. Johnny nodded again.

"Alright, so let me get this straight. You guys took all the lessons I taught you and you used them to straight-up beat the shit out of those punks?" Johnny asked, his eyes darting between the two. "Well, yeah," Y/N answered like it was obvious. Johnny grinned. "Follow me."

Johhny walked out to his Firebird and popped open the trunk. Inside were two white gis with the Cobra Kai symbol on them. One was more faded than the other, indicating it was older. Johnny picked up the faded one and looked at it. "I wore this when I was training for my first tournament back in '81. I want you to have it." He said, handing it to Miguel. He picked up the newer one and handed it to Y/N. "I got you your very own since it might fit better than mine will." He said with a smile.

"Are you sure?" Miguel asked, staring at the gi with wide eyes. "Hell yeah. You earned it." Johhny replied. "Both of you."

Johhny and Miguel hugged while Y/N examined the material, running her fingers across it. "Thanks, dad." She teased. He pulled her into a hug while Miguel laughed, the three of them feeling happier than ever.
A/N: I was thinking about my plans for this book and all I gotta say is y'all ain't ready for what I have planned.

Also I published the first chapter of my young!Johnny Lawerence x reader story if y'all would like to check it out. It's called Enamored.


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