Chapter 9- Kicking and Costumes

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True to their word, Miguel and Y/N met up with Johnny at the high school at midnight. Miguel lied to his mom and said they were having a late-night study session, which she surprisingly believed. Y/N didn't have to lie since her parents weren't home anyway. Even if they were, they wouldn't have cared.

"Sensei, what are we doing here at midnight?" Miguel asked as they followed Johnny to the indoor pool. "You sure we're supposed to be here?" Y/N questioned, looking around the dark and empty room. "Yeah, don't worry. My buddy's the night janitor." Johhny dismissed. "Yeah totally not worried." Y/N muttered.

Johnny pulled a long piece of rope from his pocket and ushered the two kids over. "Stand back to back." He instructed. The two exchanged a glance before standing back to back. Johnny took the rope and started tying their hands together, so if one of them moved, the other had no choice but to follow. "What're you doing?" Miguel asked. "When you're in a fight, your first instinct is to use your hands, right? You gotta unlearn that and think with your legs." He explained, tightening the rope.

"Uh, how do we think with our legs?" Y/N asked, a little worried. "Well you just-" He started before shoving them into the pool. The tied together teens fell into cold water, water filling their clothes and lungs as they both sunk to the bottom like stones. They struggled against their bindings, trying to move their hands but had a hard time, given the fact they were tied together.

"Use those legs. Kick your way out." Johnny yelled, watching the two kids struggle. Bubbles rose to the surface as they took in more lungfuls of water. "Shit." Johnny muttered before grabbing them both by their hair and pulling them up. They both gasped as the faces broke the surface, oxygen starting to fill their lungs again. "We're drowning." Miguel gasped. "Drowning is for pussies, all right? Don't be a pussy! Use your legs!" Johnny demanded before letting them both go. They sunk to the bottom again, struggling. "I should've asked them if they knew how to swim."

He reached his hand back into the water and pulled them up again. "We're gonna die!" Y/N panted. "Cobra Kai never dies. Say it." Johnny demanded. "Cobra Kai never dies." They responded in unison. "Like your life depends on it!" Johnny shouted.

"Cobra Kai never dies!"

"I'm not gonna help you guys this time. You have all the power in your legs you need. Use it to kick your way up. Do you understand?"

The teens tried to protest, but Johnny let them go once more, making them sink. Y/N, thinking quickly, interlaced her and Miguel's fingers. They would be stronger if they worked together.

Understanding Y/N's thought process, Miguel started kicking his legs with her doing the same. They kicked their legs until they finally reached the surface, taking in big gulps of air. "Yes, that's it! Keep kicking!" Johnny shouted proudly.

They practiced that for a little bit until Johnny decided it was time for them to leave. He helped them out of the water and untied their hands as their soaking wet clothes dripped all over the place. "You know sensei, there's one thing I never got to tell you." Y/N said, rubbing her wrist where the rope was. "Oh yeah, what's that?" He asked. Y/N walked over and shoved him backward, making him land into the pool. She and Miguel burst out laughing while he swam to the surface, an angry look on his face. "You'll pay for that one." He growled. Y/N kept laughing when she suddenly felt a hand around her ankle. The next thing she knew, she was back in the pool.

"You ass!" She yelled playfully, splashing water at him. "Told you you'd pay." Johnny shrugged. Miguel looked at the two before shrugging and jumping into the water, joining his best friend and his sensei.
After the lesson at the pool, Johnny decided to let the two practice more kicking. The two actually did quite well and successfully broke the boards he had set up for them. "I wish I could how my mom what I did to those boards, but if she knew where I was right now, she would kill me." Miguel said as he pulled on his socks. Johnny was only half listening as he groaned at the overdue bill clutched in his hand.

"What's wrong with you?" Y/N asked, noticing his disgruntled expression. "Nothing." He replied. "Put your costumes on, I'm driving you both to that dance. We're gonna pick up more students." He instructed. Miguel pulled his handmade costume out of his bag and started putting it on. He looked like a confused ghost.

"What the hell is that?" Johnny asked. "It's my Halloween costume. My yaya made it. It started off as Deadpool. Then I think it was Spider-Man, and then it just became some generic superhero." Miguel replied, pulling the rest of the costume on. "Yeah, a poor one at that. You're Poor-Man." Johnny stated, chuckling at his own joke.

"We'll I can't let you go out like that. We have a reputation to uphold." Johnny said. "What do you suggest?" Miguel asked. Johnny thought for a second before a grin spread across his face. "While you get your costume I'm going to go change." Y/N stated before walking off to the bathroom.

While she changed, Johnny ran off to the store to grab some face paint and a skeleton costume, one very similar to the one he wore 34 years ago. He came back and helped Miguel with the paint. As they finished, the door to the bathroom opened to reveal Y/N standing in her costume. When Miguel saw her, his jaw dropped. She was wearing a Wonder Woman costume (A/N You can change the costume. I had no ideas so I looked up the most popular costume of 2018 and this is what popped up so) that actually looked quite good on her. She applied a little bit of mascara and some lipstick to match it.

"Nice costume kid." Johnny stated. "Well we have a reputation to uphold." Y/N teased, repeating Johnny's previous statement. "Wow Y/N you look- wow." Miguel stammered. "Why thank you. I like your costume." She complimented. "It was all sensei's idea." Miguel stated. "Wow he finally had a good idea for once." She remarked.

"Yeah, yeah whatever just get in the car." Johnny said, annoyed. Y/N let out a laugh as she grabbed Miguel's hand and pulled him out the door.
A/N Hope you all enjoyed the chapter :)

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