Chapter 43- Dating Apps and Skating

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"OK. The app is downloaded." Y/N stated, holding Johnny's phone in her hand. She, Miguel, and Johnny were currently in Johnny's apartment, setting up a dating profile for him. "What type of women are you looking to meet?" Miguel asked, turning to Johnny who was sipping a beer. Johnny raised his eyebrows at Miguel making him chuckle. "Super-hot babes. Dumb question."

Y/N rolled her eyes. "What are your likes?" She asked. "My likes?" Johnny questioned. Miguel and Y/N nodded. "What am I supposed to say? Long walks on the beach? I like muscle cars, martial arts, and Iron Eagle. And Iron Eagle II." Johnny answered. Y/N and Miguel just gave each other exasperated looks. "Why aren't you texting this down? Computer dating was your guy's idea."

"Look, you have to take this seriously," Miguel stated. "It used to be simple. Find a chick at a bar. Bump into her hard, but not too hard. Pretty hard. Then you buy her a beer." Johnny said. Y/N dropped her head into her hands. "Yeah, no." She said. "Tried and true, L/N. That's how the cavemen did it. Cavemen. That's another like. You know like the ones in those insurance commercials."

Miguel sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Look, I think we can fill out the rest of this on our own. What about clothes? What are you wearing?" Miguel asked. "You gonna teach me about fashion now?" Johnny retorted. "Might have to," Y/N muttered. Johnny rolled his eyes as Y/N handed him his phone. She and Miguel got up from the couch and walked over to Johnny's closet.

He didn't have many nice clothes, just a few button-ups that looked like they've seen better days. "Are we going to have to take him clothes shopping, too?" Y/N questioned, making Miguel chuckle. "Let's hope not." He replied. "So what do you think, a nice button-up and some jeans?" Y/N inquired. Miguel nodded. "If he has any."

"We were thinking a buttoned-up shirt and some distressed jeans, Got any?" Y/N asked, popping her head out of the closet. "I have old jeans if that's what you're saying," Johnny answered. Y/N groaned. "Hey! There's a chick on my app." Johnny called. "Alright. Just swipe right if you like her and we'll set up a bunch of dates." Miguel explained as he picked up some of Johnny's old button-ups. "This is dumb. You can't find anything out about a chick from one---Ooh this one is kind of hot."

Y/N chuckled and went back to looking through Johnny's clothes when her eyes landed on something. It was a red leather jacket with the Cobra Kai symbol on it. It was worn down but it was still in decent shape. It looked like it hadn't been worn in at least 30 years. "Miguel, look," Y/N said, pointing towards the jacket. Miguel's face lit up. "Hey, can I borrow this jacket?" He asked. "Huh? Yeah, whatever." Johnny answered distractedly.

"Why do you get it?" Y/N complained. "I'll just use it for the skate night and then you can have it." Miguel reasoned. "Sounds good to me."

Friday night soon rolled around, meaning it was time to skate. Miguel opted to wear Johnny's jacket while Y/N decided to dress as Baby from Dirty Dancing. It was the only thing she could think of quickly. She and Miguel got to the rink and skated for a bit, with Y/N being careful not to fall. Her wrist still hurt just a little bit.

After skating for a little bit, they decided to go find Tory, who was dressed as Madonna. "Hey, when do you get off break? I wanted to time it out so the fries are extra crispy." Miguel said, skating up to Tory who was glaring at someone. That, someone, turned out to be Sam. She was dressed as Andie from Pretty in Pink and Robby who Y/N just noticed, was dressed as Steff, also from Pretty in Pink. Well, at least they're from the same movie.

Miguel followed Tory's gaze and quickly took off the glasses he was wearing. "Oh, um I didn;t recognize you I...dig the costumes." Miguel complimented awkardly. "Thanks." Sam replied, looking away from him. An awkward silence fell over the five. "Uh, Tory this is Sam and Robby." Miguel intorduced. "Yeah, we met already. Sam and I had a little run-in at the beach club." Tory spat. Sam gulped. Y/N glanced at Robby and she can tell he was feeling the same way she was. This is very awkward.

"So, how do you two know each other?" Sam asked, suddenly. "Tory's in Cobra Kai." Miguel replied with a small smile. "Figures." Sam mumbled. Y/N winced at that. That kind of hurt Sam. "What was that?" Tory questioned. "Nothing." Sam replied with a strained smile. "All right, I gotta get bac to work. See you later, babe." Tory stated. She went in front of Miguel and pulled him into a kiss making Y/N roll her eyes. Robby noticed this and gave her a sympathetic smile. Y/N just shrugged, as if to say it didn't bother her. It did, but she wouldn't say it out loud. Tory pulled away with a satisified smirk before skating off.

"Come on lets get some skates." Robby said, pulling Sam along. "Bye guys." Y/N called after them. They gave her a small wave in return before walking off. "So, back to skating?" Miguel asked, turning to Y/N. "I don't know Miguel. I'm still worried about my wrist." Y/N replied. "Come on, I'll be by you the whole time." He reassured, gently grabbing her hand. "Alright fine. But if you let me fall, I'm kicking your ass, Diaz." Y/N threatened. "Aye aye captain."

The two went back onto the rink with Miguel gently guiding Y/N. "I've got you, alright?" Miguel reassured. Y/N smiled and interlaced their fingers. The two slowly skated, their hands linked together. "See you're doing great." Miguel complimented with that adorable smile he was always had. "I have a great teacher." Y/N teased, making him laugh. Y/N laughed too, not paying attention to what she was doing. Suddenly her foot caught something and she went stubling, about to fall when Miguel caught her around the waist.

"You ok?" He asked, his arms still around her waist. "Yeah." She breathed, staring into his eyes. The two stood there staring at each other. Y/N wanted to lean in so bad, but she couldn't. He was with Tory, not her. Miguel let go of her waist and stepped back. "Well, I-uh think my skates are too big so I'm gonna get some new ones." Miguel stated, clearing his throat. "Ok." Y/N replied. She was so flustered she couldn't even form words.

"You two seem to be getting on rather well." A voice said from next to her. "Oh hey Robby." Y/N greeted, turning to the boy. "Don't hey me. You and Miguel like each other." Robby stated, crossing his arms over his chest. "He doesn't like me, he's with Tory." Y/N argued. Robby rolled his eyes. "And I like you yet I'm with Sam."

Y/N's jaw dropped. "I'm sorry, what?!" Y/N exclaimed. Robby's eyes widened, realizing what he said. "I-uh I gotta go!" He yelled skating off. "Wait, Robby!" She called trying to skate after him. She stumbled forward and went to fall when Miguel caught her again. "Slow down Y/N. You're gonna get hurt." Miguel said, steadying her. "Thanks for catching me." Y/N replied. "Of course."

Suddenly a loud commotion was heard and Y/N looked over to see Sam skating after Tory. Sam swept Tory's leg making her fall to the ground and drop all the food she was holding. "What the hell, Sam?!" Miguel excliamed, letting go of Y/N. He skated over to Tory and helped her up. "Are you OK, Tory?" A security guard asked. Tory nodded. The secury guy turned to Robby and Sam "All right, you're done. You're out."

"She's the one who started it." Robby argued, pointing at Tory. "You're out!" The man demanded, pointing towards the door. Robby just glared at the man before grabbing Sam's hand. He turned to Y/N and gave a small smile before walking off, hand in hand with Sam. Y/N turned to Tory. "You need ice or anything?" Y/N asked. "No I'm ok. Thanks." Tory replied.

"Well I think I better get going." Y/N stated, sitting down to off her skates. "Oh come on, just stay a little longer." Miguel begged. "I've already been here long enough. I've already intruded on your date for long enough." Y/N said, sliding off the skates. "Have fun you two."

Y/N walked over to the counter and handed her skates to the man before walking off. Miguel watched after her, making Tory feel angry. She nudged Miguel in the side. "So are we gonna have a date night or not?" She questioned. "Oh, um, yeah." He replied grabbing her hand. He would never admit it, but it was Y/N's hand he wished he was holding instead.
A/N Things are getting messy. I kind of dislike that I made Robby confess that he liked Y/N but we all knew he did and it had to come out sooner or later. Also this book has 90K reads?!! Like seriously??? I love yall.

Anyways love yall and stay hydrated.

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