Chapter 24- Training... in the woods?

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Y/N arrived at Sam's house and parked her bike. She went to go knock on the front door when she heard arguing coming from the backyard. Y/N shrugged and walked to the backyard to find Sam, Anthony, Daniel, his cousin Louie who works at the dealership, Amanda, and an older woman at a table, the two women arguing. "Uh hello?" Y/N greeted awkwardly, coming into the light.

"Oh hey Y/N. What are you doing here?" Daniel asked, the older women still arguing. "I asked her to come over. Is that ok?" Sam responded. "That's perfect. Once Robby gets here tomorrow we can head out." Daniel replied with a grin. Y/N smiled. He always got so happy when it came to karate.

"Let's go inside," Sam stated, grabbing her arm and pulling her into the house. The two girls went up to Sam's room and locked the door before sitting on her bed. "So what's the matter?" Y/N asked. "Why do you assume something is this matter?"

"Well, you wouldn't have texted me at nearly 10 P.M. to come over if something wasn't wrong."

"It's dad said somethings that upset me."

"What did he say?"

"Basically he talked a bunch of crap about the Cobra Kai's and when I tried to defend them, he shut me down."

"He does know I'm a Cobra Kai, right?"

"When I mentioned that he said you were the only one. And to make matters worse, there's Miguel."

"You're worried that if your dad finds out he's a Cobra Kai, he'll disapprove."

"Exactly. My parents don't even know we're together. Before when we were video chatting, I called him my lab partner."

Y/N cringed. "Yeah, that's not good. But listen I can understand your hesitance I mean look at the last guy you brought home and look how that went over. I'm not saying Miguel is anything like Kyler, he's actually the opposite but you just have to talk to your parents. Maybe introduce him to them, let them get to know him, and then tell them." Y/N reasoned. Sam seemed to think about it and nodded. "That's actually a good idea, thanks."

The two sat up a little later, chatting about various things. Y/N even told Sam about Buddy which made her laugh. The two went to bed at around 11:30, with Sam telling Y/N to be prepared for tomorrow. Well, it can't be any worse than training in a junkyard or a pool, right?

The next day, Sam was laying out by the pool while Y/N went to help Daniel pack the car. After they were done, Y/N headed to the backyard to find Sam and Robby talking, with Robby's back to her. Getting an idea, she slowly crept behind him before jumping onto his back. "Thanks for the catch." She said, making Sam laugh. "Well if I wouldn't have caught you, we both would've fallen." He teased. Y/N rolled her eyes and went to slid off of him when he tightened his grip. "Nope, you're staying up there."

Sam looked between the two suspiciously. Are they dating? She thought. No, Y/N would've told me. Not like it matters although Robby is cute. Stop you're dating Miguel! "Oh look at this. My current students and my former student." Daniel stated, walking over to the group. "You know if you wanna join us, Sam, there's still time."

"I'm actually going to the mall with Mom and Grandma."

"Oh, that's good. Just text me if there's any bloodshed."

Sam laughed. "I will. Have fun." She said smiling at the three. "It was nice meeting you," Robby said in a daze. "You too. And, uh, good luck with the tree." Sam stated with a smirk. Robby and Y/N glanced at each other."Robby, Y/N let's go!" Daniel called. Robby walked over to him, Y/N still on his back. "Tree? What tree? Where are we going?" Robby asked. "Don't worry, you'll see," Daniel replied, patting him on the shoulder before walking away.

Strike Hard: Miguel Diaz x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now