Chapter 79- The Truth

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Y/N turned and stared at him confused. "What?" She questioned. "I didn't leave you, you were taken from me." He replied. "What happened?" She asked. "It's a rather long story." Terry responded. "Tell me. I deserve to know."

Terry took a deep breath before beginning his story. "I didn't know your mother was married at the time of our encounter. at the time she was just a pretty girl in a bar to me. We spent the night together and when I woke up she was gone. Later, she contacted me, telling me she was pregnant. At first, I thought she was lying just to get money out of me but she was telling the truth.

I was worried about becoming a father but after I laid eyes on you for the first time, all that worry went away. I never let you out of my sight, always making up some excuse just to hold you. You were a handful too, especially when you accidentally kicked me in the shin when you first started walking. But when you did that, I knew that you had fight in you and that I could train you.

I taught you basic things but you picked them up quickly. We spent so much time together, especially since your mother was always leaving at random times. But then one day, a man came knocking on the door, claiming I slept with his wife. And sure enough, it was Derek L/N.

From the time I met your mother, to the time you were 3, I never knew she was married until that very moment when this strange man burst his way into my house and tried to harm my daughter.

After all that, I knew I had to get you signed into my custody. I did everything the legal way, set up a court day and everything but when the time came, your mother had taken off with Derek and they had taken you. 

I looked everywhere for you but those two were hard to find. Every time I was close enough, they fell right through my grasp. Eventually, I gave up. I didn't want to, believe me but I didn't know what else to do.

But then, one day, I get a call from an old friend, telling me that a girl with E/C eyes and H/C hair was training at Cobra Kai under his former student. At first, I thought he was messing with me, trying to bait me into coming back but he was telling the truth.

I didn't want to believe him so that's why I didn't come back until now. The minute I laid my eyes on you, I knew it was you."

Y/N stared at the man in shock, her brain reeling from all the information he just told her. This couldn't be true. But then again it was too elaborate to be fabricated. So was it true? Was he really her father? Was he just screwing with her head because of the tournament? Y/N felt a migraine begin to form as she tried to put the pieces together.

"Wait so let me get this straight, my mother cheated on Derek with you. She got pregnant, didn't tell you she was married, gave birth to me, and then took me away from you because you tried to get custody of me?" Y/N asked, rubbing her temples. Terry nodded. "Yes. I know It's a lot to hear and I don't expect you to just accept me but I am telling the truth. I am your dad." He said softly, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Y/N shook her head, trying to shake herself from what had to be a dream. But the more she thought about it, the more it all made sense. If she thought hard enough, she could just barely remember peering up at a pair of blue eyes, giggling as a tall man with his hair in a ponytail chased her around.

"I-I don't know what to say." She stammered. Terry gave her a soft smile. "It's ok, I know it's a lot and not something to hear right now but I thought you should know." He replied. "Yeah, um thanks I guess." Y/N said. "I also want you to know that I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you. Not just from Derek and Karen but from everything."

Y/N looked up at him, her E/C eyes meeting his blue ones. She searched them, looking for anything but all she saw was...sincerity. "I-um should go but I'll see you at the tournament." Y/N stammered. Terry gave a small smile. "Good luc, kid. I know you'll do great. After all, you've got Cobra Kai in your blood." Terry chuckled.

Y/N flashed him a smile before quickly exiting the dojo, her head spinning as Terry's words rung in her head. "After all, you've got Cobra Kai in your blood."
Y/N woke up the next morning, feeling her head pound as she came to her senses. Was that just all a dream? Y/N looked down to see she was still in her prom dress. She must've fallen asleep when she got home, too mentally exhausted to change.

Y/N walked out of her room and tiptoed to the bathroom before closing the door. She stripped off her dress and stepped into the warm shower, letting the warm water run over her as she rubbed her aching head. Maybe everything after prom was just a dream? Maybe Johnny calling her Robby was just a figment of her imagination? Maybe Terry being her father was fake? But maybe it wasn't?

Y/N finished showering, making sure she didn't reek of chlorine anymore before stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around her. As she dried off and did her hair, her eyes couldn't help but wander down to the scar on her hip. At one point, it was nothing but a scar, just another part of her body. Now, it was so much more than that. Now it was proof. Proof that she wasn't who she thought she was.

Y/N finished getting ready before heading back to her room to put on some clothes. She was about to change into sweatpants and a hoodie when she checked the date. It was the day of the All Valley. How could she have forgotten?

Y/N walked over to her closet and pulled out the red gi Johnny had created for Eagle Fang, with it's giant Eagle emblem on the back. She stared at it, feeling weird having to wear a different one then what she was used to. Her eyes wandered over to the two other gis hung up in her closet, making her feel a sense of disenachnament.

One gi was white with the Miyagi Do symbol on the back while the other was a midnight black with gold trimming and a giant cobra on the back. That was the gi she was used to. It always felt natural to her to wear it. She had worn the Miyagi Do gi once and decided it felt weird to don it. The Eagle Fang one was less uncomfortable but it still wasn't right. It wasn't the Cobra Kai one.

Y/N shook her head. What was she thinking? This was just Terry trying to get into her head. Nothing he said last nightwas true, Y/N concluded. He was just doing what he did best, manipulating people to trusting him before tearing them to pieces. At least according to Daniel that's what he does. But was it true in Y/N's case?

Y/N pulled on the red gi and tied it before pulling on her shoes. Now she had to do the thing she was dreading the most; facing Johnny. She wanted to believe that maybe he was just too drunk to realize what he was saying but Y/N couldn't help the doubt that crawled into her mind. Drunk words, sober thoughts.

Y/N walked out of her room to find Johnny in the living room, tying his black headband around his head. "Hey, kid. You ready?" He asked. Y/N nodded wordlessly, hitching her bag onto her shoulder. "You better be, I need you at peak performance today. You and Miguel are my only chance at winning this thing." Johnny stated.

Y/N nodded again, her face stoic. Johnny must'e not realized what he said last night. Or maybe he did and he didn't care enough to address it. either way, Y/N felt hurt at this. "You alright, Y/N?" Johnny asked. Y/N gave a tight lipped smile. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Good. Now let's go win this thing." He replied, clapping her on the shoulder. Y/N felt her head cloud with unpleasant thoughts as she gathered her things. Johnny needed her to win but he didn't want her to at first. Now he's putting all the pressure on her. And on top of everything that happened last night, Y/N wasn't sure she was prepared for the events that were about to unfold. 
A/N Hope you guys enjoyed. Sorry for taking so long to update I've been really tired lately and just didn't have energy to write. But everything is coming a long now.

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