Chapter 74- Waste of Time

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Miguel, Johnny, and Y/N watched as Piper ran forward before doing a cartwheel that turned into 3 backflips. "She's fast, she's strong," Miguel stated. "Girl's a natural Eagle," Johnny added. "Oh, which one is yours?" A man asked, gesturing to the girls. "Well, that one looks good to me. Haven't talked to her yet though. I'm still working on my approach. Got any advice?" 

The guy looked at Johnny horrified before walking away, making Y/N and Miguel wince. "Listen let me just go talk to her like Moon said and let's take things from there." Y/N suggested. "I just want you to know I'm against this plan." Miguel huffed. "Funny how you were fine when it came to you flirting with girls but when I do it there's a problem." Y/N retorted. Miguel opened his mouth to respond before closing it. She had a point.

"Quit the chit-chatting and get to it," Johnny stated, shoving her onto the mat. Y/N rolled her eyes before walking over to Piper. "Hey, Piper." She greeted. Piper looked up before smiling. "Hey Y/N. What are you doing here?" She asked. "Oh, ya know just observing. You looked good out there."

Piper blushed at this. "Really, you think so?" She questioned. "Oh yeah. You looked like a natural. You're pretty athletic it's like you can do anything." Y/N winked. Piper giggled. "Well, thanks Y/N. You're pretty too." Piper replied. Y/N raised an eyebrow at this. "I mean pretty athletic too! I mean not that you're not pretty I just meant-"

Y/N chuckled. "It's alright, Piper. And thanks. I got this way because of all of my karate training. I think you should join. My dad is looking for more girls to join." Y/N stated, hoping Piper would bite. "Sounds inclusive. What about non-binary and gender fluid?" She asked. "Yes, fluids are crucial. If you don't hydrate it affects performance." Johnny interjected, walking onto the mat with Miguel.

Piper laughed at this. "Well actually, I have been meaning to join a dojo. I don't wanna be the last person in the Valley who doesn't know karate." She replied. "Then today is your lucky day," Johnny said, handing her a flyer. Piper looked it over before her friends called her over to look at something. "Cool, I'll be there. See ya later, Y/N." Piper said, smiling at her before jogging off. 

"Way to go, kid," Johnny said, clapping her on the shoulder. "Yeah, good job," Miguel muttered. "Aw Miguel are you upset that I proved I could get more girls than you?" Y/N teased, pulling her mouth into a fake pout. Miguel huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. "Don't worry, I've only got eyes for you, pretty boy," Y/N reassured, slipping her arm around his waist.

Johnny just rolled his eyes and walked off. "I'm only teasing, Mig," Y/N stated. "Yeah, I know. I just didn't like seeing you flirt with all those girls." He admitted. Y/N frowned at this. "Why?" She questioned. "Because you're mine and no one else's." Miguel growled.

Y/N's cheeks flushed at this as Miguel pulled her to his chest. "O-oh yeah?" She stammered. Miguel smirked. "What's the matter, Lawrence? Cat got your tongue?" Miguel mocked, smirking at her. Y/N swallowed, feeling her mouth go completely dry. "Let's go home. I'm sure Sensei is looking for us." Miguel said, letting go of Y/N.

Miguel grabbed her hand and interlaced their fingers before leading the way, dragging a very flustered Y/N behind him. "I hate you so much." She stated. Miguel hummed. "Love you too babe. Love you too."
The Eagle Fangs were gathered in the warehouse, waiting for Piper to show up. Y/N had texted her a few times to see where she was but she didn't respond. "All right, so she's a little late, no big deal. Just a few minutes." Johnny reassured. "20 minutes, actually. Mitch corrected. 

"Okay, uh, why don't I try DMing her? See where she is." Miguel suggested, pulling out his phone. Miguel went on Instagram and clicked on her page. His face dropped. "Oh no." He said. "What?" Johnny questioned. Miguel held up his phone for everyone to see and clicked on Piper's Instagram story.

She and her friends were holding up Cobra Kai merchandise and smiling. "Nothing but the best for the best. Can't wait to kick ass with team Cobra Kai." She squealed. The video ended and everyone stared in utter shock. "She joined Cobra Kai?!" Johnny exclaimed. "It looks like they made a bunch of designer gear for all the new students." Y/N pointed out, peering at the screen.

"They got a bunch of new recruits," Miguel added. "Great that was a big waste of time." Johnny scoffed. "Maybe we just give up. We have Y/N, we're fine." Mitch suggested with a shrug. "No, we need someone else." Johnny dismissed. "But why? Why are you so insistent on finding someone else?" Y/N questioned. "Because I am, alright? Listen I'm the sensei here so whatever I say goes. Now everyone think of something so we can find another recruit." 

Y/N stared at her dad in shock. What was his deal? Did he think she didn't have what it took to be a champion? Was he doing this because he was worried? Or was it something else? Something she knew nothing about. She just hoped that he would see the pain he was causing her. Otherwise, things are going to get messy.
"Capital punishment is a legal penalty of the US state of California. As of March 2019, further executions by an official moratorium ordered by government officials." A brunette girl stated. Bert had told Y/N and Miguel about a girl on the debate team that he believed would make a good fighter and now they were watching her.

"Sensei what are you ding here? I thought debate was for nerds?" Miguel questioned, making Y/N lookup. Johnny had snuck in and took the empty seat next to Miguel. "It is. Which is why we're ditching it. Look I did some thinking and you guys were right. Y/N, you're a strong fighter and I guess I was worried about you getting hurt that I thought finding someone else would make me worry less. But I shouldn't have worried. You're going to be our champion." Johnny stated.

Y/N smiled at this, feeling all the worry and tension she had felt over the past few days slowly dissipate. "Thanks, Dad. And hey, it's ok to be worried. You just have to learn how to be worried and not be an asshole too." She joked. Johnny smiled. "Let's go train."
A/N I decided not to put in the new girl. I didn't like her that much and she honestly doesn't add much to the plot in my story so I decided to leave her out. Anyway hope you guys enjoyed and remember to stay hydrated.

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