Chapter 52- Visitors

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Sam came and visited Y/N, informing her of what happened to Robby. Y/N was understandably upset. She didn't blame Robby for what happened. She actually didn't blame anyone. It was an accident.

Now, not only was Y/N worried about Robby, but she was also worried about her upcoming surgery. Some doctor from out of state who could supposedly perform miracles was coming to perform the surgery. It was very expensive and not 100% guaranteed to work.

The Diaz's offered to pay for it but Y/N refused. She didn't have health insurance or anyone to pay for it but she'll be damned if someone goes into debt because of her. The LaRusso's also offered to pay for it but with how poorly the dealership was doing, she refused. Donations were fine but she didn't want anyone paying for it.

Another thing to come out of the surgery was the media coverage. Actually, Y/N has been the center of a lot of newscasts lately. This time, the media talked about her surgery and the money that was needed to raise it.

Y/N was staring at the TV in her room when she heard footsteps. She looked up to see Johnny walking into the room. His face had healed up and his beard was shaved. "Hey." She greeted. "Hey, kid." He replied, taking the seat next to her bed. "Where you've been?" Y/N asked. "Oh, ya know, around. I talked to Bobby and he told me his church could donate some money for your surgery." Johnny replied.

Y/N had met Bobby once and she liked him from the start. He was like a nice uncle who happened to know karate. "Hey that's great I appreciate it. Have you gone to see Robby?" Y/N asked. Johnny rubbed the back of his neck. "No, but me and Bobby are gonna go see him tomorrow." He replied. "Good. Don't screw it up." She playfully scolded, pointing at him. Johnny rolled his eyes with a smile.
Y/N got her surgery the next day. She didn't feel any different and that worried. Of course, she wasn't expecting it to work right away but she was hoping to feel a little different. Miguel came to her room with some flowers.

"Here you go." He said placing them on her bedside table before placing a kiss on her head. "Thanks, Mig." She mumbled. "How're you feeling?' He asked, sitting next to her. "Woozy." She replied. "Yeah, It's probably all the drugs they gave you. Why don't you go to sleep?"

Y/N didn't even reply she just fell asleep. Miguel smiled and leaned over placing a kiss on her forehead again. "About time." A voice said from the doorway. Miguel turned around to see Johnny leaning up against it with a smirk. "I don't know what you mean," Miguel said, staring at Y/N. "Yeah sure, you don't."

A doctor popped his head into the room and smiled. "Are you Johnny Lawrence?" The doctor asked. "Yes, I am," Johnny replied. "Can we talk out here?" The doctor questioned, nodding towards the hallway. "Uh yeah sure."

The two adults walked out into the hallway and stood off to the side. "So what's up doc?" Johnny asked crossing his arms over his chest. "It's about Ms. L/N." The doctor stated. "Is something wrong? Did the surgery not work? Will she walk again?" Johnny rambled off. The doctor held his hand up, cutting off Johnny's rambling.

"Ms. L/N is fine. It's about her parents."

"What about her parents?"

"We haven't been able to contact them and since Y/N is a minor, she needs someone to take care of her after she is discharged."

"Ok, I'll do it."

"Unfortunately Mr. Lawrence you are not a legal guardian so she cannot be released to you."

"So what happens now?"

Before the doctor could reply, shouting was heard from Y/N's room. Johnny ran to the room and flung the door open to find Y/N yelling at two adults. Her parents, Derek and Karen L/N

"Get away from me!" She yelled, trying to scoot away from them. Since she couldn't use her legs, there wasn't much she could do. "Now now is that any way to talk to your parents," Karen said, her voice dripping with fake affection. Her mother reached out to pat her hair but Y/N flinched away from her touch.

"Don't touch her." Johnny spat. The two adults turned around to see Johnny standing there. Miguel ran over to Y/N's side and wrapped his arms around her protectively. "What did you say?" Derek asked. "I said don't touch her," Johnny repeated. "Oh yeah or what?"

Johnny grabbed the man by his collar and lifted him off of the ground. "I'll pound your ass so far into this ground, you'll be shitting concrete for a month." Johnny threatened. Derek's eyes widened. "Y-you think I'm scared of you." He stammered.

"I think you are because you're a coward and that's all you'll ever be," Y/N said, finally finding the voice to speak. She didn't know what came over her but she shouldn't be scared of them. "And all you'll ever be is a burden. Since the day you were born all you've ever done is be a burden. Even worse now since your little accident." Karen sneered. Y/N rolled her eyes.

"All you'll ever be is a gold-digging, piece of human garbage who cares more about her looks than anything else. You've got gray hair by the way." Y/N said pointing to her scalp. Karen gasped and pulled a compact out of her bag to make sure Y/N was right.

Y/N looked over to Johnny. "Dad put him down, he's not worth it," Y/N stated. Johnny set Derek down. The man scoffed. "Dad? Oh please. He's a loser and you'll end up just like him."

"Oh, I hope so. He's a good person with a big heart and knows how to kick ass. So if I end up like that then he did something right. You've never done something right in your whole life, except abandon me. Because if you didn't, then I wouldn't be surrounded by the amazing people I'm surrounded by right now. And you only came back because of all the money that's been raised for me. You aren't getting any of it so if you think you are you better leave right now."

Derek's face contorted into anger. "Why you little bi-" He went to lunge forward but a police officer came out of nowhere and grabbed the man by his collar. "Take her too," Y/N said, pointing to her mother. The officer came over and grabbed the woman, dragging her away. "This isn't over!" Karen yelled.

Once they were out of the room, Y/N released a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "Are you ok?" Miguel asked, rubbing her arms. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just shaken up." Y/N admitted. Miguel nodded and pulled her close to him. Johnny couldn't believe those were her parents. They won't take care of her. They'll probably abandon her again.

Suddenly Johnny got an idea. "Hey, I'll be right back." He said to the two teens. They nodded and he walked out of the room. He found a phone and put in a familiar number. The phone rang once before the person answered. "Hey, Bobby it's me. What do you know about adopting?"
A/N we finally got to meet Y/N's parents!! I gave them names because why not? You can always change the names if you'd like. Anyways hope you enjoyed and stay hydrated.

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