Chapter 46- The Big Fight

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Y/N and Sam hurriedly left their classroom with people following close behind them. Tory came down the hallway, a sinister look in her eye. She looked ready to kill Sam. Sam and Tory stopped a few feet away from each other, just glaring at each other. Y/N felt that gut feeling, again. Something bad is going to happen.

The two girls started circling each other, glaring at one another. "I saw what you did at the party. You kissed Miguel." Tory spat. Robby, who had joined the crowd of people, looked at Sam with a hurt expression. Sam just stood there shocked. Tory just snarled before throwing a punch. Sam ducked, making her miss. Sam went to run away but Tory grabbed her by her backpack and pulled her back to her. Tory threw her backpack to the ground before kicking her in the stomach. She landed into some of the Cobra Kai's but they just shoved her back towards Tory.

Y/N took off her own backpack and tossed it to the ground. She needed to stop this before it got too far. Tory threw a kick at Sam but Sam ducked. Tory ran and grabbed Sam's neck, bringing her knee up into her face. Y/N went over and tried to grab Tory, but Tory shoved her back, making her fall into a locker. Tory threw Sam into a locker and started punching her repeatedly in the stomach before Robby ran over and pulled them apart.

Robby pinned Tory to the locker while he held his hand up to Sam. "Calm down! I'm sure we can figure this out!" Robby yelled. "Hey!" Miguel shouted, running over to the group. Miguel grabbed Robby by the waist and flung him to the ground. "Oh, it is on!" Hawk shouted. Before Y/N could even blink, nearly the whole school broke out into a fight.

Y/N pushed herself off of the ground and started running towards Robby and Miguel. Something told her she was going to have to stop them first. She ducked under kicks and fists as she chased after the boys. "Miguel! Robby! Stop!" She yelled, chasing after them. Neither one of them listened as they took turns swinging at each other.

A set of doors were flung open as the group of students pushed through them, following Sam, Tory, Robby, and Miguel. Tory grabbed Sam and flung her to the ground, making her roll into a pole. "Can't you just stop it already?!" Sam exclaimed. "What's the matter? Can't keep up?" Tory taunted. She went to throw a kick but Sam moved out of the way, jumping onto the stairs.

Meanwhile, still on the ground floor, Robby ran Miguel into a pillar. "You can't cheat your way out of this one." Robby mocked. Miguel grabbed Robby's arm and pulled him forward before headbutting him. "Like that move? Learned it from your dad." Miguel taunted before pushing him backward. Sam let out a loud shriek and Miguel looked over to see her and Tory's fight. Miguel sprinted up the stairs after them. Suddenly Robby jumped in front of him and tried to roundhouse him in the face but Miguel ducked just in time.

Miguel kicked Robby in the chest and went to go run up the stairs but Robby grabbed him. "Get off!" Sam screamed. Miguel got away from Robby and sprinted up the stairs. Y/N had enough. She sprinted up the stairs as well. One kid from Cobra Kai went to throw a punch but she caught his fist. When he realized who she was, his eyes widened. "Next time, pay attention." She said before kicking him. The boy went down and Y/N ran up the rest of the staircase.

Tory flipped Sam to the ground and went to punch her when Miguel ran up behind her. "Tory enough!" He shouted going to grab her arm. Tory shoved him backward before kicking him into a pillar, making him fall. Y/N quickly went over and helped him up. "Sam!" Robby yelled, running up the stairs. Miguel swept Robby's leg, making him fall to the ground. "Miguel stop!" Y/N screamed. She ran and grabbed him but he didn't pay attention and smacked her wrist away, the one she had sprained. She recoiled in pain.

Tory grabbed Sam by her hair and started dragging her down the stairs. Sam was able to get out of her grip and shoved Tory away. Tory went to run at Sam but Sam punched and kicked her before roundhouse kicking her in the face. "Is that the only way you know how to fight? Dirty?" Sam questioned. Tory grinned at her and slid her spikey bracelet off of her wrist. "This isn't a tournament. There are no rules." Tory growled, sliding the spikes onto her fists. Sam gasped in fear.

On the second floor, Miguel and Robby were still fighting. Y/N ran over to them again, trying to find a way to get in between them. Miguel brought his leg up to kick Robby, but Robby caught it and brought his elbow down onto it before elbowing Miguel in the face. Miguel fell to the ground. "That's for taking advantage of Sam and Y/N!" Robby yelled. "I would never!" Miguel shouted. "Then why did it happen?"

Miguel got to his feet and ran at Robby but Robby sidestepped making Miguel stumble. Robby pulled Miguel back but Miguel got the upper hand and grabbed Robby's arm and pulled him down. Robby got out of his grasp and moved out of the way as Miguel went to swing at him. Miguel knocked Robby down to the ground and started kneeing him in the side, before kicking him. Robby went sliding into the railing before quickly hopping to his feet.

"She doesn't love you. She loves me!" Miguel yelled. "Who? Y/N or Sam? Because I've had both of them." Robby taunted. "You liar!" Miguel shouted. "Ask her! While you were busy with Sam, me and her spent a lot of time together!"

Miguel roared in anger and ran at Robby. The two boys met in the middle and started straining against each other before Robby kicked Miguel in the chest. Miguel landed against the wall and Robby started punching him in the face. Miguel took his leg and swept Robby's, making him fall to the ground. Miguel got down on Robby's side and grabbed his arm. He was going to bend it when- "Miguel, stop! Remember what Johnny said about mercy? This fight is stupid anyway, you two are fighting over a girl!" Y/N pleaded.

Miguel looked at his best friend, noticing the blood and bruises. His eyes softened as he looked at her, realizing she was hurt because of him. He looked at his hand that was gripping Robby's arm, the arm he hurt in the All Valley tournament, and then down at the boy beneath him, and felt himself sobering.

Y/N finally pulled him off of Robby and gripped his arms. "This all has to stop, someone is going to get really hurt." She whispered. Miguel nodded and pulled her into a hug. Y/N gripped his T-shirt. She couldn't lose him. She realized that now. They fought over something so stupid and those could've been the last words they said to each other.

After they let go of each other, Miguel turned around, ready to apologize to Robby when said boy sent a kick straight into Miguel's chest. The force knocked him back so hard, he flew into Y/N. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as Y/N flipped over the railing, falling towards the ground below.

"Y/N!" Miguel screamed as she got nearer to the ground. Miguel attempted to reach his hand out but it was too late. Y/N landed on the metal railing, a sickening crunch was heard before she was flipped onto the stone steps. Robby ran over to the railing and looked over the side, horror written on his face. He just hurt his best friend, and someone he loved.

"Robby what did you do?!" Sam exclaimed, tears falling as she glanced between her best friend and her boyfriend. Robby just looked at her, speechless, before quickly running off. No one bothered to stop him.

Miguel ran as fast as he could down the stairs and stopped next to her. "Come on, Y/N, wake up for me, please." He pleaded. "We need an ambulance at West Valley High." An officer said into his walkie-talkie. Miguel clutched Y/N's hand tightly as he waited for an ambulance. Where was that damn ambulance? An officer ran over and checked her pulse. It was very faint, but it was still there.

Soon an ambulance arrived to take Y/N to the hospital. "Sir, you need to step back." An EMT said to Miguel. "No, I'm going with her." He protested. "Sir step back now." The EMT demanded. "No!" Miguel shouted. The officer that had called for the ambulance went up behind Miguel and restrained him in his arms. "Let me go! Let me go!" Miguel yelled, thrashing in the man's arms. The EMTs took Y/N while Miguel struggled. "I cant leave her, please! I need to be with her!"

Tears were streaming down his face as he screamed. Once the EMTs were out of sight, the officer set Miguel down. "Miguel we should go to the hospital," Sam whispered. Miguel turned to her, his nostrils flaring. He wanted to blame her, he wanted to blame Robby, he wanted to blame Tory, he wanted to blame Hawk, he wanted to blame Daniel, he wanted to blame Johnny and he wanted to blame himself.

Miguel glanced at Sam, noticing her bleeding arm and the way she held her ribs, and realized she was right. They needed to go to the hospital. They could check on Y/N while they were there. "Before we go, I need to call someone," Miguel stated, pulling out his phone and dialing a number.
A/N Fun fact, this was the idea that inspired me to write this book. This hurt to write. And I bet y'all weren't expecting that

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