Chapter 37- The Beach Club

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After all three of the girl went to their houses and changed into bathing suits, Aisha drove them to the beach club. The three girls walked towards the pool and looked out over the balcony they were standing on. Families were scattered around the place with kids yelling and parents sipping on their drinks.

"OK. This is not the beach. Where are the homeless dudes and the guys shoving shitty hip-hop demos in your face?" Tory asked making Y/N and Aisha laugh. "No, don't worry. They'll come after they pass out the hors d'oeuveres." Aisha joked. Y/N chuckled. She scanned the crowd below her, noticing Sam and Robby laying next to each other. "Hey look there's Sam," Y/N stated, pointing to her.  "That's the Sam girl you were talking about?" Tory asked. "Yeah," Aisha replied sadly. "Just go talk to her." Y/N insisted. Aisha shrugged. "While you two do that, I'm gonna go look for the bar," Tory stated before walking off.

Aisha and Y/N walked down the stairs and went to the buffet table that was set up. There was an assortment of different fruits and desserts as well as a giant bowl of chocolate mousse as well as some mini burgers and hot dogs. Y/N's stomach growled as she started piling food onto her plate. She didn't realize how hungry she was until now. "Hey." A soft voice next to her greeted. Y/N looked over to see Sam standing next to her. "Hey," Aisha replied back, not even glancing at her. "So, how's it going?" Sam asked. Aisha scoffed. "You realize we're not OK."

"What are you mad about? You guys are the ones who stomped all over our Valley Fest demo."

"Only after your father attacked our dojo. What were we supposed to do?"

"He didn't attack you guys."

"No? 'Snake in the grass'? Real subtle."

"He's just trying to do the right thing."

"What, so Cobra Kai is wrong?"

"It's not wrong. It's just..."

Sam sighed. "What are we doing?" She asked. "Yeah, it's our summer vacation. We're at the beach and you two are fighting about karate?" Y/N asked, finally cutting into the conversation. "When we should be talking about boys," Aisha stated. "Speaking of boys, I see you came with the hottie over there," Y/N said to Sam, pointing to Robby. Aisha glanced at her. "So, it's just you and abs all summer, training?" Aisha asked. Sam looked down with red cheeks. "That must be hard." Y/N teased. Sam rolled her eyes and nudged the Y/N. "I'm gonna go say hi. Be right back."

Y/N, with her plate in hand walked over to Robby. "Hey, pretty boy," Y/N said, making his eyes flutter open. "Oh hey, beautiful. What are you doing here?" He asked, pushing himself up. "Aisha brought me. Are you hungry? I brought some food." She stated. Robby smiled. "Sure."

The two sat on the chair chatting with Robby occasionally stealing some of Y/N's food when a man walked over to them. "I knew it was you." The man spat angrily. Robby looked at the man, his face full of fear. "What did I say would happen if you ever stepped foot in here again? I'm calling the cops."

Robby grabbed Y/N's hand in fear. "Uh, what's going on here?" Amanda asked, walking over to them. "Nothing to worry about, Mrs. LaRusso. Just...removing this delinquent from the property." The man replied. "Well, this delinquent happens to be our guest," Amanda stated, her arms crossed over her chest. "Ma'am, I don't think you understand."

"No, I don't think you understand. Robby is our guest. Period."

" mistake."

The man quickly walked away from the group, his hand behind his back. Amanda turned to the two teens with a raised eyebrow. "What was that about, Robby?" She asked. Robby sighed. "Before I met you guys, I...I was a different person. Me and my friends did some stuff here that I regret." Robby replied sheepishly. Y/N squeezed his hand in reassurance. " Did you hurt anybody?" Amanda asked. "No, no, no. Nothing like that. But that guy's right. Maybe I should go." Robby answered, dropping his head. "Hey no. Look, we all make mistakes. It's what we do next that counts, right?"

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