Chapter 39- The War has Begun

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Y/N thought that after her walk she'd feel better but she didn't. When she came back, she found Miguel and Tory gone, as well as receiving texts from Robby, Sam, and Demetri telling her about Hawk. And she didn't even get a pretzel.

Aisha dropped Y/N off at home and she walked into her apartment. She greeted Buddy, the whole decent friend she seemed to have at the moment before changing and going to sleep. Throughout the night, she tossed and turned, not being able to sleep. She didn't know why. 

The sun was slowly starting to peek through her window, lighting up her room as she stared at the ceiling. She didn't close her eyes once the whole night. Suddenly her phone went off, signaling she was getting a call. She reached over to see it was Robby's name lighting up the screen. Why is he calling so early?"


"Y/N you need to get to the dojo right now."

"O tell me what's wrong you sound upset."

"I am. Just get here as fast as you can."

"Ok ok, I'm on my way."

Y/N hung up and quickly got out of her bed. She changed as quickly as she could and grabbed her phone and keys before springing out of her apartment. She hopped on her bike and pedaled as fast as she could. She reached the dojo to find Robby standing out front waiting for her. Once he saw her, he ran up to her and pulled her into a hug. "Robby what's wrong you're scaring me." She whispered, hugging him back. "Come on."

He grabbed her hand and pulled her through the gate. What she saw made her gasp. The whole place was trashed. Toilet paper was thrown around, rocks and trees were knocked over, potted plants were broken, punching bags were cut open and stuff was even spray painted. "Oh my god." She gasped. "It gets worse," Robby stated, pulling her to the house. 

Y/N walked in to see everything was knocked over. Shelves and broken glass littered the floor with ripped pieces of canvas scattered around. Y/N looked over to see Daniel holding something in his head, tears threatening to leave his eyes. Y/N slowly walked over to him. "Mr. LaRusso?" She asked softly. Daniel looked up at her with glassy eyes. "They took Mr. Miyagi's Medal of Honor." He said with a strained voice. Y/N lightly gasped. That was one of the only things he had left of Mr. Miyagi and a Medal of Honor was not something that was easily earned.

"Dad!" Sam called. Daniel jogged out of the house with Robby and Y/N behind him. They found Sam standing outside staring at Daniel's yellow car. On the side of it, written in red spray paint, it read: "Cobra Kai NEVER DIES!!" Y/N's hand flew up to her mouth. No, she couldn't believe this. Or maybe she could and she didn't want to. She felt her head start to spin as she felt a pillar of her life crumble down. Cobra Kai messed with Miyagi-Do. The two places she had a home. "I-I need to go." She stammered as she slowly backed away. 

Y/N took off sprinting, ignoring their calls after her. She hopped on her bike and just pedaled. She didn't even have a destination in mind, she just needed to go somewhere. Soon, Y/N found herself in front of her apartment. She didn't even remember getting there. As she was getting off her bike, Miguel was leaving his apartment. "Oh hey, Y/N." He greeted, not noticing how pale she looked. "Hey Mig."

"Sorry about leaving you yesterday but Tory wanted to show me something."

"That's nice."

"Yeah. It was pretty cool. And then she kissed me. I don't know if we're dating or not but she's really cool."


Y/N wasn't even registering what he was saying. All she could register was the blood pounding in her ears. "Well, I'll see you later," Miguel said, giving her a quick hug before walking away. He didn't even notice how distracted she was. He was in his own little world. 

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