Chapter 69- The Prince and the Mermaid

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Y/N took a sip of water as she watched a group of young girls run by. After a long day at the dojo, Y/N was dragged to a kid's party by Sam who was dragged there by Amanda. She was going to say no and just stay home with Johnny but he told her he needed to "talk" to Carmen. She figured it was best to attend the party.

"Did I really have to come to this?" Sam asked annoyed. "Yeah, I have the same question," Y/N muttered. Amanda chuckled. "Uh, Shelia's worked for us for ten years. She's practically family. Anyway, you used to love to babysit Cindee." Amanda replied. Sam rolled her eyes. "That doesn't change the fact that this is just about the last place I'd like to spend my Saturday." Sam scoffed.

Y/N rolled her eyes at the brunette's attitude. Lately, all Sam did was complain and it was getting on her nerves. Y/N loved Sam, she was her best friend after all but lately every time she did something, it annoyed Y/N. "A lot of people have it worse than you." Amanda stated. Sam just stared at her mom. "She's got a point, Sam." Y/N added. Sam rolled her eyes again as loud pop music sounded through the speakers.

The little kids started cheering, making Y/N look over to see a bunch of young women dressed as mermaids. One of them though looked oddly familiar. She was wearing a dark purple wig and a glittery purple skirt. Y/N squinted before her eyes widened in realization. The girl was Tory!

Sam laughed next to her. "Did I say the last place I want to spend my Saturday? I meant the first." She said, staring at Tory with a smirk. Y/N frowned at this. She knew Tory had to work a lot to help her mom and brother and seeing Y/N and Sam probably didn't help her feel any better. Especially dressed head to toe in sparkles and gaudy makeup.

Tory and the other girls separated and started walking around, entertaining the young kids. "Can you tell us a story?" Cindee, the birthday girl asked, tugging on Tory's skirt. Tory gave a smile. Sure I can. Let's all sit in a circle." Tory instructed the kids who had joined her. "Come on, we gotta hear this," Sam said, grabbing Y/N's arm and dragging her over to them. "Wait, Sam-" She protested.

Sam dragged Y/N over to the group, making Tory glance at them. Y/N stared at Tory, hoping her apology was visible on her face. She truly felt bad for the way Sam was reacting. Tory cleared her throat and turned her attention to the little kids. Tory started her story, telling an eccentric tale of a brave prince trying to rescue her, the helpless mermaid.

"The prince did everything to climb the mountain, but the dragon carried me there so he could eat me alive. But then the valiant prince came to my rescue." Tory said, waving her hands comically as she told the tale. "Oh is that the prince you stole from another princess?" Sam asked with a smirk. Y/N turned and looked at her. Why was Sam acting like this?  "The other princess wasn't dating that prince anymore." Tory stated, glaring at Sam. Y/N had to fight the smile that was forming on her face as Sam glared back at Tory, speechless.

Tory turned back to the kids. "Anyway, uh, the dragon breathed hot fire at the prince, melting his sword. So now I had to save the prince." Tory continued. "Using what? A weapon like, I don't know, a spiked bracelet or nunchucks?" Sam asked rhetorically. "Sam, stop it." Y/N scolded quietly. Tory glanced at the two. 

"No, by singing a magic song." Tory replied, trying to keep her composure in front of the kids. "Oh, and how did the song go?" Sam asked. "Yeah sing us the song." One of the kids stated. The other kids joined in, hoping Tory would sing them the song. Tory glared at Sam before turning to the kids and starting singing the song.

Beautiful dragon

Please go to sleep

Sunset is falling

Now time to count sheep

"Wow. And I thought you were bad at fighting." Sam chuckled, before getting to her feet. Sam walked away, Tory watching her. "I'm sorry for her." Y/N mumbled to Tory. Tory looked at her, searching for sincerity. When she found it, she nodded. Y/N nodded back and got to her feet, walking over to Amanda, who had watched the whole thing. "Why is Sam starting things?" Amanda sighed as Y/N walked over. "I don't know." Y/N replied. 

"Die evil witch!" A bunch of kids shouted, making Y/N lookup. The kids Tory had been entertaining ran over to Sam and threw glitter on her. Y/N placed her hand over her mouth, trying to stifle the laugh that was building in her throat.

Y/N felt an arm wrap around her waist and she turned around to see Miguel standing there. "Hey beautiful." He greeted. "Hey, handsome." She replied, placing a kiss on his lips. "So, having fun?" He asked teasingly. "I am now that you're here." She flirted. Miguel raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "Oh yeah? Well then why don't we go have some fun at-"

Miguel was cut off by Sam walking over to them, covered in glitter. She looked over to see Tory staring at them, making her smirk. "Hey, Miguel. So happy you're here." She said softly, placing a hand on his arm. Miguel looked at her confused, shrugging her hand off of his arm. "Uh, hey Sam. What happened, decided to go for the disco ball look?" He asked sarcastically. Sam gave a loud giggle as she touched Miguel again. "Oh, Miguel, you're so funny."

Y/N heard a chair scrape against the floor and something clatter to the ground, making her look over to see Tory storming out of the room. "Sam, you're a bitch." Y/N snapped. Sam looked at her in surprise. "Come on, Miguel. Dad's waiting for us." Y/N said. Miguel nodded and the two marched past Sam out of the building, their hands clasped together.
A/N Things are getting serious now ;)

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