Chapter 33- The truth comes out

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After Y/N got more concrete off of her (this was because of Robby pushing her into the pond), the two dried off before going inside the dojo to talk. The two told the stories of how they got to be how they found each other, Y/N's story making Robby laugh. "Told you mine was funnier!" Y/N yelled victoriously, throwing her arms up in the air. Robby laughed again before a look of sadness crossed his face, making him look down.

Y/N, noticing his change in mood, put a comforting hand on his arm. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked softly. Before she could reply, Sam came running into the dojo with a smile on her face. She pulled Y/N into a quick hug before turning to Robby, complimenting him on what they did that day. "Hey, do you two need a ride home?" Sam asked. Robby shook his head no. "Listen, I'm sorry about earlier. I've just got stuff going on at home. My mom took off. I guess she forgot to pay some bills. But I'll see you two tomorrow?" He said, looking between the two.

Y/N was taken aback by how calm he was about the situation. Then again, her own parents were never home and it didn't bother her. "Of course," Y/N replied, pulling him into a hug. "And you're welcome to come with me. I have the space." She offered. Robby looked at her gratefully. "I would but you know..."He trailed off. Y/N nodded in understanding. He didn't want to be near Johnny.

The two broke apart. Sam quickly ran off to tell her dad something before coming back and grabbing Y/N. Sam dropped her off at her apartment complex and drove away. As Y/N was walking to her door, she saw Miguel leaving Johnny's apartment, a look of betrayal on his face. "Mig, what's wrong?" She asked, walking over to him. Miguel held up a picture of Robby from when he was younger, the one on Johnny's fridge. "W-where did you get that?" Y/N asked. "Sensei's fridge," Miguel answered angrily. Oh no.

"Did you know?"


"And you didn't tell me?!"

Y/N felt like she was reliving the night all over again. The night Daniel and Johnny yelled at her. She hated that night. "Miguel, listen to me. I didn't know he was Johnny's son when I met him but then I found out afterward. I didn't think it was going to matter because you didn't know Robby at the time. I didn't know he was going to become your "enemy". And Johnny asked me not to tell you. I'm sorry." Y/N apologized. Miguel sighed before running a hand through his hair. "Ok. I'm not mad at you just upset that's all. I wish Sensei would've told me, that's all." He admitted. "I know."

Miguel pulled Y/N into a hug and the two stood there, wrapped in each other's arms trying to forget everything around them. They would never admit it to each other but they wanted to be this way forever.

Y/N slept over at Miguel's house that night, seeing as they haven't done it since the night of the Halloween dance. Y/N woke up first, like last time, and just stared at Miguel. She couldn't understand why things were this way. They acted like more of a couple than he and Sam did when they were dating. Miguel's eyes opened and he looked over at Y/N smiling at her in his bed. I could get used to this.

"Good morning." He mumbled, his morning voice making him sound hot. "Good morning Mig," Y/N replied with her own smile. "I'm meeting Hawk and Demetri at the beach. Care to join?" He asked, pushing himself onto his elbow. Y/N shook her head. "No, I'll pass. I'm gonna go to the dojo and apologize to Sensei for what I said yesterday." Y/N replied. Miguel nodded. "Ok. I'll see you later."

Miguel leaned over and kissed her forehead before getting out of the bed and walking off to the bathroom. Y/N grabbed a pillow and pulled it over her face before squealing into it. She was falling too hard for this boy and he didn't even realize it. Little did she know, he was feeling the same way.

The two went their separate ways, with Miguel catching a ride to the beach while Y/N biked to the dojo. She pared her bike before walking into the empty dojo. "Sensei?" She called, walking towards his office. Johnny walked out with a small smile on his face as well as a look of annoyance. "Hey, kid. What are you doing here?" He asked. "I came here to apologize. I know you were just trying to teach us a lesson and you didn't mean to cause us any harm."

"No need to apologize. You were just giving me the facts and your honest opinion and I respect that."

"Well, either way, I shouldn't have been so rude."

"Hey, it's alright. Anyways did you see LaRusso's commercial?"

Y/N tilted her head in confusion. "What commercial?" She asked. Johnny ushered her to his office and opened his laptop, showing her commercial. When it ended, Y/N stood there, her jaw open. "A snake in the grass?! Mr. LaRusso is anything but subtle." Y/N scoffed. Daniel always told her to never start a fight, and here he was, poking the bear. The hypocrisy.

"I know right. We've gotta get him back. Any ideas?" Johnny asked, looking up at her. Y/N stared off contemplatively. "I've got a few. Let's consult Aisha and Miguel when they come, they might have some as well." Y/N replied. Johnny nodded just as the door to the dojo opened, signaling someone had come in. "Well, time for class," Y/N stated.

She walked off to the locker room and changed into her gi. By the time she walked into the studio, most of the kids were there. She noticed Hawk and Miguel sitting on the floor stretching, so she decided to join them. "Hello, boys." She greeted, sitting down next to them. They both nodded in acknowledgment. "So I did a deep dive online and you were right, Sensei is definitely Keene's father." Hawk stated, looking at Miguel.

"You told him?" Y/N asked, glaring at Miguel. "You knew?" Hawk fired back. "Of course I knew. I just wasn't allowed to say." Y/N replied. "I just don't understand why he wouldn't tell us." Miguel sighed. "I don't know. But it explains why he's giving us shit for kicking Keene's ass at the tournament. Show no mercy, unless it's his son. Then we gotta be pussies." Hawk scoffed.

Y/N rolled her eyes. "Even if Robby wasn't Johnny's son, you've gotta admit that you did two did take it a little far. You don't attack someone when their back is turned or play on their injury." Y/N interjected. "Oh please. You're just saying that because you and Keene have a thing." Hawk scoffed. "Me and Robby and just friends!" Y/N growled. Before anyone could say anything else, Aisha came over. "Have you seen the commercial?" She asked. The boys shook their heads no while Y/N nodded.

"Of course you saw. You probably helped make it." Hawk spat. "Hawk stop," Miguel demanded. Hawk rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He mumbled before walking away with Aisha. "Thanks, Mig." Y/N thanked. Miguel wrapped an arm around her. "What are friends for?" He replied with a goofy grin. Right, friends.
A/N Here's another chapter because I feel bad about not updating in like 2 days. I know I made Hawk kind of an ass but I mean he'd understandably be upset with Y/N, especially after what happened at the All Valley.

Also, I just noticed this book has over 50k reads like holy shit I love you guys so much. Remember to stay hydrated. Love y'all

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