Chapter 28- All Valley Tournament Final Part

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A/N buckle up y'all because this is a long one and drama filled one
As soon as a break was called, Y/N and Daniel were out of their seats, rushing to the locker room. As Y/N was making her way there, she felt someone catch her wrist. Y/N turned around to see Johnny standing there, a look of worry in his eyes. "Can you, uh, let me know if he's ok?" Johnny asked timidly. Y/N nodded wordlessly and Johnny let her go, watching her retreating back. Man did he screw up.

Y/N rushed into the locker room to see Daniel and Robby talking. "Oh sorry to interrupt." She stated. "All good. I was just teaching Robby about some more balance." Daniel replied. Y/N walked over to Robby and sat down next to him. "How's your shoulder?" She asked softly. "It hurts. I don't think I can fight." He replied, rubbing it. "Well we'll see about that," Daniel stated, getting up. He clapped his hands together and started rubbing them very fast until, "Medic! Is there a medic?"

He walked away from the two kids in search of a medic, leaving them alone. It was now or never. "Hey Robby, um I know this isn't the best time but we need to talk about last night," Y/N said hesitantly. Robby just smiled at her. "It's ok. I should've expected this." He replied.

"Listen I do care about you but I don't think it'd be fair to you if we started something."

"Because of Miguel?"

"...Yeah. You're a really great guy Robby and I don't want to hurt you."

"It's ok I understand."

"Can we still be friends?"

"We'll always be friends, no matter what."

"You promise?" Y/N asked, sticking out her pinky. Robby smiled and hooked his pinkie with hers. "I promise." He replied. Y/N gave him a gentle hug, being careful of his shoulder just as Daniel came back with a medic. Robby took off the top part of his gi, revealing his abs, which Y/N had to admit was a pretty nice sight. The medic started touching his shoulder, asking him if it hurt. Robby nodded every time. She grabbed it and popped it back in place, making him groan in pain.

She explained how it was a slight dislocation and gave him some ice, before leaving the three. "Listen, you don't need to fight," Daniel stated. "Yes, I do. I'm gonna have to face him sooner or later. Might as well be today." Robby stated firmly. Daniel nodded in his head understanding. He knew what he needed to do.

"This is it, folks. The moment you've all been waiting for. The final match to determine who will be victor and champion. Will it be Miguel Diaz from Cobra Kai Karate? Will it be Robby Keene unaffil-" The announcer was cut off by Y/N running across the mat and whispering something in his ear. Miguel was glaring at Robby the whole time, feeling anger flow through him. Why did Y/N care about him so much? Why did Sam? He was going to prove, to both of them that he was better than Robby. In more ways than one.

Johnny, on the other hand, was switching his gaze between Y/N and Robby, guilt and worry flowing through him. After he woke up from his drunken stupor from last night, he remembered everything he said to Y/N and instantly felt guilty. He ruined another relationship, again. First with Ali, then Sharon, then Robby, and now Y/N. This time, he was going to fix it. No matter who won, no matter what happened today, he was going to talk to Y/N.

"Daniel LaRusso's gonna coach?" The announcer asked, breaking Johnny from his dazed state. Y/N nodded her head frantically. "Daniel LaRusso is gonna coach!" The announcer repeated, this time directing it to the crowd. Y/N smiled and hurried off the mat to stand on the sideline next to Daniel. When she reached the other side, she met Johnny's eyes. He gave her a small smile and she gave him a curt nod in return, understanding what he was trying to say. We'll talk later.

Strike Hard: Miguel Diaz x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now