Chapter 19- Things are getting interesting around here

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Y/N and Daniel decided to practice some defense in one of the back rooms at the dealership. It was more convenient and it was spacious. "I promise the next lesson will be at my house. I've made some upgrades to the room." Daniel reassured, pushing his sweaty hair off of his forehead. Y/N checked the time to see it was 3:45. "I gotta go but thanks for the lesson." She said, smiling at him. "Of course."

Y/N sped out the backroom and briskly walked through the showroom, her white gi making people stare at her in confusion. "Hey Y/N!" Robby yelled, jogging after her. "Oh hey, Robby I was just leaving." She stated, her tone a bit hurried. "Well before you go, I was just wondering if I could have your number?" He asked shyly. "Sure."

They exchanged numbers and even took a selfie for the contact picture. "I'll text you later," Robby stated. "You promise?" Y/N teased. "Of course. Can't have another guy hitting you up now can I?" He flirted. "Smooth Keene. Smooth."

Y/N pedaled to the dojo, the ride actually taking about 15 minutes. She parked her bike and jogged in just as the kids were starting to get on the mats. "You were almost late," Miguel mumbled to her. "Yeah sorry, ran longer than I thought." She replied. "What did?" He asked. "Nothing, never mind."

"OK everybody fall in," Johnny instructed, walking into the room. His eyes scanned the group, noticing a very sweaty Y/N and the lower number of students. Johnny had been getting suspicious of Y/N lately. Like she was hiding something from him. He wasn't her dad, it's not like it should matter if she was but he just couldn't get over the feeling.

"Where is everyone? Crater face? Nose ring? Slingshot?" He asked, looking around the room. "They quit, Sensei," Miguel answered, shuffling his feet. While he did like Johnny and looked up to him, he had to admit that he was being unnecessarily rude to the kids. "Are you serious?" Johnny asked, somewhat upset. "I mean, good. That was a test. I wanted to see who the quitters are. Not you guys. You're in it to win it, right? You could be at home playing your iComputers, playing your video games, eating candy. Instead, you're here, doing pushups, learning how to fight."

Johhny looked over at Eli and pointed at him. "Lip. Look. Even Lip's tougher than those guys. He's no quitter." Johnny said. "Could you please not call me that?" Eli asked, embarrassed. "Excuse me, what?" Johnny questioned. No one ever talked back to him. Well, except for Y/N. She was an exception.

"I said, could you please not call me that," Eli repeated. "Uh, we can warm them up, Sensei." Y/N cut in, feeling tension start to build. "No, Lip has something he wants to say," Johnny said, putting his hand up.

"Sorry, speak up, Lip. Or is your tongue messed up too? Are you one of those challenged kids?"

"Um, the doctor said I could be on the spectrum."

"I don't know what that is, but get off of it pronto, all right? If you don't want me to call you Lip, don't have a weird lip. Can't you get surgery for that?"

"I was born with a cleft lip. This is the scar from the surgery."

"You mean it was worse before that? Or did the doctor just screw up? Because if this is the after photo, that sucks, man. You should sue."

"Can we just please change the topic?"

"You don't think I want to? It's tough when it's right in front of me. If you wanna be something other than a nerd with a scar on his lip, you gotta flip the script. OK? Get a face tattoo or gouge your eye out. We'll call you Patch, all right? No, don't do that one. You'll still look like a freak."

Eli looked around in embarrassment, his eyes glassy. He stormed off the mat and out the back. "Oh great, really? Another quitter?" Johnny scoffed. Y/N and Miguel exchanged a look, having a silent conversation. "Talk to him after class?" "Talk to him after class."

Once class was over and all the kids left, Y/N and Miguel knocked on Johnny's door to his office. "Go away. No more lessons today." He said, opening up a beer. Y/N and Miguel ignored him and walked further into the room. "Did you have to be so hard on them?" Y/N asked, folding her arms over her chest. "Oh come on you two. They're a bunch of losers." Johnny replied, rolling his eyes. "Yeah well, some of those losers are our friends," Miguel stated. "Yeah that tracks."

"And they're your students. You wanted a full dojo, you got one." Y/N stated, placing her phone that she was clutching on the desk. She had pulled it out of her bag after practice to check it but didn't get the chance. Now she was worried that if she kept gripping it the way she was, she might break it. She was annoyed with Johnny, to say the least.

"Not full like that," Johnny said, leaning back and taking a sip of beer. "Yeah, we get it, all right? They're losers. Maybe I am a loser too." Miguel said, his shoulders slumping. He didn't call Y/N a loser, Johnny noticed, only himself. She's not a loser. Miguel thought. She's too perfect. Stop it.

"Are you kidding me? Are you guys gonna cry now too?" Johnny mocked. "No, it...Never mind. It's just...You don't' know what it's like to be us. I'll see you tomorrow." Miguel rambled before storming out of the room. "He just needs to cool off," Y/N stated, noticing the distressed look on Johnny's face. Suddenly, Y/N's phone lit up on the desk, signaling she got a text.

She went to grab it, but Johnny got to it first. "Hey give it!" She exclaimed, going for it. "You got a text from Robby. Who's Robby? Is he your boyfriend?" Johnny asked with a smirk. "No, I just met him today." She replied, rolling her eyes. Johnny opened the message only for his face to drop. He saw his contact picture. The picture of his son.

"Something wrong, Sensei?" Y/N asked worriedly. His whole demeanor had changed. "Uh, yeah. yeah, I'm fine. Listen you should probably get going, I've gotta, uh, lock up." Johnny stammered, handing Y/N back her phone. "OK, see you tomorrow."

Y/N walked out of the office and looked down at her phone.

Told you I'd text you ;)

Y/N laughed and went to reply when her eyes wandered to the picture of him. The gleam in his eyes. She looked over her shoulder back at Johnny's office and then back at the picture. Wait, was Robby Johnny's son?!
A/N: Tiny spoiler for this book but Johnny is the ultimate Miguel-Y/N shipper. That is all.

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