Chapter 23- Story Time

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Miguel punched the dummy hard, breathing heavily. He, Y/N, and Johnny were the only ones in the dojo, well Buddy was there too but he was asleep in Y/N's lap. Johnny wanted Miguel to practice by himself for the tournament and Y/N came because she had nothing better to do. And wherever Y/N went, Buddy went, except for school. Y/N was actually surprised Johnny let him into the dojo.

"Ok. OK! That's enough. Save some for the tournament." Johnny demanded, making Miguel stop his punching. "Why am I the only one training, Sensei?" Miguel panted, dropping his hands to his side. "Cause let's face it, you're the only chance I got at winning this thing," Johnny stated, glaring at Y/N. Y/N gave him an innocent smile as she pets Buddy.

"So what? I'm your best student?" Miguel asked, a smug smirk on his face. "Don't flatter yourself. We all know Y/N is my best student." Johnny scoffed with an eye roll. Miguel's smirk dropped making Y/N laugh. "Oh come on Mig, you walked right into that one."

Miguel rolled his eyes before walking over to his bag and picking up his phone. He let out a little chuckle, making Johnny look at him confused. "What's so funny?" He asked, walking over to him. "Oh, nothing, just this funny picture my girlfriend posted." Miguel laughed, showing Johnny the phone. Y/N rolled her eyes bitterly. Girlfriend? Oh please.

Johnny looked at the phone and his eyes widened. "Wait a second." He mumbled snatching Miguel's phone from his hand. "Is that Daniel LaRusso's daughter?" He asked somewhat angrily. Y/N winced. Uh oh, this isn't going to end well.

"Yeah, you know Samantha?" Miguel questioned confused. "You're dating a LaRusso?" He snapped. Miguel was taken aback. "Yeah, why? Is something wrong?" Miguel asked worriedly. Johnny looked between Miguel and Y/N and sighed. "We need to talk."

After Miguel changed out of his gi and the three of them grabbed something to drink, they sat on the curb outside, with Buddy laying on Miguel this time. "It was the summer of '82. Rocky III had just come out. My buddy Dutch was a huge Mr. T fan, so we went to the local theater to check it out. Sitting in front of us was this group of cute chicks, eating popcorn. Dutch started throwing Milk Duds at 'em." Johnn said, taking a swig of his beer.

"What? Why would he do that?" Miguel asked with a laughed. "Because it's an alpha move, man. Babes love it when you treat them like crap." Johnny replied. "No, they don't." Y/N hummed, taking a sip of her Coke. Johnny rolled his eyes and continued his story. "Anyways, the girls got so pissed off, that one of them stood up and started yelling at us. That's when I saw her for the first time."

"Saw who?" Miguel asked. A wave of nostalgia and longing crossed over Johnny's face. "Ali. She dumped popcorn all over Dutch. Got butter all over him. I could tell right away, this chick was a firecracker." He stated, making the two kids laugh. "Did you ask her out?" Y/N asked. "Yeah, I hit on her a few times till she gave me a chance. We went to Golf N' Stuff for our first date. Kissed on the Ferris Wheel. We were madly in love. Dated for two years. For Valentine's day, instead of rings, I gave her this pink jelly bracelet. She gave me this." He said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his signature black headband.

"So, then what happened?" Miguel asked. "Summer before my senior year, we got into a fight. I figured we'd work things out eventually. But then Daniel LaRusso came to town." Johnny spat. Y/N couldn't help the smirk that was forming on her face. I've been waiting to hear this story.

"Next thing I know, he's hitting on her. I see the two of them flirting with each other." He continues. "What'd you do?" Y/N asked. "Well, I walked over to have a civil conversation with Ali. But LaRusso kept butting in. I told him to get lost, mind your own business. Out of nowhere, the guy sucker-punches me."

"What an asshole." Miguel scoffs, making Y/N chuckle. "I know, man. I did what any dude would do. I defended myself. You know, I figured that was that. But LaRusso wouldn't leave it alone. At the Halloween dance, I was sitting there, minding my own business, he douses me with a water hose. I hadn't seen the guys in months. Fricking turns a water hose on my head. So I chase him down, try to put an end to things that night. Turns out the guy's got a karate master of his own. Guy comes out of nowhere, jumps us, assaults me and my friends. I think my buddy Tommy got brain damage because of that fight."

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