Chapter 18- Things get kind of awkward

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Demetri quit Cobra Kai the next day, mentioning something about prostitution. Miguel tried to convince him to continue, but his plea fell on deaf ears. "Why should I learn when I have you two?" Demetri asked as the three of them walked to science class. They came across Kyler who looked at them scared before scurrying away. That'll show him.

The three walked into the class and took their seats, waiting for the class to start. Sam walked in and people immediately started laughing and pointing at her. Sam looked around confused until Y/N pointed to her shoulder. Sam looked down to see a lollipop stuck to it. "Thanks for the Blow Pop, guys, Really never gets old." She said sarcastically, ripping it off. "It's because she gives blow jobs," Demetri said, nudging Miguel.

Y/N and Miguel looked at Demetri unamused. "It's just a rumor." Y/N defended. Sam was her close friend and Y/N will be damned if people think it's ok to mess with her. Demetri, noticing the glare on her face, shrunk into his seat. "Hey, everybody. Who let the pigs out? I did because I ordered the fetal pigs." The teacher joked, chuckling at his own statement. No one laughed and he cleared his throat awkwardly. "Get in your groups."

"Mr. Palmer, my partner isn't here." Sam stated, walking up to the teacher. "who wants to take Samantha in? This little piggy needs a group." He joked. No one answered. "Don't all volunteer at once."

"We can take her," Y/N said, raising her hand. Sam smiled over and quickly grabbed her bag. She walked over to them, accidentally bumping into Demetri, and put her bag down next to Y/N, who was sitting next to Miguel. "Thanks, Y/N. I'm gonna go get a chair." She stated with a smile. "Yeah," Miguel replied, staring at her dreamily. Y/N felt it again. Jealousy.

After everyone had got the supplies they needed and got their gloves on, the four of them started cutting open the pig. They mostly worked in silence, none of them really knowing what to say. "What were you thinking for sex?" Sam asked, staring at Miguel. "Uh...uh...I've...Uh." Miguel stammered. "Because in the male, this tract opens up near the umbilical cord. So I think ours is a female." Sam explained, pointing to the diagram they were using.

"Yeah um. Yeah, I concur." Miguel replied awkwardly. "Pretty and smart? Is there anything you can't do?" Y/N teased, nudging Sam. Sam giggled, making Miguel stare at her in a daze. The group fell into silence again before Sam spoke up. "Thanks for, um...helping me out, by the way."

"I mean I'm sure you would've found another group," Miguel said. "I meant with the fight." Sam clarified. She was talking to both Y/N and Miguel, but her eyes were only on Miguel. "Oh. Yeah, someone had to take care of those assholes." Miguel said, a hint of cockiness in his voice. "But no one else did."

The two stared at each other, making Y/N feel awkward since she was in the middle of them. She cleared her throat, making the two turn away. Sam reached over into her backpack and pulled out a bunch of bananas. "Do you guys want a banana? People keep sneaking them in my bag. It's because of that stupid rumor that I'm sure you have heard about me." Sam said, placing the bananas down. "Yes." "No." Miguel and Demitri said at the same time. "Stupid rumors. Hurtful lies. People are monsters." Demetri played off.

"Yeah you shouldn't listen to them they're assholes. I mean they call me 'Rhea..." Miguel started. "Not anymore." Sam pointed out, cutting him off. "Yeah, you're right. Not anymore." Miguel realized. The two stared at each other again, both of them having a dreamy look in their eyes. Great my two best friends like each other, she thought. This'll be interesting.

After school, Y/N started her journey to LaRusso Auto. As she was getting on her bike, she heard someone call after her. "Hey, Y/N! Wait up!" Y/N looked to see Miguel running up to her. "Are we riding home together?" He asked. "No, I've got somewhere to be. I'll see you at the dojo later. I might be a little late." She explained. "Oh ok. Bye." He mumbled. "Bye." She said, getting on her bike.

"Wait where's my hug?" He asked sadly. Every time Y/N and Miguel depart from each other, they hug. It's like a tradition for them, so he was understandably confused that Y/N was going to leave without giving him one. She gave him a quick one and a peck on the cheek before getting on her bike and pedaling off. Miguel reached his hand up to where Y/N had kissed him and watched her disappear from view. She's your best friend stop. She will never like you. He thought.

Y/N made it to LaRusso Auto in 20 minutes, which was quicker than she thought. She parked her bike near the entrance and opened the door. She walked in and stared around the showroom in awe. Cars she could never imagine affording were scattered around, completely shiny and untouched. Y/N wasn't looking where she was going and bumped into someone.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." She apologized frantically. The person she bumped into looked at with a smile. He was around her age and had dark brown hair that was long enough to hang in his face but not too long that it would be annoying. He had piercing hazel green eyes and when he smiled, he showed perfect white teeth. He was possibly one of the most good-looking people Y/N had ever seen in her life. But there was something...familiar about him. The gleam in his eyes reminded her of someone, but she couldn't think of who.

"You're all good. I'm Robby Keene." He introduced, sticking out his hand. "I'm Y/N L/N." She replied, shaking his hand. She studied him, trying to place where she had seen him. He was doing the same thing to her. He had seen her somewhere before, he just couldn't remember where. Y/N noticed his staring at her and smirked.

"Something on my face, Keene?" She teased, making him blush. "No, it's just you look so familiar. Like I've seen you before." He admitted. "That's so funny because you remind me of someone I know but I can't figure out who."

"Do you know Jonathan Brandis? I've heard I look like him."

"I wish I knew him. And I don't think you look like him."

"You don't?"

"Na, you're better looking."

"Am I now?"

"Oh, no did I just inflate your ego?"

"Maybe a little bit."

"I'm already regretting this friendship."


"If you'd like."

"Of course I would. Who would give up the opportunity to be friends with a pretty girl."

"Well aren't you the charmer."

"I try."

The two burst into laughter, making some of the customers look at them weirdly. "Ah Y/N! I see you've met Robby." Daniel said, walking over to the two kids. "Yeah, I have. He's nice." Y/N complimented, making Robby blush again. Daniel raised an eyebrow and looked between the two teens. "Anyways today's lesson won't be that long. Just a half an hour or so." Daniel stated.

"Lesson?" Robby asked, confused. "Y/N and I practice some karate. Mostly defense since she learns all her offense from Cobra Kai." Daniel explained, rolling his eyes at the last part. "what can I say? I'm getting the best of both worlds." She said with a shrug. "I wouldn't call learning from Johnny Lawrence the best." Daniel snorted.

Johnny's name triggered something in Robby. He looked at Y/N and realized where he'd seen her. He witnessed her hug his dad. The dad he never hugged, the dad who was never there for him.
A/N: Drama!!! Did I make Y/N go to LaRusso auto just for her to meet Robby? That's a secret I'll never tell. Anyways hope you enjoyed.

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