Chapter 34- Johnny's life

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"There's a lot of talk going around the Valley about free karate. But everyone knows that in life you get what you pay for. You wanna really kick the competition?" Johnny asked, pointing at the camera Aisha was holding. After all the students became aware of Daniel's commercial, Aisha had the brilliant idea of Johnny making one for Cobra Kai. Since it was her idea, and she was better with technology than the other students, she was in charge of recording.

Johnny walked over to a kid who was holding a bonsai try and brought his foot up kicking the tree and making the dirt fly out of the pot and into the kid's face. "Then you need to get your ass over to Cobra Kai. Screw that lame meditation bullshit. What you need is bone-crunching, face-smashing, good old American karate." Johnny stated. He turned to the dummy and punched it a few times before turning back to the camera. "Enough about self-defense. Learn self offense. Don't be a pussy. Join Cobra Kai and let me teach you the way of the fist."

"And cut," Aisha stated, stopping the recording. "All right we get it?" Johnny asked. "I think so," Aisha replied. "Great. Make sure the Cobra Kai snake comes in at the end, all right? I want it to really pop. Make it chrome. And throw Thunderstruck under it." Johnny instructed as he started walking towards the backroom.

"I'm pretty sure the rights for that song will cost too much," Y/N stated. "No, I already own it. Cassette's in the car. Oh, and put one of those hash browns at the end. You know like, hash brown, Team Cobra Kai, or something. And send it to the internet!" Johnny yelled before walking out. Y/N dropped her head into her hands and started laughing. Johnny really was clueless about technology.

Y/N felt a tap on her shoulder and lifted her head up to see Hawk and Miguel looking at her. "We're confronting Sensei about Robby Keene," Hawk stated. "Ok, what does that have to do with me?" Y/N asked with a raised eyebrow. "Well, we figured if you were there, he might not get as angry? He doesn't seem to get mad at you." Miguel replied, scratching the back of his neck. Y/N rolled her eyes. "That's not true but alright."

The three ventured into the backroom where Johnny was overseeing some men moving stuff out. "Sensei can we talk to you about something?" Miguel asked. "If it's about the infomercial, I know," Johnny replied. "It's not about the commercial. It's about Robby Keene." Hawk stated. Johnny glanced between the two boys. "What about him?" He asked. "I saw his picture on your refrigerator. I wasn't snooping but...we know he's your son." Miguel replied. "That's why you got mad at us after the tournament, right?" Hawk asked, his tone dripping with annoyance.

Johnny glanced at Y/N who was just standing there with her hands shoved in her pockets. Y/N caught his gaze, asking for help but Y/N just shrugged, not knowing what to say. Johnny sighed before looking back at the two boys. "Is that what you think?" He asked, his voice cracking ever so slightly. Miguel opened and closed his mouth, not sure how to answer. "Yeah, Robby's my son. But that has nothing to do with how I run my dojo. It's also none of your damn business. Do you understand?"

Miguel's mouth fell open just a little bit. Johnny had never been like that with him. "Yes, Sensei," Miguel answered, his voice just above a whisper. "But, Sensei I-" Hawk started, the muscles in his jaw tensing. "But, but nothing. Get out. You two clean mats for the rest of the week." Johnny snapped, cutting him off. Hawk gave an annoyed sigh before bowing and exiting the room in a huff, leaving the three alone. Miguel moved forward towards Johnny looking like he needed to say something more.

"Something else, Mr. Diaz?" Johnny asked angrily. Miguel just stared at him. "No." He mumbled. He bowed to Johnny before leaving the room as well. Johnny sighed. "Hey, it's not your fault. They're just annoyed that's all." Y/N reassured, walking over to Johnny. "Yeah, I know. Maybe I should've told them." He replied. Y/N shook her head. "It's your business, not theirs."

"Hope I'm not interrupting." The voice of Kreese said, coming into the room. "No of course not. I was just leaving." Y/N stated quickly. Kreese creeped her out. She didn't want to be in the same room as him. Y/N bowed to the two before walking briskly out leaving the two men alone.

When she walked back into the dojo, she saw Miguel sitting in the corner his shoulders slumped and depressed looked on his face. Y/N walked over to him and sat down. "Hey, Mig. You ok?" SHe asked softly, grabbing his hand. Miguel nodded. "I'm fine. I just wish Sensei would've told me." He replied, laying his head on her shoulder. "I know. He's not mad at you, ok? He's just stressed about the whole situation." Y/N reassured. Miguel nodded. "How about we hang out at your place afterward. We'll do whatever you want."

Miguel nodded again and lightly squeezed her hand as he nestled his head further into her shoulder. Y/N smiled and rested her head on top of his and closed her eyes, sighing in content. Little did they know, Aisha saw this and snapped a picture, grinning from ear to ear.

After the class was over, Miguel and Y/n changed out of their gis and went to Miguel's apartment. As they were trying to figure out what to do, a knock was heard at Miguel's door. Miguel opened it to reveal Johnny. "Hey, sensei. What's going on?" Miguel asked. "Let's go for a ride," Johnny replied, gesturing to himself, Miguel and Y/N. Miguel and Y/N exchanged a look before following Johnny to his car.

After a silent car ride, Johnny stopped in front of a burger place that was across the street from a hospital. The three got out and went in, taking a seat at a table. After everyone had ordered and gotten their food, they all started to eat. "Good, huh?" Johnny asked, looking between the two kids. "Mhm," Miguel replied, his mouth full of burger. Y/N nodded in agreement as she bit into her own burger. It was probably the best one she ever had (A/N: If you don't eat burgers, change it. I want everyone to feel included when they read my story :))

"The secret's the chopped onions. Sal keeps it simple. Just a hot grill and some quality chuck." Johnny stated. Miguel and Y/N nodded. Johnny looked away from them and glanced out the window. "You see that building over there?" He asked, pointing to the hospital across the street. "The hospital?" Miguel asked. Johnny nodded. "That's where Robby was born. February 4th, 2002. It was a Monday. His mom was in labor for 17 hours."

"It must've been crazy," Y/N stated, taking a sip of her drink. "Yeah, I'm sure it was. I wasn't there." Johnny replied. Y/N nearly choked on her drink. She knew Johnny was never really there for Robby, both of them have told her that, but she never knew Johnny wasn't there for Robby's birth. Johnny looked down in embarrassment. "My mom had just died. I was a real mess. I never knew my father, so she was all I had. Next thing I know, I'm gonna be a dad. Scared the shit out of me. So instead of being up there, welcoming him into the world...I was down here, soaking up the booze from a three-day bender, trying to get the courage to walk across the street. And I never got there."

Y/N reached across the table and took Johnny's hand, giving him a reassuring squeeze. He looked ready to cry. Y/N felt bad for him. She knew what it was like to have missing parents, at least Johnny had his mother. But Johnny wasn't even there for Robby's birth and he felt like a terrible person. He wasn't though, he just didn't realize it. "I failed my kid...on his very first day in this world...and I've been failing him every day since," Johnny said, his voice cracking as his eyes became glassy.

"Sensei this is personal stuff. You don't have to tell us." Miguel reassured. Johnny shook his head. "No, I...I should've told you two a long time ago.'s one of the most painful things in my life. But one of the best things...has been teaching you two. And I want you guys to know, no matter what happens, I promise...I'll always be on your side...and I'll always have your best interests at heart." Johnny said. Y/N felt her own eyes start to water. She wasn't one for crying but what he said really hit her. She has someone, someone who cared about her. "Thank you." She whispered. Johnny nodded and smiled at her and Miguel.

Suddenly her phone vibrated, meaning she had a tet message. She pulled it out and read it, confused by what it meant.

Mr. LaRusso👊🏻🌸:
Come to Valley Fest. I need your help.
A/N Sorry for not updating in a bit things have been crazy. I hate to inform you guys but I'm going to be starting to get busy so I may not be able to update every day anymore. I'm going to aim for updating at least every other day. It sucks because I love writing this story and I love you guys.

Also, I noticed I end a lot of chapters with Y/N getting a text message lol. Anyways hope you enjoyed and remember to stay hydrated. Love y'all!!

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