Chapter 49- The New Enemy

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Johnny woke up early the next morning, not sure what to do. Well, you have to sleep to be able to wake up. He stayed awake all night, hoping to get a call from the hospital, but there was nothing. He needed a drink right now. He went to his fridge for a beer, before remembering that he had gotten rid of all of them. He closed the fridge with a grunt and grabbed his keys off the counter.

As he started locking his door, he heard the door across from his open. He turned around to see Miguel standing there, his hair a mess and his eyes were red and puffy. Bags were under his eyes, signaling he didn't sleep much either.

"Hey kid, how are you feeling?" Johnny asked. Miguel shrugged. "Why are you up so early?" Miguel asked with a yawn. "I couldn't sleep. I'm gonna head to the dojo." Miguel nodded. "Mind if I come?"

"Kid, why don't you go back to sleep. I'll see you at the dojo, ok?" Johnny said. Miguel shook his head. "I'm not going to be able to sleep until I know Y/N is ok." The boy stated. Johnny sighed. "Fine."

After a silent drive, Johnny pulled his car into the parking lot and put it in park. They both climbed out and walked towards the door. Johnny pulled his key out to unlock it when he noticed the door was already open. No one should be here this early.

"Stay behind me, kid. Just in case." Johnny instructed. Miguel nodded as the two of them walked into the dojo. No one was on the mats or anywhere visible and he didn't hear anything coming from his office. Johnny looked around confused until he heard a noise coming from the back room. Sharing a confused look with Miguel, they walked to the room and opened the door.

Inside, all the kids were wearing their gis and practicing their punches. Kreese was standing in the front, instructing them. "Class. We have some visitors." Kreese spoke up. The class turned around to face Johnny and Miguel. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Johnny asked angrily. "What does it look like? I'm teaching my students." Kreese answered smugly. Johnny was taken aback.

"Your students?"

"You let them down when they needed you the most. Somebody needed to remind them what it takes to win."

Johnny looked at the class, disappointment across his face. "After everything, I did for you?" He asked. Hawk stepped forward, supporting a huge bruise from where Dimitri had hit him. "Y/N is in the hospital because of you. Miguel showed mercy to Robby Keene because of you. If she dies, that's on you." He snapped

"Hey, don't blame this on him. I showed mercy to Robby because it was the right thing to do. Y/N knew that, and so did I. It's not sensei's fault that Robby did what he did." Miguel fired back, anger radiating off of him. How dare they blame Y/N for getting hurt on him.

"I did warn you about this. I told you not to show weakness." Kreese said, looking at both of them. "Get out," Johnny demanded. Kreese smiled at him smugly. "This is my dojo. Oh, I forgot to tell you when you were out of town, I had a little talk with the landlord. It turns out he doesn't like you much. But you know the problem with those handshake deals, there are no guarantees."

Johnny looked at him in shock. "You can't do this." He said in defeat. Kreese pushed his way past the students and stopped in front of Johnny and Miguel. "Of course, I can. I founded Cobra Kai. It belongs to me. It always has... and it always will. I will never let my students lose. Even if they have to learn the hard way." Kreese replied with a sinister smile. Johnny took a step forward, stopping just inches away from him. "One day you'll thank me for this, Johnny."

Johnny scoffed. "This was a mistake." He said, his voice wavering. His eyes darted around the room at the kids, the kids he used to teach who just glared at him. Miguel was watching the whole thing. Tory kept glancing at him but he couldn't bear to look at her. "You want Cobra Kai? It's yours." Johnny hissed in defeat.

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