Chapter 53- Adopting

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To say Bobby was confused by Johnny's question would be an understatement. While he did admire what Johnny was doing; taking an injured, abused child into his home, he had t admit, he wasn't sure his friend thought it through.

"Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?" Bobby asked, leaning back into his chair. "Yes, I'm sure," Johnny answered. "What about Robby?" Jimmy interjected. Bobby had called Jimmy for help with Johnny. "I still love the kid and I'm going to do everything I can to fix things but Y/N needs me."

Jimmy and Bobby exchanged a look. If they knew anything about Johnny, it was his stubbornness. He wasn't going to let this go. "If you're sure this is what you want to do then we support you," Bobby said. Johnny nodded. "Great. Now, where do I sign?" Johnny asked. "Uh, Johnny, it doesn't work like that. It's a long process that may take weeks even months."

"But I don't have weeks or months. Y/N is getting discharged from the hospital in 5 days. If she doesn't go with me, she ends up in a foster home or worse with her parents."


"Come on Bobby, please?"

Bobby sighed. "There's a judge I know that might be able to help us." Jimmy clapped him on the shoulder. "Knew you were good for something, father." He teased. "I'm not a priest! Anyways, I have to talk to Y/N first before we get the process started." Bobby stated. "Why?" Johnny asked. "First to gather evidence of her parent's abuse and to see how she feels in that environment," Bobby explained. "Well do what you need to do, holy man." "I'm not a priest!"
Y/N was laying in her hospital bed with Miguel laying next to her, asleep. He rarely left her side and Y/N appreciated it. He was adorable. Y/N heard the sound of footsteps and looked up to see Bobby in the doorway.

"Uh oh, I must be dying if they sent you here." Y/N joked. Bobby chuckled. She was just like Johnny. "Hey Y/N. How're you feeling?" He asked. "Same as before. Still can't feel anything below my waist." Y/N replied. Bobby gave her a sympathetic smile.

A knock was heard at the door and Y/N looked up to see Jimmy with flowers in his hand. She had met him once as well. He was a very nice man and it surprised her to find out he also did karate. She shouldn't have been surprised though. He is friends with Johnny Lawrence after all.

"Hey Y/N. These are for you from the family." He said, walking into the room and placing the flowers on her bedside table. "Hey, Jimmy. Thanks, I appreciate it." She thanked with a smile. Jimmy took the seat next to Bobby. "So what brings you two here. I know it wasn't to share embarrassing stories about Johnny, which by the way you both owe me."

The two men exchanged a look. How do they go about this? "Well, we, uh, wanted to ask about your parents," Bobby stated. Y/N titled her head. "Why do you want to talk about them?" She asked. "Well Johnny told us what happened and we just wanted to know if you were ok." Jimmy cut in.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Not like I'm not used to it." Y/N shrugged. "What do you mean, you're used to it?" Bobby inquired, perking his head up. "Let me explain."

Y/N told the two men everything she had told Johnny and then some, telling them about the crimes her parents had committed and everything she knew. At the end of the rant, the two men were shocked. But they were also happy because they had everything they needed. Unbeknownst to Y/N, the whole thing was recorded.
The next day, Bobby contacted a judge he knew that dealt with family cases and was able to get a jumpstart on it. The judge agreed to hold a hearing with arguments from both sides. Now with 4 days left until Y/N's discharge, Johnny was hoping things would go smoothly.

Johnny had informed Miguel of what he was doing which was good because he could be brought in as a witness. He saw the type of people Derek and Karen were so he was perfect.

The hearing was long and difficult. With Johnny's criminal history, the defense tore him to pieces and they even used Robby's arrest against him. Miguel, of course, did his best to defend as did Bobby. Bobby's word was probably what helped the most seeing as he was a member of the clergy. The thing that really helped the case for Johnny was the recording of Y/N.

When her parents heard the recording, they lashed out in court, screaming how she was a burden and was a lying bitch. The judge, now seeing the type of people they were, had them sent out of the room. She had everything she needed to make her ruling.

"After hearing all of the evidence from both parties, I have made my decision. Mr. Lawrence, while you may not be the perfect father and have a criminal record, it is clear to me that you care a great deal about the welfare of Y/N L/N. You are hereby awarded custody and her legal guardian. After she fills out the paperwork that will be given to you, she will legally be your daughter." The judge declared, banging her gavel.

Johnny jumped to his feet in excitement. He did it, he got custody of Y/N! Miguel ran over and the two cheered with Bobby and Jimmy congratulated their friend. Now they technically were Y/N's uncles and they were happy about that. They adored the kid but then again who didn't?
Y/N was laying in her hospital bed, like always, scrolling through Instagram. A video of Hawk popped up on her feed so she clicked on it. In the video, he was kicking a wooden beam with a potted bonsai tree on it, making the plant fall to the ground. It was obviously a lesson taught by Kreese to have a jab at Daniel. So childish.

Y/N just scoffed and tossed her phone onto the wooden cart away from her. She heard a loud ding, meaning she got a text message. She went to reach for her phone, only for it to be too far away from her. She leaned forward, straining as she tried to reach the phone only for her fingers to fall a few inches away.

She heard footsteps and looked up to see Johnny at her doorway. "Oh hey." She greeted, dropping her hand to her side. "Want the phone?" He asked, walking into the room. "Yes." She replied gratefully. Johnny walked over to the wooden cart and grabbed it, shoving it away from her. "Go get it."

"I can't walk. Even with the surgery I might never-" Y/N started. "Quiet!" Johnny yelled, cutting her off. Y/N glanced up at him with wide eyes. "Never, can't...those are just words that are meaningless. It's time for you to get out of that bed and do something. You're not a kid anymore. This world isn't just gonna hand it to you. You want something, you'll have to crawl across the floor, use your damn teeth if you have to. You'll do whatever it takes. And I'm always going to be right here next to you. 'Cause I'll always be your teacher. Now go get it."

Y/N was taken aback by Johnny's speech. She was also weirdly motivated. Y/N nodded her head and pulled the blanket off of her. She used her hands t push herself up into an upright position. She pushed herself up, even more, making it so her upper body wasn't on the bed. She leaned over to grab the phone and was about to grab it when-

Thud! Y/N fell to the ground. "Ow." She groaned. "Oh shit. It's all right you fell like a champ. Nurse!" Johnny called. A nurse came over and helped Y/N up, setting her back into her bed. "Well, that sucked." Y/N huffed crossing her arms over her chest. "Well I have something that might make you feel better," Johnny stated. "Oh yeah, like what?"

Johnny reached into his back pocket and pulled out a stack of papers, tossing them into Y/N's lap. Y/N gave him a quizzical look before picking up the papers. Her heart stopped when she saw what they said at the top. Certificate of Adoption.

Y/N just stared at the papers, making Johnny nervous. What if she didn't want to be adopted? Before Johnny could say anything, Y/N pulled out a pen and started writing on the papers, signing her name wherever she needed to before thrusting the papers into Johnny's hands.

"Now you're officially stuck with me." Y/N joked, her eyes glistening with happy tears. Johnny smiled. "Wouldn't have it any other way." He replied honestly. Y/N smiled and threw her arms around Johnny's waist. Johnny hugged her back and planted a kiss on her head. She was now officially Y/N Lawrence. And she wouldn't want to be anything else.

A/N Eh I'm not a big fan of this chapter. I wanted to go into Johnny adopting Y/N without it being boring.

Anyways sorry for not updating in a while. I was busy on Thursday and then Friday I had a date and then today I was rear-ended so I've just had a bad few days. I'm fine though just upset I haven't updated.

Anyways hope you enjoyed and remember to stay hydrated.

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