Chapter 35- Valley Fest

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Y/N said goodbye to Johnny and Miguel, making sure to give Johnny a comforting hug before she called an Uber to Valley Fest. She wasn't sure why Daniel needed her but she was sure it would be for something dramatic. As she said, Daniel was anything but subtle. His commercial was a good indicator of that.

Y/N paid the driver before hopping out of the car and walking towards the festival. The sun was slowly starting to set as Y/N pushed her way through the crowd. Laughter and chatter filled the air as the smell of fried food and stale beer filled her nostrils. Red, white, and blue decorations were hung up, and an assortment of rides were set up. Everything from a slide to a rollercoaster. Huh, this thing is a bigger deal than I thought.

Y/N looked around before her eyes landed on a booth, the words LaRusso Auto written across the top. Behind it, she could make out the figure of two people practicing something. It had to be Robby and Sam. Y/N jostled her way through the crowd before reaching the booth. She went to the back and sure enough, there was Robby and Sam practicing kata. "Hey, guys." Y/N greeted the two. "Hey Y/N!" Sam replied pulling her into a hug. "What are you doing here?" Robby asked as he hugged her as well. "I asked her to come," Daniel answered, walking over to the three teens. "She's going to help us set up."

"Hey for the finale I was thinking I'd do a flip kick," Sam suggested. "Na don't worry about the finale. I've got it covered." Daniel reassured, waving his hand dismissively. Robby noticed a stand behind Daniel and tilted his head. "What's that for?" Robby asked, pointing to the wooden object. Daniel followed his gaze and grinned. "You'll see." He replied as he reached over to the cooler next to him and pulled out a large chunk of ice. He held it up with a triumphant grin before putting it back. The three kids all exchanged confused looks. They all shrugged and went back to their tasks, Sam and Robby practicing their performance and Y/N following Daniel to help him set up.

The sun had set and the sky was now an inky black. Bright white lights lit up the stage in the center while a blonde guy with a guitar played for the crowd. At the booth, Y/N, Daniel, Robby, and Sam were going over everything, the latter three wearing white gis with the Miyagi Do symbol on the back. Daniel had given Y/n her own but since she wasn't performing, she decided not to wear it. Something told her it'd be a bad idea to wear it.

"Now please direct your attention to the LaRusso Auto booth for a special presentation from Miyagi-Do Karate!" A woman on stage announced, pointing to the booth. "Good luck guys," Y/N stated before leaving the booth and standing next to Amanda. "This is crazy." Amanda huffed. "Yeah but this is Daniel. Are you surprised?" Y/N asked with a shrug. Amanda laughed. "You understand my husband more than Sam and she's his daughter."

The lights around them turned off, the only light coming from the booth. The silhouettes of Robby, Sam, and Daniel were the only things you could see against the orange light that was projected onto the Miyagi Do symbol. The three silhouettes bowed to the crowd before getting into their stances. The three did some kata, moving in rhythm with each other. While it was cool, to the crowd, Y/N thought it was a little boring. Yes, she did enjoy doing Miyagi karate but the display wasn't flashy enough. It definitely wouldn't attract as many customers as Daniel was hoping for.

The crowd all cheered while the three on stage bowed. Y/N left her spot next to Amanda and ran behind the booth, grabbing a staff. She quickly handed it to Daniel before running back next to Amanda. Slow drums started playing as Daniel did some twirls with his bo staff while Robby and Sam moved around him, punching the air. The two teens turned to Daniel.

Daniel went to strike Sam with the staff but she brought her arm up, blocking the staff. Daniel then swung at Robby, the latter doing a flip over it making the crowd gasp. The three bowed again. "Now time for the grand finale," Daniel yelled to the crowd. Y/N groaned before running back to the booth. She would have rather been one of the ones performing instead of being the prop girl.

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