Chapter 50- Two Weeks Later

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"It was two weeks ago today at West Valley High, where what can only be described as an all-out karate riot caught students and faculty off guard, sending shock waves through the Valley."

Two weeks. That's how long it's been since the fight at school. Since the accident. The fight at school, while at the time didn't seem so important, has caused many things to happen. Where to even begin?

The Miyagi and LaRusso name has been dragged through the mud. No one wanted anything to do with Miyagi-Do karate or any of the LaRusso family. This became a serious problem when the dealership started tanking. With no business, they weren't making any money. All because Robby pushed Y/N off of a balcony.

No one knew where Robby went. After the fight, he ran off and no one stopped him. He was expelled from West Valley High, along with Tory. Speaking of Tory, after the fight, Miguel decided to break things off with her. He couldn't stay with her, not after what happened and especially with his feelings.

His feelings. What a funny subject. It was like something out of a cheesy rom-com. Has feelings for the person but doesn't realize it until they're gone type of thing. Only this was slightly different. Miguel always knew he loved Y/N, it was one of the only things he was ever sure about completely. The only thing he was never sure about was her feelings for him. Now he knew.

Speaking of feelings, Sam and Miguel decided to put aside their differences and become friends. Friends and only friends. Miguel told Sam about his feelings for Y/N (which to be honest he had while dating Sam) and Sam told Miguel that she still had feelings for Robby. They both had feelings for someone who was out of their grasp.

Another relationship that was broken off after the fight was the one between Carmen and Johnny. Well, it wasn't much of a relationship, to begin with, but it still hurt Johnny nonetheless. Carmen broke it off, reasoning that what if it was Miguel who had gotten hurt instead. She subconsciously blamed Johnny for everything and that was something she needed to get stop doing. It wasn't his fault. Not entirely. But to Johnny it was.

He started drinking again, a habit he had started to get rid of when Y/N was around. She used to sneak over to his house and steal his beer and pour it outside. Every time he went to go for one, he'd open his fridge to find a tiny stick note that would read:

Drink water it's good for you

-Y/N :)

Miguel had tried his best to stop Johnny from drinking but it was no use. Plus Miguel already had a lot to deal with. Between visiting Y/N in the hospital, taking care of Buddy, and getting to return back to school (which he, Sam, Hawk, and everyone else involved in the fight was suspended from), he couldn't babysit Johnny. It felt mean to say it but Miguel just didn't seem to care much. He cared about Johnny but he wasn't his priority. Y/N waking up was.

Y/N's condition hadn't improved or gotten worse. In a way, it was a good and bad thing. Throughout the whole two weeks, neither one of Y/N's parents showed up. The hospital had Johnny as her legal guardian but when he came to the hospital drunk one time, ranting on and on how doctors don't save people, that position was soon signed over to Carmen and the LaRussos. At least they came and visited her.

"Authorities are still looking for Robby Keene who ran way after kicking fellow student Y/N L/N off a second-floor balcony, landing right here on this staircase. Keene has since been expelled. L/N, meanwhile, remains in a coma at West Valley General. Doctors say her prognosis-"

The TV got switched to a baseball game, making Johnny drunkenly glare at the man holding the remote. "Hey, I was watching that." He slurred. He was at the bar again, picking another fight. The man just rolled his eyes and started mocking Johnny and even his buddy joined in, talking about how no one cared about some stupid kid in a coma. Johnny, being who he was, thought he could take on both guys while being near blacked-out drunk. Boy was he wrong.

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