Chapter 20- Dating Advice

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So u practice karate with both my sensei and ur sensei who happen to be enemies

And my sensei is ur dad who's enemies with ur sensei who is my part time sensei

Sounds about right

I'll keep ur secret if you keep mine

You've got a deal

I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship

Only friendship?

Robby, I've already told u

Sorry I almost forgot, ur in love with ur best friend who has a crush on ur other best friend

Thanks for reminding me

Anything for u love

Mhm. I gotta go, class is about to start

Alright, talk to you later :)❤️

Y/N shut off her phone and stuck it in her bag with a sigh. Things have been weird the past few days. Eli, well now Hawk, totally transformed himself, Sam and Miguel have been getting closer (much to Y/N's dismay) and Y/N was starting o get stressed. Don't get me wrong, she was happy that her two best friends got along but she wished they didn't get along... that way.

All that aside, she still lived her "double life" as Robby liked to call it, with her jumping back and forth between Cobra Kai and training with Daniel. Speaking of Robby, he and Y/N had been getting closer over the past few days. With him doing karate with Daniel as well, it made it easier to see him every day. Y/N enjoyed his company and it felt nice having someone outside of Cobra Kai and school to hang out with.

"Ooh, I see a heart? Who're you texting?" Aisha questioned, wiggling her eyebrows. Y/N laughed. "My friend Robby." She replied. "Is he cute?"




"Well then go for it."

Y/N's eyes unconsciously traveled over to Miguel, who was having a conversation with Hawk. Aisha followed her gaze and smirked. "Oh. I see." She hummed. Y/N snapped her gaze back to Aisha. "What're you talking about?" Y/N asked coyly. "You like Miguel."

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do not!"

"Y/N it's obvious you like him! Go for it!"

"He doesn't like me back. Why would he?"

Aisha gave Y/N a sympathetic smile. "Y/N I'm sure he does. And if things don't work out, date that Robby guy." Aisha said, making Y/N laugh. What they didn't know was Miguel heard their conversation...well not all of it. The only part he heard was, "date that Robby guy."

Strike Hard: Miguel Diaz x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now