Chapter 82- Choices

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"Good news. Looks like it's just a pulled muscle. It may ache for a bit, but you'll be fine." The medic said as she pressed on Y/N's back. Miguel let out a sigh of relief at this, squeezing Y/N's hand in reassurance. "Oh thank god." Carmen breathed in relief.

"So does that mean I can keep fighting?" Y/N asked, turning to the medic. "They've given you 30 minutes to recover. So let the pain guide you. If it's telling you to sit this one out, I'd listen. I'll get you an ice pack." The medic said, smiling at her. Y/N nodded. "Thank you."

The medic left the room to retrieve the ice pack giving them all a bit of privacy. "How does it feel now?" Johnny asked. "Not bad. Just a little sore." Y/N replied. "Y/N, you don't have to continue," Carmen reassured. "She's right, N/N. If you're in pain, you can sit out." Miguel added, squeezing her hand. "Don't worry, Mig. If something feels off, I won't fight." Y/N replied.

Rosa pushed herself between Carmen and Johnny and stopped in front of Y/N. "Estuviste tan bien ahí fuera. Especialmente cuando pateaste a esa chica en la cara." (You were so good out there. Especially when you kicked that one girl in the face.) She chuckled, making Y/N giggle. "Gracias, Rosa," Y/N replied. Rosa patted her cheek affectionately before exiting the room with Carmen.

"I'm going to give you guys some privacy but let me know if you need anything, ok?" Miguel asked. Y/N nodded. "I will. " She said. Miguel placed a kiss on her forehead before leaving the room, leaving Y/N and Johnny alone. Y/N wasn't sure why she suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"All right. We've got a half-hour. Show your back who's boss." Johnny said. "Er, right. I'm going to go to the bathroom." Y/N replied, excusing herself. Y/N jumped off of the table she was sitting on and walked out of the room, feeling pain shoot through her back. She lied when she said it felt better. She just didn't want to tell the truth and let anyone down.

Y/N quickly used the bathroom before going back to the room she was in to find it empty. It seemed to be a common theme lately for her to be alone. Even in a room of crowded people, she felt alone. Shaking her head, she started stretching out her legs, hoping to loosen the tension she felt in her lower back. "The remaining girl's semifinal match will resume in five minutes." A voice over the loudspeaker sounded.

Y/N groaned as she felt a twinge of pain shoot through her back. She knew it wasn't too serious but she also knew it wasn't something she could get over in 5 minutes. "Here, rub some of this on," Johnny said, tossing her a tube of cream as he entered her room. "We have to hurry."

Y/N caught it and examined it before tossing it to the side. "Dad, I-I don't know if I can do this." She stammered, pressing her hand to her back. "Yes, you can. You can do whatever you want if you want it bad enough. Look, I know you're not 100%, but you've got the heart of a champion. Everything you've learned and been through was just a warm-up for his moment. It's time to show the world what you're made of. Give it your all. Do what I tell you, and we'll not only take down Cobra Kai, we'll show LaRusso and everybody else who's really the best." Johnny said.

Y/N looked down at her feet. "That's what this is about." She muttered. "Hey. We're not gonna get another shot at this. It's now or never. You know what's at stake, right? If we lose, I'm not your sensei anymore. You want that?" He asked. The real question is, will you still be dad if we lose?

Y/N shook her head no, not trusting her voice to let her speak. "All right, then prove it. Fight for it. Show me you're not a kid anymore. All right? Show me you're ready to be a woman. Can you do that?" He asked. "Yes. Sensei." She replied, her voice emotionless. "All right. Rub that on. You got this. I'll see you out there." Johnny said, handing the tube back to Y/N. He gave her shoulder a squeeze before exiting the room, leaving Y/N alone...again.
Miguel was standing at the water fountain, filling up his bottle of water. "Hey." Y/N's voice rang, making him lookup. "Hey, how're you feeling?" He asked. "I'm feeling ok." She replied, moving towards him. Miguel opened his arms, signaling for Y/N to embrace him.

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