Chapter 55- A Concert

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Johnny was sitting in his apartment, writing different ways he could try to get Y/N walking again. He looked down at the list and let out a frustrated sigh.

How to fix Y/N's legs
-Electric Shock
-Tony Robbins

Johnny looked at the list once more before crumpling it up and tossing it in a random direction. The paper ball landed on top of his laptop, making him get an idea.

Johnny plugged the laptop in and turned it on, waiting for it to turn on. "Well, I'll be damned." He mumbled in disbelief as it booted up. Once it was on, He went on to Google and searched how to make legs work. Not really a narrow search but it might work.

He scrolled through multiple pages, reading lots and lots of information. As he was scrolling, an ad for a concert popped up on his computer. Johnny read the ad and grinned to himself.

Y/N was laying in Miguel's bed next to him, with her head on his shoulder as he lazily played with her fingers. "Did I ever tell you how much I loved you?" Miguel asked, looking at the girl. Y/N smiled. "I think you may have mentioned it once or twice." She joked. "Well just in case you forgot, I love you."

Y/N turned her head and looked at him. He just smiled back at her. Y/N leaned in and connected their lips. "Miguel, Y/N. Johnny needs you." Carmen yelled, making the two pull apart. Miguel let out a groan making Y/N giggle. "We'll finish later, Mig." She said with a wink.

Miguel groaned again before getting up and helping Y/N into her wheelchair and pushing her out of his bedroom. The two teens bid goodbye to Carmen before exiting the apartment and following Johnny to his car. "Where are we going, dad?" Y/N questioned, glancing up at the blonde. "You'll see." He replied with a grin.

After driving for what felt like forever, Johnny finally put the car in park. After getting Y/N into her wheelchair, the three of them ventured into a run-down building. Miguel was pushing Y/N with him constantly looking around the place. He didn't like the feeling it gave him.

"And I thought this place looked scary from the outside. Where are we, Sensei?" He asked, trying to avoid the gazes of the suspicious-looking people. Y/N, herself was a little nervous.

"It's a field trip," Johnny answered, vaguely. He took the bag he had in his hand and thrust it into Y/N's lap. "Take this and follow my lead." He instructed as he started walking into a room.

"Hold on. Nice try. Come back when they're 21." The man at the entrance said, gesturing to Y/N and Miguel. "Yeah, that's gonna be tough. She'll be dead by then." Johnny retorted, placing a hand on Y/N's shoulder. "She should be dead already. Every day is a gift."

Johnny gave Y/N a pointed look. Y/N rolled her eyes and started faking coughing, even grabbing onto Miguel's hand for dramatic effect. The man glanced at her, a hint of sympathy behind his eyes. "She has a bucket list and getting past that door is number 1 on it," Johnny stated. Y/N nodded and gave the man a pleasing look. The man nodded his head and then glanced at Miguel.

"What about him?" He asked. "She wants to spend one of her last days with the love her life," Johnny stated, restraining himself from grimacing at the statement. While he didn't mind the two dating, he still felt protective over her.

The bouncer nodded his head and opened the door, letting the three of them in. Johnny briskly walked through the door with Miguel pushing Y/N through. Johnny pushed his way through the crowd, mostly consisting of women, towards the front.

On a stage, Dee Snider, lead singer of Twisted Sister, was up on stage singing while the people around them were dancing. "That's Dee Snider, the most badass rocker ever," Johnny yelled to the two kids over the loud music. "How is this part of my physical therapy?" Y/N questioned, glancing up at her dad. "It's not."

Johnny reached into the bag on her lap and pulled out two beers and a can of soda. "Just forget about all that bad have some fun!"Johnny yelled, handing Miguel one of the beers and Y/N the can of soda.

Y/N smiled and cheered loudly, making the other two laugh and cheer as well. Miguel pulled out his phone and took a selfie with them.

 Miguel pulled out his phone and took a selfie with them

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"Can I get a copy of that?" Johnny asked. "Don't worry, I'll tag you," Miguel replied. "Tag me? What the hell does that mean?" Johnny questioned. "Check your Facebook," Miguel answered, putting his phone away. "I don't have Facebook anymore, I threw my phone away."

"You know it's on your computer too, right?" Y/N said, looking at Johnny. Johnny just gives her a confused look. "Yeah." He lied before turning his attention to the stage. Y/N chuckled also looking to the stage.

The song soon ended and Dee Snider grabbed the microphone. "So, I hear there's a Make-A-Wish kid in the house tonight." He said. "Yeah right here!" Johnny shouted, pointing at Y/N. Y/N blushed in embarrassment, as the crowd cheered. "There she is. There she is. Gentlemen, let's make that kids wish come true." Dee said.

A group of guys glanced over at Y/N and smirked. Miguel grabbed her hand protectively while Johnny glared at the men. Y/N laughed and waved to the men before looking up at Miguel. "Don't worry, Mig. I only got eyed for you." She said with a smile. Miguel grinned and planted a kiss on her head.

"You two are gross," Johnny said, wrinkling his nose in disgust. Y/N rolled her eyes. "Don't be jealous because you're single. She retorted. "Oh shut up."

Y/N laughed and turned back to the stage as Dee started singing I Wanna Rock. Y/N gave a loud cheer and started singing along. Johnny looked down at his daughter with a smile before looking down at her foot. It was tapping.

Johnny excitedly tapped Miguel and pointed to Y/N's foot. Miguel's eyes widened and he shook Y/N. Y/N looked down and gasped. "Holy shit!" She exclaimed. Johnny grinned and brought her into a hug, with Miguel smiling as well. Things were going to get better.
A/N Sorry for not updating in a few days I've been busy. Today's my birthday and I wanted to post a special chapter but it wouldn't make sense until after the book is done with so I guess I'll have to wait.

Anyways hope you enjoyed and remember to stay hydrated

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