Chapter 83- Falling Apart

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It was all over. Cobra Kai had won the All Valley. After Miguel and Eli's fight, which was won by Eli, the next match was between Robby and Eli. It was a tough and intense match, with them having to go to a sudden-death match that hadn't appeared since Daniel's last tournament back in 1985.

Eli had won, meaning Miyagi Do- or Miyagi-Fang as it was changed to at the last second, just had to win the girl's match and it would be over. Sam had done her best but Tory had gotten the upper hand and defeated her, winning the girl's title and making Cobra Kai the Grand Champion. It was over now, but not with the ending everyone wanted.

Johnny didn't know what to feel as he walked away from the mat. He was worried about what would happen now that Cobra Kai had won and would take over the Valley. Especially after Terry's announcement of turning Cobra Kai into a franchise. Now everyone could learn how badass it was to beat people because you had the ability to. It was just what the Valley needed.

"Johnny, a parent came and told me that Y/N got into an Uber," Carmen said, rushing over to Johnny with Rosa at her side. "What's an Uber?" Johnny asked. "It's like a taxi." Miguel answered for him, feeling his heartbeat loudly in his chest. He didn't think that Y/N would leave the arena when she told him she didn't know what to do. He just thought she wasn't going to compete. She probably just needed to be alone and went home to be with Buddy. I'm sure she's fine.

"She left before the finals." Carmen stated. Johnny heaved a sigh, feeling guilt consume him. This was all his fault, he saw that now. If it wasn't for all the shit he said to Y/N, to all the pushing and shoving and forcing he did to her, she wouldn't have left. He saw it now, now that the tournament was over that he had been consumed with his own thoughts that he hadn't even realized what his actions did to Y/N. He hurt her.

"Shit. I'm so sorry. It's is all my fault." He said. "I'm sure she just wants to be alone. We're going to head home." Carmen stated. "I'm right behind you guys." Johnny replied. Carmen sighed. "Somedays I wish we could have a do-over." She said. Johnny looked down. "I know the feeling,"
After making a quick stop at the old Cobra Kai dojo, Johnny made it home to his apartment. He ran towards his apartment when he heard sobs coming from the Diaz's apartment. Johnny walked over and opened the door to find Miguel sitting on the couch, tears streaming down his face with Buddy laying next to him. Carmen and Rosa were standing near him, tears welled up in their own eyes.

"What's wrong? Where's Y/N?" Johnny asked worredily. "Show him the note." Carmen said to Rosa. Rosa handed the note over to Johnny before sitting down next to Miguel, giving Buddy a comfort pet. With shaking hands, Johnny opened the note.

Dear Miguel and Sensei,

I'm sorry for having to do it this way but it's the only thing I could do. After everything that has happened to me over the past few months, I've decided it's best for me to move on. I'm going to go live with my real dad. He knows what's best for me.

Thank you Miguel for being everything I could want and more. You are my best friend, my confidant, and my whole world wrapped in one. If it wasn't for you, I don't think I would've become the person I am. I love you so much and I'll always love you no matter what.

Sensei, there's so much I want to say to you but I don't think I can. Thank you for everything you've done for me from teaching me karate to taking care of me and helping me walk again after my accident. You'll always be my sensei....and my father.

If you see Robby, tell him I love him. And if you see the LaRusso's, tell them I'm sorry. I love you guys more than anything.


Y/N Silver

Johnny felt his heart stop. No, she wouldn't do this. Not after everything Terry has put them through. She wouldn't just leave like that. He must've threatened her or something. She wouldn't just leave like that.

"These were next to the note," Miguel whispered, holding out his hand. In one hand was the Miyagi Do charm bracelet that the LaRusso's had given her and in the other was her black headband, the one Johnny had given her. 

Johnny grabbed the headband from Miguel's hand, feeling his knees shake beneath him as he sunk onto the couch. She was gone. And she left anything that reminded her of Johnny behind. "This is all my fault." Johnny whispered, clutching her headband as tears welled up in her eyes.

"No, it's not Johnny," Carmen reassured, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "But it is. I pushed her to do things she didn't want to do. I used her for my own benefit and I hurt without even realizing it. If I had just listened to her, none of this would've happened." Johnny said, his voice catching in his throat.

Miguel choked as he tried to stifle a sob that escaped his lips. "But why would she go to Silver of all people? He can't be her father. He just can't be." Miguel cried. "I'm afraid he is, Miguel." Johnny replied. "But why after everything we've been through would she do this?" He asked. "I don't know kid. But what I do know is we're going to find her. And we're going to bring her home."
A/N Short chapter I know but I wasn't ready to post the last chapter yet (which I am nearly done with) so here's this. I'm really not ready to say goodbye to this book temporarily because I feel like there's still so much more to write but to be honest there really isn't until season 5 comes out. Anyways get ready for the last chapter. It's probably my favorite tbh. 

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