Chapter 14- Talking usually solves things

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Y/N and Sam went to their first period together and then separated afterward, going to their respective classes. Y/N avoided Miguel a little bit throughout the day. Not entirely on purpose but also not entirely on accident either. I'm being overdramatic, she thought. All I did was call Johhny dad, it's not I hit him with a car. Miguel had texted her during the day but she didn't respond.

Miguel🥋❤️: Hey where r u?

Miguel🥋❤️: I haven't seen u all-day

Miguel🥋❤️: I need to talk to uuu

Miguel🥋❤️: Did I do something?🥺

Miguel🥋❤️: r u gonna sit with me at lunch?

She decided she'd sit with him at lunch and talk to him. Y/N got out of class and headed to the cafeteria, scanning the room for her usual group. Her eyes landed on the three boys who were chatting about god knows what. She was about to head over there when she felt someone tug on her arm. She turned around to see Sam was the one who had done it. "Hey, do you think you could sit with me today? I don't feel like dealing with them." Sam said, jerking her head towards the table where Yasmine, Kyler, Brucks, and Moon sat. Y/N internally sighed.

"Of course." She replied with a smile. Always the people pleaser. As soon as she sat down, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, another text from Miguel.

Miguel🥋❤️: why aren't u sitting with us?🥺

Y/N sighed and decided to reply.

Y/N: u did nothing wrong. got a lot going on, talk to you at dojo.

Miguel🥋❤️: ok see u at the dojo ig😕

Y/N felt bad about being so vague with him, but she wasn't in the mood to talk about anything. He did nothing wrong, though. After school finished, Y/N kept her promise and went back to Sam's house to help her clean up her room and to get her bike. Truthfully, she was just looking for any excuse to get her out of going to the dojo. After they finished cleaning and did some homework together, it was nearly 3. One hour until Y/N would need to be at the dojo.

"Well I gotta get going but I'll see you tomorrow," Y/N said, packing up her stuff. Sam gave her a cheery wave as she walked out of her room and down the stairs. Y/N decided to go out the back near the pool since she had parked her bike back there. Weird that she parked it in the back but came in through the front.

As she was going to her bike, she heard something coming from a storage room. With curiosity getting the better of her she slowly tiptoed towards the room, only to find Daniel standing up with his eyes closed and doing some breathing exercises. Y/N studied the room, noticing how it was decorated with different types of karate paraphernalia.

Y/N leaned against the door, studying the way Daniel moved. It was actually quite graceful. "You look like an old praying mantis," Y/N stated, breaking Daniel from his peacefulness. His eyes fluttered opened to see Y/N leaning against the door with a playful smirk. "What're you doing?" She asked, pushing herself off the door and walking into the room.

"Miyagi-Do kata. Helps you practice balance." He replied. "Looks very peaceful." Y/N pointed out. "It is. You wanna show me what you know already?" Daniel asked. Y/N nodded and put down her backpack. The two sparred for a little bit, Daniel being more defensive while Y/N was more offensive. They both stopped to get some water, sweat running down both of their foreheads. "Wow I must say, you're really good. You ever thought about competing?" He asked. Y/N shook her head no.

"I only use karate for self-defense."

"Then why are you at Cobra Kai?"

"While I may not agree with the whole no mercy thing, Cobra Kai and Sensei Lawerence aren't all that bad. He genuinely cares about me and Miguel and he's a good teacher."

Strike Hard: Miguel Diaz x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now