Chapter 76- Prom

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Y/N was walking to her apartment when she heard Miguel's voice call her name. She turned around to see him jogging over to her, a bouquet of F/F in his hands. "Hey Mig. What's with the flowers?" She asked. "They're for you, actually." He replied, handing them to her. "Oh wow, thanks. They're beautiful." She gushed, taking gently taking them from him.

"Also I was wondering if you, uh, wantedtogotopromwithme?"

"I'm sorry what?"

"Would you like to go to prom with me?"

Y/N giggled. "Aw, you were nervous to ask me to prom." She teased. "Well, I thought you might say no!" He defended. "And why would I say no? You're too cute to say no to." She mocked. Miguel raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? Well in that case-"

"I know where you're going with that and the answer is no."

"But you just said-"

"I'll say yes to everything but that."

"Oh come on, it'll be fun."



"We've gone over this. We're not sneaking out in the middle of the night to go to Disneyland."

"You're no fun."
Y/N was in the guest bedroom of the LaRusso's putting the finishing touch on her look. She was wearing a F/C dress that matched Miguel's tie, its long silky material clinching at her waist to accentuate her figure. She was wearing the locket Miguel had gotten her for her birthday along with the charm bracelet the LaRusso's had gifted her, the Miyagi-Do symbol hanging from it.

"Y/N, they're here," Sam called. "Coming!" Y/N called back. Y/N glanced at herself once more in the mirror before exiting the bathroom. "Here she comes." Amanda's voice sang. Y/N slowly made her way down the stairs, trying not to slip in the heels she was wearing.

As soon as she came into view, Miguel felt his heart hammer loudly in his chest. She looked absolutely stunning. Johnny smiled at the sight of his daughter, happy he was able to see her off to prom.

"Wow, you look great." Miguel breathed. "You don't look too bad yourself, Diaz," Y/N replied, her fingers brushing against the lapels of his jacket. "Here I got this for you." He said, holding up her corsage. He slowly slid the flower onto her wrist, gently grasping her hand as he did so. Once he was down, Y/N grabbed the boutonniere she got for him and pinned it to his jacket.

"Alright let's get some pictures. Lawrence's you first." Daniel's cousin Vanessa called. Y/N winked at Miguel before walking over to Vanessa. "You look beautiful, kid." Johnny complimented as he wrapped his arm around her. Y/N smiled. "Thanks, dad."

After Vanessa took a few pictures of them, she took some of the Diaz's and then took some of the two families together. "Alright time for the LaRusso's. Anthony!" Vanessa called. "Oh, uh, maybe he should just stay in his room." Amanda insisted.

Anthony jumped down the stairs just as she said this, a grin on his face. "I thought I was supposed to stay in my room for the rest of my life." He joked, walking over to his family. After Vanessa took a few pictures, she called everyone over for a group photo.

"Alright, let's let these kids get out of here." She said, tucking her camera away. "Bye everyone," Sam said, heading towards the door. "Be safe you guys." Daniel urged. "Have fun in your room," Y/N said to Anthony, ruffling his hair. Anthony swatted her hand away. "I was going to say you looked pretty but never mind now." He huffed. "It's ok. Just knowing that you were going to say that is all I need." She teased. He rolled his eyes, a small smile on his face. "Whatever just go have fun."

Y/N chuckled and waved goodbye to everyone before walking over to Miguel, who was waiting by the front door for her. "You ready?" He asked, holding his hand out to her. Y/N smiled and grabbed his hand, interlacing their fingers. "I'm ready."
Y/N giggled as Miguel lifted her off of her feet and spun her around. "Having fun?" He questioned as he set her down. "I am except for these damn high heels." She admitted as they walked over to the punch bowl. "Do you want to take them off?" He asked. "No, I'll be ok."

"Guys, guys." Sam panted, running over to them. Y/N had to resist rolling her eyes. "What Sam?" She asked. Sam pointed somewhere, making Miguel and Y/N turn to see Robby and Tory walking in, their arms looped together.

Y/N raised an eyebrow at this. Seemed like an odd pairing but it made sense. "What about them?" Miguel asked, wanting to get back to the dancefloor with Y/N. "Doesn't it bother you?" Sam asked. "No, not really. Now if you'll excuse us, we're going to go dance." Miguel dismissed, grabbing Y/N's hand and dragging her onto the dancefloor.

Suddenly, Into Your Eyes by The Weeknd started playing, making Y/N grin. "Oh, I know that look," Miguel smirked, placing his hands on her waist. "Don't get too excited, Diaz." Y/N teased as she pressed her hips against his. "I'll try not to."

The two started dancing, their hips pressed close together as their feet moved back in forth perfectly. Miguel spun Y/N around before pulling her back to him, making her press close to him. Miguel had his hand resting just above her butt with the other holding her hand as they danced, close together.

Y/N kicked her leg out before pulling it up high, Miguel's hand holding her thigh. Y/N ran her hands through her air, staring into Miguel's eyes, causing him to smirk. Y/N slowly lowered her leg, letting it glide down Miguel's. "Oh, you're such a tease." He grumbled. Y/N smirked. "Only for you, Diaz." She said. Miguel tightened his arms around her before pulling her even closer. "Oh don't worry, I'll get you back." He mumbled. Y/N grinned. "I can't wait."
Johnny's car came to a screeching halt outside of the address Terry had given him. He was tired of this guy messing with his life. First, he came to Miyagi Do and tried to talk to Y/N, then he gave Robby a car and tried to pay off Shannon. He was getting on Johnny's last nerve.

Johnny pulled open the door, instantly recognizing the place. "You brought me to the old dojo? Come on out." He shouted into the darkness. The next thing he knew, something hit his face, causing him to fall to the ground.

Johnny's vision became blurred as he peered up at Terry's blurry figure, his ears ringing. "That's what you get for betraying your sensei." Terry spat. "You got him to come here?" Kreese asked angrily. "I had to prove my loyalty. You wanted to get back at him, right? Well, here's your chance." Terry responded. "What about focusing on the tournament?" Kreese questioned. "I am focused. The only way that loser has a shot at winning the tournament is with the Diaz kid and Y/N, right? How's their confidence gonna be when they see their sensei beaten to a pulp?"

"Doing this won't bring her to you, Terry." Kreese reasoned. "Yes, it will!"  Terry yelled. Before Kreese could respond, Johnny kicked Terry in the side, sending him into the wall. Johnny started delivering punches until Terry caught one and punched Johnny in the neck. This caused Johnny to choke, giving Terry the ability to hit him in the stomach.

Terry kicked him in the stomach, causing Johnny to hit the ground again. Johnny got to his knees as Terry went to kick him but Johnny caught his leg and threw him to the side. Terry rolled to his feet, smiling as he did.

He threw a kick at Johnny but Johnny blocked it. Terry tried to deliver punches but Johnny blocked them, using the skills Daniel taught him. "Woo! You see this? Looks like LaRusso taught him some defense. Okay, pretty boy. Let's go." Terry challenged. "Let's see what you learned."

Terry threw punches but Johnny blocked them. Terry finally got the upper hand and sent a kick to Johnny's chest, making him fall back onto a table. The table broke and Johnny fell to the floor, wheezing. "You wanna see some more?" Terry asked Kreese, grabbing Johnny's arm.

"Let him go," Kreese demanded. Terry looked at Kreese confused. "We agreed to settle this at the tournament. And this won't help you get her back, Terry." Kreese said. "No, it will. Y/N will come back, you'll see." Terry defended. "Leave her alone. She doesn't even know you." Johnny wheezed.

Terry looked down at Johnny. He squatted down next to him and grabbed him by the hair, yanking his head up. "Oh but she does. She just doesn't know it." Terry said venomously. "Leave her alone," Johnny repeated, peering at Terry through blurry vision. "Now, now, now, Lawrence. Why would I want to leave my own daughter alone?"
A/N Hehe

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