Chapter 56- Physical Therapy and Photo Shoots

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"Are you ready or what?" Johnny asked his hands tight around a rope. He had set up some weird contraption and strapped Y/N into it. He told her it could help her with her standing and getting used to her legs. She just felt embarrassed.

"I hate this. This is ridiculous." She said, looking down at the straps around her waist. "What's ridiculous about it?" Johnny asked with a raised eyebrow. "I look like a giant baby!" Y/N exclaimed. "The way you're whining and not walking, you might as well be a baby."

"I think you look great," Miguel said, walking into the apartment. "Go away! I don't want my boyfriend seeing me like this!" Y/N yelled, covering her face. Johnny just rolled his eyes. "Do you really think tapping your foot at a concert will make you ready for more badass training? Your legs are still pussies! Now, you ready stand?" Johnny asked. Y/N groaned. "Yes."

Johnny counted to three and let go of the rope. Y/N fell to the ground and just laid there. "All right. Better fall that time. Let's take five." Johnny said, walking over to his fridge. Miguel went over to Y/N and unclipped her from the rope. He then wrapped his arms around her waist and helped her sit up. "Thanks, Mig." She said, leaning into him. "Of course, babe."

Y/N looked at the coffee table to see Johnny's laptop sitting on top of it. There was a page pulled up and a very, very long paragraph written. "Are you writing a novel?" Miguel asked, also noticing the text. "Oh. No, it's a Facebook message." Johnny replied, handing Y/N water and Miguel a soda. "That? To who?" Y/N asked, taking a sip of her water. "I, uh...babe from highschool...Ali."

Y/N choked on her water. "Ali? Like, the Ali?" She questioned. Johnny nodded with a smile. "This is huge. This is huge!" Miguel exclaimed. "But you're not gonna send that, right?" Y/N asked, pointing to the message he had drafted. Johnny looked at her confused. "You cannot send her that message." She stated.

"Why not?" Johnny asked. "Because it, like 80 pages. In all caps." Miguel replied, squinting at the message. "I have 35 years' worth of stuff to say, all right?" Johnny defended, turning his computer away from the two kids. "Ok, yeah, yeah, yeah. But shorter messages are way cooler. Like this just looks desperate. And a little creepy." Miguel explained.

"It could be worse, you could've liked all of her photos." Y/N laughed. Johnny glanced over at her with wide eyes. "Oh, no. Oh, no." Y/N said, staring at her dad. "What the hell, man? I enjoyed the photos! And there's a button for exactly that, why would I not click on it?" Johnny asked. "Because she can see that," Miguel replied. Johnny sighed in annoyance. "All right, I got amped-up, OK? Look, she put a smiley face in the message. It's even got little red cheeks. Does that mean she's gettin' hot? Feelin' hot? What am I supposed to do with that?"

"I think it's just a smiley face," Y/N stated, grabbing the laptop. Miguel and Y/N read the message together before looking back up at Johnny. "She says she wants to know what you've been up to. Good. This is good. We can salvage this. Let's just make you a kick-ass profile. And then you'll be sending your message from a position of strength," Miguel stated. Johnny nodded his head in understanding. "First we need pictures. Do you have any photos?" Y/N asked. Johnny nodded and got up from the couch. "Yeah don't move."

"Ha, I said don't move." He chuckled as he walked away. Y/N just rolled her eyes. "So you seem to know a lot about how to text girls," Y/N stated, glancing at Miguel. Miguel grinned. "Well yeah. I mean it worked with you didn't it?" He asked playfully. "Yeah, it only took about a year."

"Oh come on you know you loved me from the beginning."

"You sound so sure of that."

"Because I am."

Y/N shoved his shoulder making him laugh and plant a kiss on her lips. Johnny walked back into the room and handed the two of them some pictures. He was shirtless in all of them. "Those are the only photos I have. Don't have much after high school." He states. Y/N looks away from the photos and rubs her eyes. "I did not need shirtless pictures of my dad burned into my brain." She groaned.

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