
457 27 13

TW: Cursing, death mention, crying, themes of death,

Logan's POV:

I sit back against the wall, just thinking, and watching everyone sleep. They look so peaceful. Anyhow, today is the day that we get to leave this shithole.

The morning comes and everyone starts to wake up one by one.
The three other girls that witnessed Mr John's death are also here, since they'll get to leave too under the premis that they won't ever talk about it.


We're all sitting against various walls and curiosity gets the better of me. "Hey, what are you guy's powers?" I ask the three of them.

Virgil stirs, interested by the question. Alyiah, the tall girl with the shaved head answers first.

"I, uh, I manipulate water and stuff."

"Oh, that's pretty cool!" Patton chirps. "How about you?" He gestures to Hiea, an orange-haired girl. 
"Nothing that interesting, just electricity shit. Maylie's is awesome though!"

Maylie is the one with the bleach blonde hair and green highlights.
"It's not that cool.."

"She can conjour up dead people."

Now, that one is impressive. Everybody seems surprised by that.

Virgil's POV:

She- she can do what?

That can't be true. My mind keeps wandering to.. him. My brother. What would I say if I could speak to him? 'Hey bro! Sorry I murdered you and all, but it's cool, right?'

"Virge? You alright?" Melanie's voice inturrupts me.

"Hm? Yeah.. sorry-"
"Oh my god, we should get your brother, V."

"No. I don't wanna do th-"
"Didn't you always say that you wished you could have a conversation with him?"

"Yeah, but that was hypothetical-"

Janus smiles and stands up.
"Mylie, what stuff do you need to know to get him?"

Roman, Patton and Nixa all start to smile and join in.
"Guys, no- We aren't doing this!" I protest.

"Uh, I'll need a name and date of birth and death." 

I smile slightly and watch their faces drop. "What a shame, you guys don't know that." I taunt, having a bit of fun with it.

"You're forgetting something~" Roman sings.
I look around the room, and my eyes fall onto Zion. His power-

"Oh, fuck no!" I exclaim, laughing and starting to run from him. He chases me with his arms outstretched. I'm faster than him until Remus grabs me by the arm and holds me in place.

He laughs as I try to struggle away, smiling myself. "Z-Zion, please!"

He walks slowly up to me, doing a fake evil grin. "End of the line, buster."

About a second after he places his hand on my arm, he steps back, then walks over to Maylie. "His name is Reyne Black, born March 27th 1994, and died September 4th 2009."

"Maylie, you aren't actually doing this, are yo- oh my God, you are-"
She closes her eyes and rubs her hands together as I feel Melanie grab my hand and squeeze it.

Remus' POV:

Just infront of Maylie, a tall boy with a very similar frame to Virgil's appears. He's got fluffy dark brown hair and eyes of the same colour. A pastel orange hoodie clings to his frame, draping over some black mom jeans and trainers. There's also a large purple bruise on his neck.

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