Some kind of rescue misson (Part 2)

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TW: 911 call, threatening to m*rder someone's family members

Janus' POV:

The four of us stand in a cold, dusty alleyway with our backs to the wall. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" 
"We don't know how long we have left, so I guess it's now or never." Zion replies calmly.

Logan looks around, letting his eyes focus on an open, but half-full paint cain. "I'm going to propell that can into the street to create a distraction, and we're going to run behind the civillians' field of vision."

The telekentic boy doesn't even give us a chance to reply before the can flies from it's dormant position, paint splattering onto the road, causing a few cars and almost everyone on the pavement to look at it. I wasn't paying any attention to the plan until Remus grabs my wrist and starts to run out of the alley, following the two boys ahead.

When we reach a feild off-road, I plant my hands on my knees and pant like a dog. "Why didn't we just take a bus?" I say, laughing a bit between gasps for air. Remus joins me in the choked laughter, but we stop when footsteps can be heard from around the corner.

A woman who looks to be in her late twenties walks down the path, right hand holding a dog leash with a white shitzu puppy on the end. The lady's hair falls down to her elbows in a warm chocolate brown, with blonde highlights. She notices us out of her perifieral and gasps.

Stepping back, she reaches into her pocket, pulling out a grey iPhone 11, and clicking 'emergency dial.'

"Lady." I say, looking her in the eyes intimidatingly. She dials the numbers 911. Zion groans slightly under his breath, and starts to speedwalk over to the woman, leaping over the barbed-wire fence connecting the path to the feild.

She backs up from him, but he's faster. He places his right and on her shoulder gently, and looks her in the eyes.

"911, what service do you require?"

Lo hops over the fence after and presses the 'Mute Call' button on her phone.

"991, can you hear me?"

Zion's voice goes eerily cold. "Elizabeth Newson-Bell, you have a wife named Mia, a daughter named Sam, and two sons named Leo and Lincoln. All five of you live with at 34 Opal Cresent. If you want them to remain alive and healthy, I advise that you go on your way as if you haven't seen us. Does that sound okay?"

She nods her head rapidly, tears forming in her eyes.

"If you are unable to speak in your current situation, please could you press 1 for me?"

She unmutes the call. "Yes, I'm sorry, it's been sorted out." Elizabeth hangs up and begins to walk away hastily. When she's gone far enough, Zion sighs and sits cross-legged on the floor.

"That was so fucking cool!" Remus says, doing a backbend to get over the fence. I hear that he was quite the gymnast in his youth.

"Yeah," He replies. "I just hope that I didn't emotionally scar her too much, from what I read, she's a nice lady with a good heart."

I step over the fence like a normal snake boy, then suggest that we keep moving, so we do. Only about an hour to go. I'll be surprised if we even have any energy to fight after this trek.


It literally took me two hours to write this chapter, something is wrong with me. Sorry this was kind of a filler, I think that 'Some Kind of Rescue Mission' will have three parts in total, I'm gonna do one short chapter after this, and then I'll try to get the big fight scene out by tommorrow..? Or the day after.

This chapter's shoutout for interaction (commenting, voting, following etc) goes to:

Stay safe!

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