Holy Motherf-

659 34 55

TW: Cursing, Knife

Roman's POV:

It's so nice to finally get out of the house. Or, base, or HQ, or whatever it is.

I'm wearing a fully black outfit, featuring an oversized hoodie and black joggers. My princely look is completely ruined! But, Virgil made me wear this since he kept chattering on about safety procautions. Blah, blah, blah.

Pawton and I get to the centre of town, where the protest is due to be held and there's already a crowd. Blend in, okay? I mean it, Romano. If you get caught that's on you.
Virgil's words ring in my ears.

I mingle in with the crowd and overhear some random conversations.

"Mm, I mean, I'll probably leave after I get a picture for the gram, but-"

"If our protests work, we can free them and I can fall in love with the purple one! Eee!"

"Mum said we need to be home by six. That's enough time to body slam some cops, right?"

There were some more random snippets of chatter that I heard, but the author is too lazy to write out. Anyway, I manage to find a spot to linger towards the back of the crowd. There's a good 400 people here. I wonder if I'm any of their favourites..

Nevermind, Patton looks up and me and winces. Poor thing, probably doesn't like feeling so small in the crowd. I pick him up and hold him to my chest, letting his lead which I mandatorily had to use dangle down towards my red vans.

The crowd chatters and then hushes when whoever's at the front starts to chant. Our sort of blob begins to move.

"What do we want?"
"Equal rights!"
"When do we want them?"

A man walking through the crowd bumps into me as I follow along.
"Sorry." He mutters.
"It's fine, dude." I reply calmly. I'm having a good time, and this won't ruin it.


Logan's POV:

Roman and Patton should be back any minute now. We, however, have been watching a live broadcast of the event on the television. It seemed to go satisfactory. There was a scarce amount of violence, however.

Mainly just law enforcement officers getting striked with some sort of shoe, or fist, for that matter.

The door swings open, and Roman enters grandly, pulling his hood down. "I'm home!"

"Salutations, Roman."
"Where's everyone else?" He questions.
"Living room. Remus is sharing some of your childhood stories."
"Oh, he better not be!" He raises his voice, darting into the living room. Patton gets left behind in the hallway.

"Have a good time?" I ask the dog. It just sits, then stands. Then walks over to me, leaning against my leg for a moment. "Tired?"

He lets out a kind of sleepy whimper, trotting down the corridor to his bedroom. I decide that it's time to go check on the others.


Virgil's POV:

"And then-!" Remus starts the next chapter of his ever-intriuging story about his childhood. Turns out that Roman was pretty much the favourite child on all levels. Remus seems to tell these stories in up-beat, crazy ways, but I get the feeling deep down that his childhood could've been a lot better.

Roman comes into the room, pulling off my black hoodie to reveal his bright red top with a crown on it. "That's enough, bro."
Remus pouts and scooches aside on the couch for the older-by-two-minutes-twin to plonk next to him.

"How was it?" Janus asks.
"Good! Great, even."

Just then, we hear a beeping. A faint beeping. But it's there. We all pause our various activities, but Zion is the one who leaps up to investigate it. He hops towards the beeping, picking up Roman's used hoodie that is actually mine from the table. He fiddles around with it, and then pulls out a small chip, with a green flashing light.

His eyes widen and he walks into the kitchen, grabbing a knife from the draw as fast as he can.

"They've attatched a fucking tracker chip to you." He says, eerily calm, before stabbing it straight in the middle. The knife splits the chip in half instantly, and sticks up in the nice mahogany table.

"W-what?" I ask, standing up, and making sure to glare at Ro.

"We need to leave." Zion says. "Thirty minutes, I'm not comprimising. They could be on their way here now."

Suddenly, the overwhelming sound of glass smashing can be heard.
Remus grabs both Roman's and Janus' wrists and the same time, as a reflex. Before ducking his head, he yells.

"Holy motherf-"

A deafaning crash rings out.


Aaaa, I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long, but, uh. Shit's about to go down.

Stay safe!

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