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TW: Pills, Handcuffs, Violent treatment, Murder mention, Blindfolds, Sickness, Vomiting, Coughing, Crying, Needles, Mention of death, Mention of depression, Lack of sleep, Pain, Talk of forced medication

((It's not as bad as it sounds, I promise- Just a long chapter with a lot of flashbacks))

Virgil's POV:

"What'll it be?"

"N-no." I stutter out before looking at the man as confidently as I can.

"Really? That's a shame. He stands up and walks towards me, pulling the handcuffs connecting me to the chair off and slamming me against the wall violently.

"Virgil Black, you are under arrest for the second-degree murder of Richard Johns. You have the right to remain silent as anything you say may be used against you in court."

I look up at the ceiling as he locks my wrists together, whining from the pain of being shoved into a wall.
"For the safety of those whose care you will be in, I'm going to blindfold you."

Just after saying this, I feel a tight band of cloth wrap around my eyes, and I find myself screaming out from the overwhelming feeling of darkness.


"I'm scared!" I yelp as two firm hands grip onto my upper waist, guiding me through the corridor.
"Shushush, I know it's scary darling, but we can't have you hurting anyone on accident, can we?"

"I promise- I wont! P-Please!" Choked sobs escape my mouth as I hear the sound of a keycard beeping.

"Don't worry, little one, somebody will come help you take off your blindfold in eight hours when its bed-time." She coos, just before I hear the shutting of the door.

"M-melanie?" I sniffle, trying to look around, but everywhere I look is just darkness.

I feel her hands on my shoulders, steadying me. "It's okay, you can do it, Veve! You're a big boy now! And big boys that are a whole ten years old don't need to be scared of the dark anymore!"

- - - - -

"Annddd... go!" Mel yells excitedly. The second she says so, I leap forward and plant my hands out infront of me, just in the right place for them to push off a gymnastics block as I leap over it with my lower body. I duck next, because I know that there's an archway. I feel the cold breeze of the wind trying to knock me over, since the barbed-wire fences aren't all that good at protecting from it.

Reaching my hand out, I grab onto a wooden hook of the climing wall that leads up to a set of monkey-bars. Hoisting myself up the wall and onto the solitary wooden planks of the jungle-gym. Reaching the monkey bars, I quickly slink down them, taking up all my upper body strength, before planting firmly on the floor.

Sure, we're twelve now, but we don't really have a more grown-up obstacle course.

I jump over the hurdle that I know is there from experience, and come to a stop right infront of Melanie.

"Fourty-Two seconds!" She choruses, placing her hands onto my shoulders to orientate me, as she always does.

Behind the darkness of the blindfold, Mr Johns speaks. I didn't even know he was watching.
"You're getting good at that, Virgil. You should consider the olympics."

"What's that?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.
"It's a sports competiton. I'm not sure they'd take you though, yknow, the whole freak thing doesnt look that good."

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