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TW: Ransom Videos, Tying up, Gags, Threatened Gun Violence, Cursing, Talk of Ransom money, Gunshots

Click to open file - Video 1:42

The video starts to play, opening on a darkened room with lazily-fitted wooden planks on the floor, and concrete walls. In the centre of the screen is a tall man, maybe in his late thirties. He's got a gun attatched to his belt.

He tilts the camera upwards to his head level, looking into the lens. "Good evening, Mr Johns. It appears that our paths have crossed once again.. You see.." He takes a pause in his words and steps away from the camera, so that the foreground is no longer obscured by his body.

When he steps away, we see a chair in the middle of the screen. But the chair isn't alone, no. Tied to the oakwood seat is a frail-looking boy, wearing a MCR hoodie with black skinny jeans with various rips that don't look like they were placed there as a fashion statement. He has a black cloth tied around his mouth, only letting desperate hums escape his lips. Behind him displays a large pair of feathered wings. Quite an incredible sight.

"I have something of yours."

The man walks over to the boy in his capitivity. Removing the gag, he allows the injured one to speak. "Don't come and get me, you peice of shit. I'll fucking kill you if you come anywhere near me."

The boy on the chair is slapped, harsh. A cold, metal handgun is pressed against the side of his head by a pair of arms off screen. "That isn't what we discussed you'd say. Try again."
He pushes the gun further into the kid's head on the last words. A visible grimace spreads across the kidnapped one's face. He takes a deep breath in, then looks directly into the camera.

"If you want to see me a-alive, you'll send $900,000 to the bank account of my captor. Y-you already know them." He pauses, looking around the room and taking another breath in and out.
"Carry on."
"You h-hav-have a week to deposit the mon-money."

Next, the man who opened the recording walks back into view, standing behind the person on the chair.
"And.. if we don't find the money in our account by 12am next Thursday.. well," He starts, then lifts his gun up and points it at the boy on the chair. He flinches and scrunches his eyes up in fear. The man with the power in the situation moves the gun to be about two inches above the captive's head, pulling the trigger so that the bullet hits the wall of the room, creating a loud bang that causes the afformentioned boy to let out a loud yelp.

"Time's ticking, Johns."

The tall man walks towards the screen, reaching just above it. A mechanical click can be heard.

Video ended.    


So, I decided to do something a bit different with this chapter, yknow, get creative, unleash my inner Roman.

The next chapter will be Some kind of rescue mission (Part 2), so, look out for that!

The shoutouts for this chapter (for commenting, voting, following, etc) go to:
unknownperson835 (yes, I know I've given them a shoutout before, but they consistently comment and vote for my chapters every time I publish one, and it really improves my mood if I'm not feeling that great, so, thank you for the interaction)

Thank you even if you are just reading this, even if you don't comment or vote, I still appriciate you so much!

Stay safe!

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