Bad memories

839 47 57

TW: Tying to a chair, Muzzle, Gag Mention, Panic Attack, Shock Bracelets, Kidnapping, Cursing, Mention of Getting Shot, Attempted drowning, Bandages, Mention of throwing up, Nausea, PTSD Attack (this is quite an intense chapter so please please let me know if I missed any)

Ugh.. My eyes are heavy and threaten to close on me any second. But, hey! Atleast I'm not dead.

I sure do feel like it now, though. Once my eyes have fully opened, I can sort of see. Not really though. I can tell that I'm in a room. It's dark. Uh, the room has four walls - and a floor. And a ceiling with a singular industrial light hanging from it.

I don't have a gag in my mouth, which I would have expected, but I, uh.. I do have a muzzle around my mouth. It's a lot more comfortable than a gag would be, but I'm just being reminded of a worse time in my life.


"Do you regret it yet, 1317?" He taunts as I thrash around under the harsh force electricity floods through the shock bracelts and around my body,
"Yes! I'm sorry, p-please!" I yell desperately.
"I can't hear you properly with that muzzle over your mouth, Virgil." I resort to sobbing and shaking violently as the man behind the glass turns the voltage up and I scream again, not able to fully open my mouth to let the scream out.


"Oh my fuck! Will you shut up?!" A man says, swinging the door open and eyeing me down. "The walls are thin." He says, with a monotone yet slightly angry voice as he walks over to me, using his hands to pull the muzzle from my mouth. I take a shaky breath and look up at him, he shows no remorse in his eyes.

He plucks a small, purple feather from one of my wings and I wince in paim. "I'll make a dreamcatcher out of it for you."
I lurch forward as if I was going to attack him, but I'm stopped by the strong force of a rope holding my arms, legs and torso to the metal chair that I'm seated in.

"A-Are you getting payed for this sh-"

"The boss will be very happy when he hears that you're awake."
"Oh, I'm s-sure he will be." I say, as confidently as I can muster.

He walks towards a small cart in the corner of the room, taking what appears to be a roll of bandages from it. I then remember that I did get shot yesterday, or today, or two weeks ago. I don't know how long it's been. I look towards my injured wing and see that it has some badly-wrapped bandages with blood soaking through them. So, it hasn't been that long. The man mutters something about how I better not move because they'll get twice the money if I'm alive, but I zone him out.


"Shush, shh, it's okay." Melanie says as I wince in pain while she begins wrapping a bandage around my lower arm. I hate blood. I hate it so much.
"I promise you, Virge, we're gonna get out of here one day."

She ties the bandage when she's finished and rubs her hands together. "There."
"Thanks, Mel." I mutter. I feel so weak for not being able to take care of myself. If my best friend needed my help the same way that I do right now, I would be clueless and, knowing me, she'd probably bleed to death.


"Wait here, I'm going to go get the boss." The man says, stepping away from my newly-bandaged wing.
"I'm not exactly gonna get up and walk off, am I?" I retort. There's always time to be sarcastic.
The man lets out a huff and walks away into the darkness beyond the door.

About five minutes that felt like five hours later, the door opens again. In walks the boss man from the quarry.
"Good morning, sunshine!"
"Cut the bullshit." I spit harshly.

"Fine. If you'd rather we get this done the easy way for us, we will." He pulls up a small fold-up metal chair from the edge of the room. You know, the kind that they have in beer tents at concerts. He turns it around to face away from me and straddles it, looking directly into my eyes. I could make him pass out right now, but I know that it won't get me anywhere.

Don't let him see that you're scared.
Don't let him see that you're scared.

"Let's start easy, if I ask you something, are you gonna tell me the answer?"
"Depends what it is, doesn't it?"
"Right, okay. What if I asked, how are you feeling right now?"

I blink at him.

"Uh, I- I've literally been kidnapped, I'm not s-sure what you're asking."
"Okay, okay, let's start even easier. What's your favourite colour?"
"Good. Good. What's your favourite band?"
"There's a few."
"Name them for me."

"Okay, uh, so, Evanessence.. Panic! At the Disco, MCR and, uh, Set it Off."
"Sounds nice. What's your favourite animal?"

"Where are your friends hiding out?"
"There's a-" I start, before registering the question. "Wait, no. I'm not stupid."
"You nearly were."

I grimace and look at him properly. He has the haircut of a typical dad, but more rugged. There's a tattoo of some kind of symbol adorning his upper neck.

"I'm gonna ask you some more questions, and if you don't answer, there will be consequences."



"I- I- I didn't know anything about it, I swear!" I lie desperately.
"Yes you do! The only person that 1432 willingly spoke to was you, and there's no way in hell that she escaped without any help!"

I stay silent for a moment, then he grabs the back of my hair and jerks my head into the bucket of water, holding it in there for a good fifteen seconds while I scramble around and try to push myself out. My head is pulled out, dripping with water as I gasp for air. The moment I've taken a breath, my face is pushed back under. I can't tell if I'm struggling to breath because I'm drowning, or because I'm having a panic attack. Air comes back and I pant, staying out of the water for longer this time.
"Have you remembered where Melanie might have gone yet?!" He yells.

I take a long breath in before I answer. "N-no."



My breathing is suddenly very quick as I'm pulled from the memory. I feel really nauseous, like I'm going to be sick. There are two people in the room, and they say something to eachother, but I'm too dizzy and panicked to register their exact words.

"..Here overnight, and.. carry on.. hopefully tell us something tommorrow." Is what I hear before the metal door shuts again.

Please, guys, please come and save me like in all the stories that have happy endings.



Hiya! Sorry it's been so long since the last chapter! I just wanted to thank you all for 200 reads! We're also #1 in the #sanderssidesau hashstag! Thank you all so much :)

Also! Special shout out to @unknownperson835 for commenting and voting on so many of my chapters, I really appriciate it!
(for some reason, wattpad kept crashing when I was trying to tag you, so I just hope that you see this)

Remember to stay hydrated and stay safe! I'll see you in the next chapter.

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