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Quick A/N before the chapter (skip this if you'd like!): This morning, I opened my notifications and looked through them, and the amount of support on my account recently genuinely made me cry. I never expected anyone to read my silly little books, but if you've ever voted or commented (even just once), I really appriciate you. Even if you haven't interacted, just reading this is amazing. Alright, now I'm done with the cheesy stuff, here's the chapter:

TW: Eating, Pain, Cursing

I'm sitting on the couch, spooning cereal into my mouth, trying to focus on the sweet taste of it as a distraction from the still-lingering pain. Roman sits on the other end of the sofa, munching on some heavily buttered toast like there's no tommorrow. I look at him, and suddenly, a thought strikes me.

"Roman?" I squint, placing my bowl onto the coffee table and using my sleeve to wipe my mouth.
"Mhm?" He pulls off a bite of toast and turns his head towards me while chewing.

"Your power. Patton said it was healing, right?"

His eyes widen and he swallows the mouthful as quickly as he can. "I thought you didn't know about that."
"Hold on. So, you acknowledged that you could have done something to help me, and decided against it? What the fuck?!"

"Language!" I hear from the kitchen, clearly the shapeshifter's voice.

"It's more complicated than you think! I wouldn't have been able to give you a surgery with my hands or anything. The most I could do is numb the pain for a few days or something, relax.."
"That's still something!" I yell back, slightly laughing towards the end because of how rediculous this is. 

"Look, if it means that much to you, I can sacrifice some of my precious energy for your sake."

"That would be most satisfactory your royal highness." I mock, putting on my best 'I've been the loyal butler to the duke of Finland for 17 years.' accent. He reaches towards me, and closes his eyes, breathing in.

A glow of yellow and red floats from his hands towards me, absorbing into my body as a tingling sensation runs through my body. The feeling starts at my feet, then slowly makes it's way upwards, immidealtely relaxing my muscles until it stops and lingers around my torso. I feel the pain in my ribcage slowly fade out, left as only a memory.

I'd honestly forgotten what it felt like to be completely pain-free, but, gosh it feels good. I lean back, breathing out a breath that I didn't realise I was holding.

Roman yawns a "You're welcome." And softly curls up against a cushion, letting sleep take it's sway on him.

"I made some cookies if either of you two-" Patton comes in the room, then stops when he sees that his friend is sleeping soundly. "Did he finally decide to help you?" The baker whispers softly. I nod and smile, taking a cookie from Pat.

It tastes so much nicer now.


I'm so sorry that this was so short, but I'm really rushed for time writing this. I wanted to merge this chapter and the next into one, but I also wanted to get this out today, so here we are.

I'm sorry if it felt lazy how I wrote this aswell.

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Thank you for being awesome!

Stay safe!

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