Night Terrors

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TW: Night terrors, Use of Whips, Harsh Treatment, Threatened Torture, Cursing, Implied forced undressing (shirt only), Panic attack, Needles

"Fly, goddamnit!" He screeches, hitting my back again with the brown leather whip. I look to the corner of the room and see my shirt in a pile on the floor. Tears pool in my eyes as I try to reply.
"I-I can-can't!" I scream through sobs. Everything hurts. The cuts on my back burn through my body.
"Yes, you can! I've seen you do it! I need to get this test done, you inconsideriate little bitch!" He grabs my arm harshly and nods to the other man in the room. The man comes towards me, speaking in a low voice.

"Do you need some time in the discipline room?" I shake my head frantically, backing towards the door. I don't even have time to think before I've bolted out of the unlocked door and around the corner.
"For fucks sake!" He yells. I'm running fown the corridor. Run. Run. I shouldn't have done this. I'm gonna be in so much trouble. I don't want to go to the discipline room. It isn't nice in there. It hurts in there. I don't want to.

A security guard grabs my arm, yanking me backwards as I scream and try to escape his grasp. The man walks towards me with a needle in his hand, and I try to walk backwards, only to be stopped by another guard grabbing my other arm.

"Shh, shh, it's nap time." He says, getting closer. I jerk my head around for a while until someone grabs my head, stilling it as the pointed tip of the needle dives into my exposed neck. I scream, loud as the man looks to me.

"Very good, sleep now beautiful, come on, drift off."


I bolt up quickly, feeling tears streaming down my face. My breathing is erratic and I reach my hands to my ruffled hair, pulling it to try and calm down. Everyone in the house, even Remy is around me. Picani is the closest to me, and he trys to get my attention.

"Virgil, can I touch you?" I look at him with fear-glazed eyes and nod slightly. He puts a comforting hand on my lower arm and tells me to match his breathing. I try for a minute unsuccessfully, but it soon starts to work and I feel better.

"What was that, Virge? You.. you were screaming in your sleep." I shake Roman's words off, trying to think.
"It's fine, it's fine." I brush them off, starting to get up off the couch. Patton's hands on my shoulders gently usher me down onto the sofa again.
"Kiddo, you should rest a bit more, that wasn't fine."

"I said I'm fine, Patton!" I say, a bit louder than I would have liked to. He looks hurt and just nods, turning and leaving the room. Logan goes to follow him in a half walk, half run.

"Bit harsh, wasn't that babes?" Remy says, sipping a coffee that somehow appeared in his hand.
"Maybe, but I don't need to be taken care of." I reply, sinking further into my place on the couch.
"Are you sure about that? You're clearly holding onto some kind of trauma if you're having night terrors and screaming in your sleep." Remus adds, unhelpfully.

"Oh shut up."

"Virgil, if everyone else leaves do you want to talk about it?" Picani asks. I don't reply and the other five people in the room start to filter out, Janus giving me a reassuring smirk before leaving.
"What makes you so qualified to 'talk with me' anyway?" I spit out the words coldly.
"Oh! I'm a liscenced therapist!"

"Oh. Well then you'll understand that I don't want to talk about it."
"No, Emile. You seem like a nice guy but I already told you what I think."
"Is it to do with your time at the lab?"
"Is it?"

"Who- who told you about that?!"
"It isn't important, but, please answer the question."
"Fine! Fine, it is. I just- I have a lot of bad memories from there."
"Did they hurt you?"
I scoff. I'm only acting all mean to hide the fact that I'm on the verge of tears. If I let my guard down for even a second, I don't think it will ever go back up.

"What do you think?!" I half-yell.
He sighs. "I'll talk to you more about this when you've calmed down a little. Get some rest, okay?"

I wish they would all stop being so patronising.


Angst alert! Sorry.. kind of. Thanks once again for reading if you do read this, even though the book has been on 9 reads for about three days now..

Have a good day!

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