Some kind of rescue mission (Part 3)

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I'm going to split the TWs for the fight and non-fight sections, so that someone who might be triggered by something in the fight doesn't have to skip the entire chapter.

TW: Food, Hunger, Cursing,

TWs for Fight scene: Minor Character Death, Extreme Violence, Concussions, Blood, Knocking someone unconcious, Guns, Gunshots, Breaking of a bone, Snapping someone's neck

Virgil's POV:

My head is pounding when I wake up. I don't even remember falling asleep, but I guess I did. Emile and Remy didn't tell the person running this, (whose name I've found to be David) about what I did when they were on the phone. I appriciate that, I guess? No, no, I don't. They're working for the bad guys.

I'm sitting on the concrete floor of another room. I'm probably badly injured, but the only thing I can feel right now is hunger. Overwhelming hunger. I've hardly been given anything to eat or drink while I've been here, so, natrually, I would probably eat a mouldy plank of wood if given the opportunity.

And, to make it better, I'm not exactly being informed about what's going on. Heck, for all I know, Johns could be on his way here with his little squad to come get me right now.

Let's just hope that my friends get here first, if they're even coming.

Logan's POV:

The warehouse is a lot larger than I anticipated it would be. Barbed wire fencing sorrounds it, but not in a way that makes it difficult to traverse.

"So, are we going now or..?" Remus asks impatiently.
"We'll wait for the person guarding the enterance to go take a shit or something." Janus replies, fairly accurately. 

I wasn't timing it, but atleast five minutes passes before an opportunity arises. "Now or never." Zion half-yells.

"IT'S NERF OR NOTHING!" Remus yells, following Zion into view of the people milling around the warehouse. Janus and I follow.


Remus raises his left hand towards a pile of steel bars in the corner of the courtyard. Two of them come flying towards us, straight into his hands. This catches the attention of one of the workers, who yells something unintelligable.

The dark green boy throws one of the poles to his snake-faced friend. Zion is currently fist-fighting with a random person off to the side. I use my telekenisis to bring a plank of wood to me. Weapon aquired.

Without hesitation, I see Remus run up behind someone and smash the metal bar into their head. They fall over, unconcious. Not dead, though.
"Mark!" A woman yells, after the man who was just knocked out. Not even a second later, she's on the ground  aswell. A triumphant, yet tired-looking Janus stands behind her, metal pole in hand.

At this point, I've started fighting someone, I don't even register anything about them before they land on the ground. I step over them, just as Zion finishes with the man he was attacking.

We don't have any time to discuss before a taller man walks out of the wareouse, phone in hand, looking at it. I immideately recognise him as the man who kidnapped Roman, Patton and I last week.

When he sees us, he stops, dropping his phone. All four of us are standing by the unconsious bodies of his collegues, smirks dawned across our faces. He turns, and runs back into the warehouse, yelling at his remaining staff to get outside and fight us off. We run after him, but are stopped when about fifteen more workers come to greet us, with crowbars, bats and other various weapons. Thankfully, not a gun in sight.

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