Alleyway Conversations

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(Really quick A/N: This is a flashback scene, and I'm genuinely sorry about that - I had pretty bad writers block and it took me a whole two weeks to come up with this. I didn't feel like I could get the long dramatic chapter that's next done to the best of my ability, and I knew I wanted to do a flashback for this. - Thanks so much, and I'm sorry again, please enjoy!)

TW: Government persecution, Cursing, Gun mention, Death mention, Passing out, Tranquiliser darts, Blood, Implied child abuse, Knife mention

Remus' POV:

Two years before present day - Just after leaving his household.

I think my only priority now is to get as far from my neighbour hood as possible.
Start a new life, yeah.

Without my stupid parents, without school, without Roman. I don't need them. I'm fifteen.

I've brought my backpack with me, that has some snacks and changes of clothes in, but not really all that much else.

There's one thing that's a little jarring about this whole adventure.
It's not the whole 'running away from your house spontaneously because your dad may or may not have not begun to rumage around in the kitchen draw where the knives are kept after sending you to your room to wait for him' thing.

It's the fact that, while walking through these city streets trying to keep my head low, I feel unsafe.
Sure, I've felt unsafe plenty of times in my life. Most of it, even. It's just that, I guess I always felt safe from outside forces, even if the home atmosphere wasn't great.

I'm not naive, I've seen what they do to people like us. And, no matter how much my parents don't like me sometimes, they always swore they'd keep me safe from the government. No matter how much you utterly despise someone, you'd never want them to end up at a lab. A lot of us consider it a fate worse than death.

I don't have the protection of my home here.

It's fine, it doesn't matter. I can protect myself.
Slinking through the crowds on the street, I decide to head towards the town centre. That makes sense, I think. I have to walk through some smaller streets to head there, so that's what I'll do.


I swifty look above me to see a scaffolding pole dislodge from its position and fall towards me. Without even thinking, I use my polarity to catch it in the air about half a metre above my head.

Nobody else is on the street, which is why I'm very surprised when an arm wearing a leather fingerless glove with silver studs reaches out of an alleyway and pulls me into the alley by the collar of my shirt, making the metal poll fall to the concrete floor behind me.

The figure grabs me quite harshly and pulls his me close to him.
He has a yelow jacket and black shirt underneath, with some dark jeans that are ripped past the point of intentional. As well as this, he wears a black beanie over a mop of dirty blonde hair that falls just above his eyes.

What I notice most about him is that half of his face is covered in greenish scales with one of his eyes being just like a snake's. When he opens his mouth to speak, I also notice two very sharp fangs almost.

His voice is a hushed whisper-yell.
"..Are you a fucking idiot?"

I blink at him, then he shoves me against the wall of the alley, making me drop my backpack.

"You're trying to get yourself shot in the middle of the street, huh?"

"Nobody was in the street!" I argue back, finding my more defensive side.

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