The Quarry - Part 2

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TW: Attempted murder, cursing, gunshots, getting shot (not vitally), self-sacrifice, death mention, death threat, passing out (not Janus this time (wow!)), screaming, yelling.

I'm sorry this has taken so long to come out, but, you probably aren't here for me to ramble on, so, I'll get on with the story:

I don't even comprehend that my legs are moving until I'm sprinting towards my friends who are tied up against a wall.  I can hear footsteps behind me, and it's either someone that I came with or somebody trying to kill me. I'm hoping it's the former. I duck and cup my hands to my ears when gunshots echo through the air. The whole atmosphere is filled with yells, grunts, sobs and screams, but mainly gunshots. I really hope that those gunshots don't hit any of my friends.

When I get over to them, Patton is shaking and sobbing violently. Remus and Janus kneel beside the other two, and I let out an internal sigh of relief that they were the ones following me. I try to ignore the fighting happening to the left of me, but from the sound of it, no bullets have it anyone, which is really surprising considering the rate that they're being fired.

Once I have Patton's bonds untied, I hear a yell from one of the men. "Boss!" A tall man yells, running over to us, holding a small handgun. I don't know where from, but suddenly, Zion is standing behind us. He grabs Patton's hand and pulls him up.

"Vir-Virgil, go fly ahead and tell the girls that we need to leave." He says hurridly. I nod and push myself off the floor, letting my wings lift me up. I don't lift up very high from the ground, just high enough to fly without running the risk of my feet dragging accross the ground. The man that was heading towards us earlier stops for a minute, considering what to do.

I zone him out and keep flying in the direction of Melanie and Nixa (AN: That awkward moment when you forget what you named your character so you have to go check the previous chapters)

I get about halfway there before I hear a gunshot. It echoes through the air as a small silver bullet darts through the air. I feel a hot burning pain somewhere on my right wing, and it only takes me half a second to realise.

I wished that the bullets wouldn't hit any of my friends, I didn't wish anything about myself.

And, he just shot me.

It feels different to how I would have expected it would. It wasn't all that painful, to be honest. It was more hot. The worried screams of a few of my friends hold more pain than I'm feeling. The pain only comes when I violently slam onto the concrete of the quarry floor. Now I'm really glad that I didn't fly too high in the air.

I whimper in pain as footsteps come closer to me and grab the collar of my shirt. The person holding me is tall, but my feet are still on the floor. I don't have the energy to react before I feel a cold metal press against the side of my head.

The barrel of a gun.

"Don't fucking move, or I'll kill him right now." The man says. I'm too tired to care. I'm tired and cold. All I want is to sleep. No. No, no, no. I can't loose conciousness now. I might never wake back up if I do.
I grimace in fear as I see that the others have nothing to say. Nixa and Mel have stopped fighting because the other man is walking up to behind me.

But, then, Remus talks. "He's going to bleed out before you shoot him again!"
"SHUT UP!" The second man yells kicking the side of my very skinny legs as if I was the person who yelled at them. I whimper in pain as quietly as I can

Come on, Virgil, think.

Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. THINK!

"I'll let you take me if you let them go." I say, without thinking, despite how long I spent telling myself to think.
"Virgil, no.." I hear Melanie say under her breath as tears pool in her eyes.

"Fine." The clear boss says.
"Really?" The other man says, surprised.
"This one," he starts, pushing me to the floor from behind. "Is worth more than the three of them combined. Maybe more than four of them." I sigh in relief that they're going to let my friends go free.

"I'm giving you twenty seconds to get out of here." He says to the everyone. Roman, Patton and Logan look way too out of it to comprehend what's going on, Zion is more of a rational thinker, so he seems to be atleast content with it. Nixa looks upset and grabs onto Melanie's hand for comfort. Melanie looks to Janus and Remus.


"Virgil, you can't be serious." Janus says



"GO!" I scream at them.




They turn around and start to run towards the exit of the quarry.


Melanie, Remus and Janus all turn to face me at the same time, sympathy and fear in their eyes.


They see that the others are getting ahead and run again.


I watch as their bodies get further. Patton, Logan and Roman are behind a bit, but Zion and Nixa are helping them along.


They should get away before he reaches one.






I see that Melanie is flying, her hair swishing behind her in the wind.


They're out of sight.




I'm starting to regeret everything.


I regret running away from the lab.


I regret meeting the others.


The man looks to me evily, pulling his foot back as if he's gonna kick me in the head. He probably is.


Darkness consumes me.


I think I'm gonna put a little bit of angst into this chapter.. *tips excessive amount of angst into mixing pot* Ah! It seems I've spilt the whole container of angst into this chapter... oops.
Also, shoutout to therandomocult for commenting and voting on a lot of this story!

Stay safe!

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