Deja Vu

584 39 4

TW: Cursing, Brief heart attack mention, Panic Attack, Pain, Death threats.

Virgil's POV:

I violently jolt awake and suck in a heavy breath. Shit. Fuck. Fucking holy shit fuck mother fucking shit.
Patton would have a heart attack at that language.

I scramble to my feet and find myself kicking against the glass at the front of the room. It's completely white, with the compulsary two cameras inside.

I tire myself out, and am panting heavily. My vision starts to blur and I can't tell if I'm just worn out or having a panic attack. Probably both.

Sliding down the wall, I glance around as best I can through the blurry vision clouding my senses. I know that everyone else is in this room with me. They're asleep.

Atleast, I thought they all were, but I'm proven wrong when a soft hand flutters onto my shoulder. I flinch away, but as my vision starts to return I see who it is.


"Why is there a big letter A on the wall?" I ask curiously.
"Well, Veve, it's because we're in A-Block. Just like there's a B on the wall near where you sleep." The man tells me, ruffling my hair with his free hand. The other has a firm grip on my wrist and is leading me down a corridor.

"I want you to meet someone." 

I nod silently. He swipes his cardy-swipe thingy against the door and it opens, like magic. In the room is a sofa, a colourful one! Some toys too! Trucks, Cars, Boats- Airplanes. I might not play with those ones.

But, the toys aren't the only thing in the room. There's a girl. She sits happily on the floor, moving a car around. I think we're the same age. Well, I'm probably older. I'm almost six. And she's probably only five.

"Virgil, this is Melanie. Melanie, this is Virgil. I think you two will make great friends."


"-gil? Virgil? Can you hear me?" She clicks her fingers infront of my face. I compose myself and nod. "I know this is hard, but we really don't have time to panic. We need to be the confident ones, okay?"

"Y-Yeah. Yeah, sorry. It's just-" I start, but am inturrupted when Mel sticks her hand out for me to take. I grab it and hoist myself off the floor.
"I know." She says softly.

She walks over to the glass, still wearing the same baby blue skirt and white hoodie that she was however long ago we got caught. The fairy-girl takes a glance out onto the other side of the glass.

There's a desk with a stack of missaligned papers and a pot with various pens and pencils. Also, a computer monitor thats un-logged in. More cameras.
It's like a long corridor seperated by doors, but the doors aren't there, just the frames.

"This is A-Block." I say. Melanie nods slowly.

We step back from the glass, and, as we do, a certain someone walks past the glass. Johns.

Except, he looks busier this time. A clipboard under his arm, long labcoat dawned. He looks as if he intends to walk straight ahead, but he stops. His head turns to the glass and he grimaces.
"I wasn't expecting any of you awake for atleast another two hours." He flips a page on his clipboard, tilting onto his left leg. "Ah. It's because you two used to get daily doses of this medication, so you're more adapted to it. God, it's never easy, is it?" He scoffs, putting his clipboard down on his desk.

He reaches swipes his card on the door and opens it. "You try anything and I'll have them all killed." He warns, gesturing to our peacefully sleeping friends.

"We finally have you guys, huh? Both of you, too. I won't be mad, I'm in a rather good mood, actually. But, where you in on it when your girlfriend escaped?"

I nod. "Yeah."

"I'd like to know that story." He starts, grabbing my wrist harshly. "You can tell it to me as a distraction."

My eyes dart around the room. "D-Distraction? From what?" I choke.

He turns sinister suddenly. "You only have fourty-six tallies on your wrist. It should be fourty-seven now."


"Seriously, Mel. You need to go." I say, panic lacing my voice. "Please!" My voice cracks.

"I'm not leaving you here, for fucks sake!" She yells. I need to get back to our room and distract the staff so that she's far away by the time they realise she's gone.

"I promise, I'll get out! I promise, Mel! I promise!" Tears flow down my face freely, I seriously just need to get her out of here. Gosh, she's being so stubborn for an almost sixteen-year-old.

"You've never broken a promise before. Don't start now." She says seriously, before darting off down the corridor at a sprint. I immideately take to running the other way, heading back towards our room.

I promise.


This book is nearly at 5k reads. What? WHAT?!
I love you all so much.

Also- cough cough, I have another book that's completed if you wanted to check it out- yknow, wink wink, nudge nudge. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

Stay safe!

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