Saving the Others (Part 3)

387 22 34

TW: Cursing, Violence, Violent Treatment, Crying, Blood, Bleeding out, Minor Character Death

Virgil's POV:

"Okay, 35, 36, 37.." I count out loud. We've got all the kids in one of the larger rooms, and I'm trying to make sure nobody gets left behind, and the others are looking after the five youngest, maybe talking to them or telling them a story while I count.

37, I counted. But there's 38 kids not including us.
So who are we missing?

I scan the room, trying to figure it out, still holding Quinne and making sure she stays happy, because she gets either stroppy or upset when I put her down.

Ezran is an eleven-year-old kid, I used to speak to them sometimes, but it was all small talk. I mean, I'm on a first name basis with most of the people here, as would Mel be if she were here.

I clap my hands to get all of their attention.
None of them seem to pay any attention, and Remus, who is leaning against the wall next to me, seems to take notice.


All the kids in the room look at him.

"You're welcome." He says cockily, looking over to Janus, who just seems unimpressed that he just swore at kids, some of which who are five-year-olds.

"Guys, where's Ezran?" I say, primarily looking at the older ones.

"Uh, I think they got taken for a test this morning." One of them says.
I groan, looking to my left to where Ro, Patton and Logan are stood.

"Do you know where? And who with?"
The same girl answers as before. "I'm pretty sure it was room 21. And they went with a few doctors."

I rake my hand through my hair.
"Okay, I'll go get them. Nobody do anything stupid, I won't be long."

I'm about to leave when I realise I'm still holding Quinne.

Everyone else is preoccupied with some kind of small kid, so I look for the next best thing.

The six of us are the oldest, but not by all that much. The next oldest is a fifteen year old boy, his name is Rocco.

"Rocks, hey, can you look after Quinne while I go get Ezran?"

"Yeah, ok, whatever."

His eyes dart from me to the small pink-haireed child I'm holding, until said child speaks.
"Where are you going Virgie?"

"To get someone, Quinnie, be good for Rocco, okay?"
She giggles and nods, letting me hand her to him.

I wave her goodbye and head out the door down the corridors, towards rooms 15-30.


My body is starting to hurt from being held so violently. One man has his left arm around my waist and the other is holding onto his gun incase I "try anything". I'm literally a malnourished twelve year old boy wearing a blindfold with my hands tied. I don't know what he expects me to try.

The second guard is leading the way to one of the testing rooms. I used to be all curious about where I was being taken, and what we were gonna be doing, but now adays I just let them rope me up and take me somewhere and give me whatever pills they want, or cut some of my hair off, or give me whatever food or drink they want.

I just stopped caring, I think. As sad as that is.

I hear a keycard on a door and then the noise of it opening, and then not even five seconds later, I gasp in surprise as I'm thrown down onto the floor roughly.

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