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TW: Death mention, Injury mention, Mention of snapping someone's neck, Use of the word 'kill', Cursing, Mention of killing a family member, Crying, going days without eating, Psych ward, Snapping someone's neck (in a flashback)

"Well, I'm sorry that I didn't want you guys to know I can kill people!" I say sarcastically. I'm sitting on a table back at the HQ, wearing some black jeans and a purple tank top, as Zion wraps a bandage around my wrist.

Roman scoffs loudly. "You murdered an innocent man."
"You weren't there, dickhead!" I remind him. "He was going to shoot your brother, what about that do you not understand?!"

"Alright, calm down, both of you. You're upsetting Puptton." Zion scolds.

"Are we seriously calling him that?" Janus asks, picking up a bottle of water and handing it to me.

"I will admit, Virgil, I do not particularly understandy why you would keep that ability from all of us." Logan asks.
"Not all of you. Ah!" I grimace as Zion cleans one of my wounds with some kind of chemical.

"What do you mean, not all of you?" The medic asks, too focused on what he's doing to look me in the eyes.
"Melanie knew."

"He asked me not to tell you!" She defends.

Zi grabs my arm to bandage it, then his eyes flash purple and he yelps in surprise.
"Shit. I keep doing that on accide- Virgil." He turns and looks me in the eyes.

He read the memories of- I put on a grimace. "Careful what you say, we are making eye contact."

"You're thinking about someone, aren't you? Someone special to you."
"Zion I swear to g-" I say calmly.

"You killed him." He looks astonished when he says this.
"Shut up!" I yell at him. Everyone in the room has their eyes glued to me.

"His name.. Ryan? Ray? R.. Reyne. Reyne Black. Your brother."
"Stop it! Get out of my head!"

"You murdered your brother?" He asks, genuinely curious.

"Zion, that's enough." Remus says.

Now, I snap. "I didn't mean to!" Tears pool in my eyes now. "That's why I don't use my power." I lower my voice.

I feel sick. But I haven't eaten in days, so there wouldn't be anything for me to throw up.

I slide off the table, cringing as my bare feet hit the wooden planks on the floor. "I'm going to my room." I announce, grabbing my hoodie from the back of the sofa.

"I haven't finished bandaging your ribs yet."
"Can you read my mind right now? I'll give you a hint, it's telling you to go fuck yourself."

I walk down the corridor into my undecorated bedroom, locking the door behind me and sliding against it, only now letting the tears run down my face.


Roman's POV:

"What just happened?" I think out loud.
The mind-reader replies. "Gosh. I have a headache. That kid should be in a psych ward."

My brother's snake-friend decides that he should have some input.
"Well, maybe, and I'm just suggesting, we should hear his side of the story?"
"What is there to hear? It's pretty simple, right? He's a serial killer." I say.

Puptton jumps onto my lap and curls up. "And, he clearly can't be bothered to try and defend himself."

"I'll defend him." The petite fairy girl says. I kinda forgot her and the other girl existed. The author must have been lazy, I guess.

"How, exactly?" Logan asks. "Looking at the facts, I don't see how there's a case for you to aregue."

"Please, I've know him since we were seven years old. I can state his case pretty confidently."
"Pray tell."

"I'm quoting this all from things he's told me over the years. He never meant to kill his brother, he was six years old, for goodness sake. It was how his parent's discovered he had powers, his wings didn't start to grow until he turned eight. Well, at first they thought they just had a homocidal six year old, but.."


"Cmon, Virgie! Let's go play upstairs!" A fourteen year old Reyne called, to a six year old Virgil.
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Virgil giggled, racing up the stairs after his brother.

"What should we play?" Reyne asks, pulling his little brother onto his knee.
"Can we play airplaines?!" The boy exclaims, he did always enjoy pretending he could fly. He didn't like it so much when he actually could a few years later.

Reyne laughs at Virgil's enthusiasm. "Sure."
Virgil smiles goofily, looking into his brother's eyes. They're so blue, and deep. Virgil wishes he had eyes that n-



"Mama! Please!" Virgil wails, kicking his legs as a man in a white uniform carries him off out of their house. His mother just looks at him with disgust. Loosing both your kids in one day? That's rough. Well, it isn't like Molly wanted her youngest son anymore. The children's unit at the psychiatric hospital were more than welcome to whisk him away.

The front door of their house shuts. Molly goes into the living room, and watches as her two sons are taken away from her, one in an ambulance, and one in a police car.


Virgil wakes up in his room. It's been six months, and each morning has been just as bland as the one before. Wake up in the white-padded room, crawl off the mattress in the corner, play airplanes.

A nurse comes into the room. "Somebody is here to speak with you, let's go." She says warmly, reaching out her hand for the boy to take. She probably has lovely eyes, but Virgil doesn't like to admire people's eyes anymore.

They walk into a small room with a sofa, in which a man is sitting on the couch. He looks to be about twenty-five. "Good Morning, Virgil."
The boy takes in his sorroundings, offering a smile back.

"Nice to meet you, young man. My name is Richard Johns."


I usually type my author's notes in italics, but since the chapter end with italics, I didn't want it to be too confusing.

So! Finally, some backstory, huh?
Sorry if the dialogue seems a bit forced, I'm working on it.

Also! If you read this book before September 3rd (2020) I should probably let you know that I went back to earlier chapters and changed some dates for this to work. Virgil now spent 9 years at the lab before he escaped, opposed to 12. It didn't work the same having Virgil three years old when his brother died.

This chapter's shoutout goes to gxitixtxi ! Thanks for voting! :)

Stay safe!

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