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TW: Cursing, Violent treatment

I'm violently jolted awake by a pair of frail hands on my shoulders. Still in a sleep-like daze, I slur out some words. "Whats goen' on..?"

"Virgil, get the fuck up! We need to go!" It's Janus. I shift uncomfortabley  and sit up, rubbing my eyes. Where do we need to go? My wrist is grabbed by a different set of hands. Then that set of hands starts to run, dragging my uncaffinated body behind them. At this point, I see that Remus is dragging be and Janus is running close behind.

"Why are we running..?" I ask, still not fully grasping whats going on.


We quickly turn a corner into a smaller section of the highstreet. Still not ideal though. I hear a small scream from behind me and I turn to look, noticing  that Janus has slowed down a bit. Remus stops when he notices and runs backwards over to the boy, catching him as he passes out into the taller's arms.

At first I think he's passed out because he does that sometimes, but when I run over to them, I see a small dart in the back of his neck.

I'm about to pull it out when I see some SWAT Police round the corner. I lock eyes with one of them and he yells something. There are other people on the highstreet that stopped when they saw us. But, when the armed police came around the corner, loads of them screamed and scattered, leaving just us on the street.

A boy with large purple feathered wings, looking quite panicked as he looks hopelessly to his friend. A tall, yet hunched over man trying to hide his panic, as he holds one of his friends in a bridal-carry. A small boy with scales dawning half of his face, eyes shut peacefully as a thin, silver dart sticks out of his neck.

"I- uh, I'll take him, and fly. Meet me back on the other side of the park.." I say quickly.
"Okay.. wait!"
"Don't get hit by a dart while you're flying.."
"I'll try."

And with that, I take the boy in my arms and let my wings lift me up. I let out a small squeak as a dart flies past my shoulder. When I get to a decent height in the sky, I start to cut over buildings, stopping on top of one for a breather. Flying really tires me out. While I've stopped for a second, I feel a vibration in my left pocket. Taking out the phone that Patton, gave me, I look up and see his name on the screen. After using my thumb to slide the green button accross, I put my phone up to my ear.

"Hey kiddo.."
"Hi." I say between rough breaths.
"Are you three okay? We saw on the news that you'd been sighted in town but we want to make sure everything's fine."
"Oh, wow. Thanks for the concern." I say, very sarcastically.

"Oh, quit whining, JD-Lightful." Great, so Roman is there too.
"Oh, well! In that case, let me bring you up to speed." I say, sarcastically again. "Aside from Janus being impaled by a tranquiliser dart and me having to carry him five blocks while flying, at the same time that Remus is distracting a SWAT Team down on the street. So, you know, your average Tuesday!" I say, cheerily.

"That is not an accurate description of an average Tuesday." Logan chimes in from the other end of the phone.
"Call me back later, I have to get going." I say bitterly, as I press my finger onto the red 'hang-up' button.

Placing my phone back in the pocket, I lift back off and head towards the park. At some point, I notice a police van driving around the streets with sirens on. I land on the nearest roof and decide to wait for as long as I can.

If I wait any longer, Remus will get worried, so I decide to brave it and just fly accross.

I can see the park and I start to swoop downwards, feeling really tired now. I spot Remus, sitting behind a tree, cross-legged. I land on both my feet firmly and fall onto my knees. I'm exhausted. Remus jumps a bit when I land, but smiles when he sees it's me.

After about ten minutes of doing nothing, and just talking, I hear footsteps behind me.


Sorry I haven't updated in a few days! But, I'll try to more often!

Stay safe you lovely readers!

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